This is seriously what Marvelfans are looking forward to this week

>this is seriously what Marvelfans are looking forward to this week
>poop jokes

Other urls found in this thread:

DC fans get to look forward bad cgi on stunt doubles!

>this week
>Implying everybody is American

>this faggot thinks this is better:


>prestigious airline ads that connects to the films characters vs goofy Dairy Queen, M&M, and Geico ads which quip just as much as the film does

>It's a company loyalty/shilling thread
I harbor ill will towards all of you and I hope one day you will realize why so you can spend the rest of your miserable life wallowing in regret.
Glass yourselves.

>inb4 you angrily lash out, trying to hurt my feelings

So when Whedon makes that shitty Batgirl movie are we gonna turn on DC

>MCUck redditors defending this shit


stop with the autistic company wars bullshit, who cares about marvel vs. DC. compare actual movies, not corporate strategies.

You forgot the best one

We can't do that, silly, then marvel would win every time.


How predictable and trite.

HAHAHAHA! I like you, little man! I put you in cage and keep you as pet.

>this delusion

I can't wait for the wave of Chris Evans laughing gifs that will befall Sup Forums after Justice League is panned by the critics.


Makes sense considering the fans

I have to hand it to the director of those commercials. That was the best Lex Luthor I've seen from modern DC yet.

I wish they had kept that actor on for Batman vs. Superman.

and DCfans have nothing to look forward whatsoever

Buddy, if Based Kojima didn't like BvS, no one will.

>chris "the cuck" evans
lmao it makes sense he's the marvelcuck mascot

Assuming Justice League comes out and isn't "delayed" after WW gets shat upon. Look, just play Injustice 2 if you really give shit about DC characters.

Don't forget about JLA and JLU. CartoonKino

God, no wonder the fucking movie sucked.

I hope someday Sup Forums can have a separate containment board for BOTH Marvel and DC fans so they can spew this nonsense all day instead of wasting space on Sup Forums

>notices that half of the threads are BRAAAPPP and spillover racism from Sup Forums

Why bother

Ben Affeleck is an even bigger cuck. Watch how he reacted to based Sam Harris.

>the face only a woman like OSiRiS could love

Shut up and eat your popcorn. It's funny to watch em fight.

This logic is stupid. I'm not defending Marvel but don't forget that Ben Affleck was easily triggered about comments made on Islam. What is your point? Most celebs in either comic universe are "cucks" or liberals that despise Trump.

Face it, the DCEU was a mistake. It was rushed just for the sake of competing against the MCU, when they should have had built it progressively so as to allow audiences to warm up to its characters. They could have had built the universe around The Dark Knight saga, a setting which was realistic while at the same distant enough from our reality so as to enable the viewer to suspend disbelief. If Marvel owns its success to anything is that, as it was built around the premise that it was somewhat realistic.

marvel vs DC autism aside.
Saw the movie 2 days ago, if you liked the first one you will totally like this one.
The first act does have some troubles.

"SHUT UP! That's gross and Racist!"

why are marvelcucks so mad?

The ending is a gigantic zune commercial. Seriously. I guarantee every nerd in the world is going to be trying to go to amazon and buy a zune now.

I love company wars threads!

Enjoy your 7Eleven and IHOP, fuckface.

I know, right! Marvel and DC, keep up the good work!

Why are you flaming the company thread wars instead of bringing forward a fucking argument?

Because we think it's funny, faggot.

My fellow anons. By starting this war, we will make Sup Forums great again! I might ripped off some bitch.

>This is the next movie DCucks are looking forward to

it'll get panned by critics, and worst of all, it'll lose in the box office to Thor Ragnarok


It's Battlefield 1, but less badass and it has twig WW.

Marvel has better actors and actresses.

Fight! Fight! Fight!




That one actually made me kek desu.