
thread approved! have fun posting

My wife wouldn't even have needed to touch his BBC. She would have known he was a BLACK Bull, just from the way her body reacted to his potent African pheromones.

dude must get SO MUCH pussy

This reminds me of hentai. I am disgusting with being turned on.

I cried a little watching this

Wow this is 100% real and not totally staged like every other youtube video with "random" people on the street

t. wyteboi

Hey dicklet.

>tfw fapped to this while thinking of my high school prom date getting railed by this guy
>have a gf and have been dating for a year
>we've both been completely loyal

Fuck you Sup Forums you ruined my life.

He should have bred those white pussies right in the middle of the street.

Breh you have no idea how retarded californians are

so i dont really want to watch a 10 minute video so can some summarize??
1-most say yes or no??
2-they ever say big the dude is??

>mfw the BLACKED spamming is so effective that its got me feeling envious of big black dicks

>mfw when I remember that Im black with a 7 inch dick

You white boys have it rough goddamn

Lmao. Just imagine

>Ay girl come grab my dick on camera like a whore but for free also you cant actually see me or hear me speak. Just do it and trust me. This isnt weird at all.

You just know the people that watch this shit have to be overwhelmingly insecure teenagers. Fucking prank invasion tier cancer.

Only 1 said no because he was too big and 1 said he has to be funny. Last girl had a fucking break through as that was the first time she touched a black guys dick and became thirty as fuck

Why exactly does Sup Forums get raided with this stuff? I get doing it to Sup Forums but why the television board? Is it the high concentration of redditors?

I'm so jealous of the last girl

I'm white with a 7" dick and I'm questioning whether it's big enough after watching these blacked threads. Some of these dudes look 12" long. Maybe it's because it's on camera idk, but they always look huge.

I want a nuclear fiery death to consume everything. This video is worse than all combined BLACKED posting

This is either fake or they found the biggest whores in Cali

on Sup Forums people ignore it, and all other boards are monitored a lot better. try making an off-topic thread on /x/, it'll be gone in seconds.

Sup Forums is the one raiding Sup Forums m8

Sup Forums is the father of Sup Forums


Daily reminder

they're all 7-9" range. girth is >7" though

LITERALLY this thread

can we disown Sup Forums?

>haha! I showed those niggers!


I'm not posting it to spite blacks, I'm posting it to upset the racist Sup Forumsfags who have a weird and ironic cuckold fetish

They are obviously actresses.


>on Sup Forums people ignore it
Is this a joke?

not him but i'm also 7" and there's no way a camera can make that big of a difference

those guys are all like 9" minimum

>I think he's a shower not a grower
she's not wrong.
black guys don't grow much, so obviously if someone feels them up while flacid they'd assume they're big.

Sup Forums is Sup Forums's wife's son

You know what I mean. A blacked thread on Sup Forums is just another normal thread. It's 50% nigger threads.

On Sup Forums a blacked thread triggers half the board lel

How big is your dick?

Meant for you

keep telling that to yourself whitey

the longest average dick size per country is still only 7.1 inches, don't pretend like there's a big disparity.

BLACKED™ spamming made me sub to it.

I just can't resist with its 9.99 promo, crystal clear HD, beautiful girls and stunning black men. been subbed since December and I can't even be more happier.

Get your BLACKED™ subscription now!

camera angles completely matter. their dicks are also probably girthier than yours. Also being lean and having that "v" shaped lower abdominal from low bf% gives your dick a much bigger look. try losing some weight and viewing your dick from a lower angle,

daily reminder that IQ and race are both somewhat arbitrary social constructs used by nationalists to further their agenda

top kek


also even outside of BLACKED they generally hire pornstars that are manlets to make their dicks look bigger as well as the girls.

I've seen some amazonian looking babes in porn that I would have imagined were taller than me, then I look up their height and they're only 5'10.
tl,dr porn distorts your perception of reality.

Dick size is inversely proportional to intelligence. That's why asians are the smartest and Blacks have the largest dicks

that doesn't work.
Middle-easterners have lower intelligence than whites but also smaller dicks.

this. one of the BLACKED performers which had a dick going down halfway his thigh was literally a 5'4" manlet

if white people are so smart then why do blacks get all the white women? :^)

>get the fat women

ftfy no need to thank me

>he thinks youtube social experiments are real