

Explain this?

>90% on rotten tomatoes

Anything using that much greenscreen is a Flick. It will never be in a higher tier.

it looks good

go fuck self

>it looks good
go back to r/mcu and get some taste

If you claim you could tell this was cgi you're a liar. Who watches this scene thinking that setpiece with that camera work must be CGI?

I just figure everything in super hero movies is cgi

Damn they even used CGI to switch her arms and change her hair. WTF.

>if you claim you could tell this totally obvious cgi was indeed cgi, then you're a liar
No you're just a retard.

magick passed down by the elder kikes

Why did they need to CGI a normal airport?

Its called compositing

>it looks good
that's a weird way to describe a boring, flat scene with muted colors.

the real reason they shot it like that is because of all the CGI shit, made it easier to balance

It was a shout out to the room. Plebs here obviously didn't catch on to it though

>billion dollar movie
>cant afford to build a set that looks like an airport

I dont get it, why did they need to CGI an airort?

Of course they can't afford it, the money goes straight to the Jews.

Like children playing outside with their imagination.

the washed out palette of modern films, especially superhero films, is to hide the fact that entire ranges of green are missing from the non green screen actors and setpieces within a scene. if the colour was full, you'd be able to notice it a lot easier.

Why don't they just go in and add the color back in post? Why do they have to commit such a drab looking piece of shit to film?

West Side Story is almost 60 years old and looks like this.

>inb4 it's not cgi
no shit?

Oops i got conned into multiculturalism by Google.

This is actual West Side Story.

Actually, Snyder's films are even less colorful.

And yes, the stereotypical modern blockbuster film should be only made up of the colors black, grey and brown.
It should also be filled to the brim with CGI to the point that it's a CGI animated film with live-action actors with the occasional CGI character.
And people actually think these brown-tinted CGI-fests are the future as well as shooting on location, color and practical effects are things of the past.
We're now in the dark age of cinematography.

We really have to go """""""""""""backwards""""""""""""" if we want to move forward in filmmaking.
We gotta get back. Back to the past.
Watch out.

This is the future. Get used to it or fucking kill yourself. Movies are getting better and better each year and you wanna stop progress? Nah, go fuck yourself buddy.


average nu-Sup Forums pleb

>We gotta get back. Back to the past.
To watch the shitty films that suck ass?

I'd rather watch
A Marvel droooone
And gag on jewish cock with spit and real tears

I'd rather listen
To boring scores
They take a diarrhea dump in my eaaaars.

Watched this with my daughter recently, hadn't seen it years. Amazing how good it holds up, would never even have thought about it having good cinematography since the choreography was its main selling point but some of the close shots were really well done.

That's pretty much been the MCU since Thor 1

Iron Man cant be a practical suit doing all the stuff he's supposed to, neither can a lot of superheroes as they are fictional larger than life figures not meant to be realistic.

>Iron Man cant be a practical suit doing all the stuff he's supposed to
Why not?

>Iron Man cant be a practical suit doing all the stuff he's supposed to
You can do both. Practical for non-action shots, CGI for action. But it's presumably cheaper and easier for RDJ to just have his face mo-capped now.

I mean shit, look how much better this looks. Just LOOK.

If we could make Iron Man there would be Iron Man

Even cosplayers can do this shit. Big studio has zero excuse.

OPs pic is not of Tony having a conversation, its him flying.
Would fall the fuck apart with the slightest stunt and he isn't mobile at all. You sound like a twelve year old.

Doesn't ILM do the vfx for these movies?
Are they even trying anymore?

>Would fall the fuck apart with the slightest stunt and he isn't mobile at all. You sound like a twelve year old.
Maybe you've never been to a convention. You walk around and shit, they tend to take place in large sprawling complexes.

Nonetheless some dude did that with a fraction of the resources Disney has. You literally sound like an apologist.

>Would fall the fuck apart with the slightest stunt and he isn't mobile at all. You sound like a twelve year old.
Not that dude, but you sound like you're a twelve year old fanboy. The only excuse for modern films' laziness is that they get away with it.

Scar-Jo's upper arms are long like a male.

what a moron
embarrassing we share Sup Forums with these idiots

holy shit is this real?

you think they're going to shutdown an international airport for several days to shoot capeshit?

>Fall apart

200M+ Budget. I'm sure they can manage.

yeah, but 199.99M of that is spent on RDJ