Is this worth watching

is this worth watching


No. Mindless blockbuster.

Fuck you o.o! Gonna have to summon candkeja-


its a mindless, stupid clichè, but David Fincher elevates it a lot (pretty much his entire shtick)

only problem is a pretty big plot hole towards the end how the fuck did they know which side of the building he would jump off?

id say watch it. its a fun movie

The whole film is a massive plothole after the ending reveal.

The side facing the door, obviously.

how so?

i guess, but still, its not a very big mattress. everything else, my disbelief was suspended, but not that part

Fuck yes it's worth watching.


If it was all a prank bro than how would they be able to 100% predict him escaping a sinking car or leaving Mexico?

"Just a prank, bro" The Movie.

>its a "David Fincher does his best with a terrible script" episode

It's fucking great. One of my favorite thrillers.

i want to agree with you, but i mean... the sinking car? maybe they had someone on standby or something? & the leaving mexico-part... i cant remember it in detail, but im sure i can make my brain have it make sense somehow

but yeah, probably a lot of plot-holes. youre probably right. i havent seen it in a long time, but i remember being able to rationalize all of it in my mind, except for the roof-jumping part

(OP if you are still reading these posts, stop & fuck off, cuz if you keep reading this shit, youll spoil the entire movie)

lost hard

At the end Christine says there was a diver in the water.

There's going to be no point watching it after making a thread about it because everyone will spoil it.

Next time, just watch the movie.

yes, just remember it's all a game.

bawk bawk

Dont, its shit.

Any other movies like this?

Pure kino. Dubs confirm this.

That's not how the Candlejack meme works you stupid newf

First like 40 minutes are good, then it gets ridiculous, but sort of recovers by the end.

Fun flick that coulda been way better, but at least fincher makes it cool.

Bottom line: worth exactly one watch


At the end of the movie, doesn't one of the guys go "best 50 grand I ever spent"

Like REALLY it only costs 50 grand to get the government to totally fuck with somebody for an entire week?

this movie is retarded
not because of how they predict his every move but that how anyone would be able to recover emotionally from that kind of trauma. nobody would EVER laugh that kind of thing off. they would probably think someone is watching their every move for the rest of their lives and become mentally ill.

Sup Forums

Cypher its much better, build perfectly unlike The Game.

The 1990s had a massive hardon for painting bankers as some kind of suppervillains, like they use their billions of dollars to do nothing but fuck with people .

So basically it's like if Trading Places was a suspense thriller


He wasn't a supervillain, he was just kind of a dick who doesn't love life anymore

But then you can just do it to some other schmuck. It'd be like if Truman put on the moon and said I Am Cristoff Now!



>pediatric gynecologist

Sure this wasn't written by Roman Polanski?

>Cypher is cyberpunk
>the game is not
checkmate atheist

>I haven't been fucked like that since grade school

David Fincher's greatest genius is being able to make great movies from completely mediocre scripts. This movie is a prime example of that.