ITT: god tier action scenes

ITT: god tier action scenes

Pic and vid related. Absolute perfection

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That scene was so fucking edgy to the max, never seen anything quite like that.
Literal cringe.
That belonged in Hardcore Henry.



>filmed with everyone moving slowly to get the choreography right and then sped up
>jerky, awkward, no fluidity, no weight, no contact

it was a fun scene but it was leagues away from being a god tier action scene

like not even cracking the top 50

>it's James bond
>if you removed all the class
>and all the quality
>and directed by a nu-male
>and also apparently only the main character knows how to shoot guns

Then post what you think is a god tier action scene

And you know the one (or two) sequences they'll put in the sequel to try and top this will be even more over the top and lose whatever charm this one might have had.

>atheist gets locked into a church full of christians
>you won't believe what happens next!

jon wick

Even lesser John Woo movies have better action than Kingsmen.

I'm gonna make at least 1 webm, hold up
I really loved ong bak but I haven't got it downloaded, so I'll work off what I have on hand.

Fucking Die hard.

>when you realize they use earth wind fire and water in the duel

>mfw tired of alt-right threads

So he has this plan to do this world wide. The reason, to cull the population of undesirables leaving an intelligent, sophisticated, and wealthy ruling class to inherit what's left. Never crosses his mind that prisoners world wide will be locked away unable to do harm to anyone except may their cellmate. And that is only IF they are in range of the audio output of a cellphone.

Funny, I don't remember Shining Star playing during that scene.

Someone's gotta clean toilets and sweep sidewalks, because the rich folks won't. Kind of brilliant really. Plus all the people he has locked up.

It was playing but the director muted it

alright alright alright

>Absolute perfection


The raid was good, but this scene is absolute kino.

>like not even cracking the top 50

like not even cracking the top 500

There are probably 50 scenes alone in James Bond moves that are better than OP's scene

You need STYLE for an action scene to be truly awesome and that Kingsman scene is routine, not stylish. It's just excessive, with a high body count, that's all. That doesn't make it great.

Hell, even all the fight scenes on the TV show "Into the Badlands" are leagues better