What was the moral of this movie?

what was the moral of this movie?

You don't call foul on game point.

To prove whitey is bad

It was directed by an orthodox Jew in order to make white nationalism look ridiculous and self-defeating.

Basically it's demoralization propaganda.

That you're a fat neckbeard with a low IQ

The way he kills those niggers is so fucking cool, I've never seen the movie and desu I'm not even that racist but the way Edward Norton looks and acts as a skinhead in the scenes I've seen almost make me want to be one. In reality, tho, most skinheads are basically white trash and I'm less inclined towards ethnic hatred and more towards individual and group hatred.

It's funny people take it this way when the ending ruins it.

>white characters go through full character arc
>brother goes to prison, changes
>younger brother realizes he was wrong
>nah, some black murders him at school
>black kid from the beginning of the movie who experienced no arc

It's like suggesting they weren't wrong before

>what was the moral of this movie?

Back people have no introspective capabilities.

If you're a Neo-Nazi you get unlimited bullets in your clip.


Hate is baggage passed from generation to generation the only way to combat hate is to unload your baggage.

>Norton unloaded several rounds of his baggage into two black guys
>The prison skinheads unloaded their baggage into Norton
>Little Henry unloaded his baggage into Little Bro's chest

Self-defense is good

>Brother goes to prison, changes - MURDERED. Many such cases

Kill the nigger while he's in your house, this way you can get away with self-defense.

Dude, the original ending was the main guy shaving his head again.
The point of the movie is that violence breeds violence, that's it.

>what was the moral of this movie?
Blacks cannot co-exist with civilized human beings.

You guys can't meme for shit, honestly. Wow just wow.


Problem is that niggers won't ever stop being violent - you cannot educate them on the benefits of peaceful coexistance as they do not have the mental capacity to understand it. In the face of this, whites can choose to either lay down and allow themselves to be robbed, raped and killed, or they can stand their ground and destroy this threat to their way of life.

Neonazis are the niggers of white people.
Violence breeds violence.


Edward Norton forced the director to change the ending.


You know how sometimes you grip your cat with your iron giant strength just to remind it exactly how powerful you are?

kinda like that

What is the purpose of this fucking thread?
It keeps getting post every day!
Are you trying to make American History X a meme?
Seriously! Just stop it!
You're the cancer that's ruining Sup Forums!

Look at these blatant newfaggot

White people can fogive.
Niggers are incapable of empathy.

What's the original ending ? i didn't know that.


>he doesn't like actual tv and movie discussion