She could sharpen a knife with that chin

She could sharpen a knife with that chin

Other urls found in this thread:

Stephen King is gonna try to fuck her. Keep him away from her!

This is a trash article. It's just people saying they want her in the role. There's been no word from anyone officially.

Not with that accent

People with British accents can usually nail the American accent

At 12 years old? I doubt it but I've been surprised before. Tbqh I'll watch anything with this kid in it.

>we're now gonna go through a phase of Stephen King movie REMAKES

Hollywood is doomed

Kill yourself pedofag

Dafne Keen as my wife for the Jon and Kate plus Eight remake. Make it happen.

>he bumped the thread because he likes keeno discussion

Go to 00:20 seconds in. She's younger than 12 in that and can nail several types of American accents.

What? We're already there, it's nothing new.
>IT, Carrie

Damn that was actually really good. I stand corrected. That's also the first time I've seen her not look like a man.

This is her big break. Today Firestarter, tomorrow, the world. She will be a monarch.

She wont get anymore roles if she keeps killing her stunt coordinator

>Tbqh I'll watch anything with this kid in it

Yeah I generally prefer girls with short hair but Millie looks much, much, much hotter with longer hair.

She can rule over my benis any day of the week.

oh my god
No Tangerine Dream score, no sale.


That tite tushy wow


I can't tell if you guys are kidding. It's just a cute video.


>I can't tell if you guys are kidding.
This bone I got from the video is deadly serious friend.

She is too good for this mortal plane. Contemplate her chastely heathen

yea let me lay here for a few minutes, till the erection goes away

It would make a pretty good taint massager.

I'm I didn't mean to imply anything lewd. I was just being jealous this guy got so close to Dafne.

I wonder what she smells like. I bet that guy knows.

you just know...

Lmao. Cant argue with that.

Pretty sure he does

>you will never feel Dafne's forehead against your chin and her delicate little hand on her chest

X rayed and ready to mastabait
Mjm tushy wushy bushy poosi poosie pusy yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa squirt squirt squirt
Skeet skeet skeet
Dafne poppa da poooooosi for 2 retweets


Even if she had claws like the movie, that guy could have kicked her ass. Did you see that light tap? A reaver would have knocked her ass out.

so do any other dafnebros think garance looks like dafne?

And raped
Also how does he not blush, getting so close to her


Yeah. Shes a cute

I will never not marvel at how depraved and deranged this board is

I'd say about 75% of us are depraved.

Brynny had her thread, it's time for Dafne to have hers! REEEEEE

cool but, I don't have any dafne pics, tho

Yet, you're still here

wasn't the last thread evolving into a ruby nadia thread...let's keep that going

I hate cunnyposters. Dafne is superior to all of them.

I'm totally ok with this

I like cunnyposters but I also agree that Dafne is superior to all of them, and these faggots need to stop sperging over other little girls and start posting Dafne or else fuck off to one of the 'hey faggot' threads.

lets not. make your own thread, fuck off out of this one.
then leave

dafne is literally meme shit to keep the dumb goy masses happy tho
she isn't even high brow patrician cunny


>acting like redditors


>wanting to put your dick into this makes you a pedo
And they say WE'RE mentally ill!

God she really is a beautiful gift from heaven.

Cunnyism is a respectful, inclusive, tolerant, open-minded community, exempt from gratuitous embroilment, egotistic rivalry, petty discordance or any other kind of inane antagonism. True cunnysseurs are always cordial, cooperative, congenial individuals, easily approachable for though-provoking dialogue and affable exchanges of ideas. Remember out motto: cunny is love, cunny is life.

t-that's a bit pedo, 2bh

but just a bit


this, 2bh

fat already

great. thanks, you've ruined the thread. im coming into your threads and just posting bullshit now.

Get me a paper bag to throw up in. This is a dafne thread

Don't you lecture me faggot, I'm a cvnnyman maximvs. But this is a DAFNE thread.

we cast the best girl

WTF I love MMA now


N-no. Dafne is a raven haired cutey, the beautiful dark hair frames her face just so and makes you fall under her spell. Blonde would break the illusion.

Time to bounce. See you later dafnebros. I'll post a ton of new stuff in the next thread

dafne will fade away into obscurity once apes comes out


I'm starting to like these dafnefag tears

>and then there's THIS faggot

Create your own thread you leach. This is a Dafne thread! Go away!

Well then post some Dafne instead of sperging out

How does it feel to have such awful taste? Dafne is leagues ahead of half the grls posted here sorry it's true

Your attitude and insistence on posting ugly girls has forced me to do the unthinkable and report a cunnypost. God's mercy on you, swine.

Cool, see you in the next life bro. Hope this one gets nuked.

>dafnefag tears
Janitors delete threads that you spam with non-tv shit in minutes. You spamming this thread just makes sure that it'll be deleted. Thanks bro

holy keks

what kind of anti-dafne threads could I add to the cbot, bros?


literally crushed into oblivion


Look at her SKULL you stupid pleb, her neoteny is CUTE. CUTE.

I've been anticipating it for months :3

Same. Lets get this shit out of here and hope our luck is better next time

>just shitpost to counter my shitposting
No. Go and die, you trash.

Why do generic cunnyfags always have to ruin Dafne threads? Just make your own goddamn thread!



I will target your threads from now :^)

not really


Kys. They used to tolerate topical cunnyposting then you had to ruin it with your fag bot. Fuck off back to waifuist and stay

Dafne is a badass. Unlike Brynn and the other girls from Dance Moms.




why can't redditors understand this is a totally normal occurrence in Sup Forums?

just make it again, numbnutz

Why is it that Dafne is so superior to these...frankly pretty shitty girls? Her face is so interesting. She's a little person in a world of very vapid airheads.

holy keks

are dafnefags the new chloecucks?

She looks like Sheldor fucked Anna Farris.

That's not exactly true, the waifubot was a reprisal for mods banning all talk of waifus. I am actually a great fan of the bot but this trespass into Dafne's territory is an aggression that cannot stand.

No clue but it's true

jesus christ

who is this literal goddess?

>mfw delicious pedoredditor tears


thanks for showing your true colors

I too have often thought about this. Like I love Dafne and Millie more than I love these model girls who are frankly their equals in looks. Maybe it's because we got to know them through television and constructed the image of a person about them that we can love.

>why mediocre shilled girl is so superior than semi shilled girl