Here's a thought:

Here's a thought:

Maybe comedy shows and stations should stop making jokes about politics.

Is that too much to ask? It's the lowest hanging fruit there is.

Other urls found in this thread:

Liberals are the lowest hanging fruit on the political tree though.

>elect joke president
>get mad about jokes about politics

What did they mean by this?


>dude drumpf lmao
woah so this.. is the power... of liberal comedy

Let's not get into left vs right, please.

Who said I was mad. I just think making fun of Trump is low brow humor. Laughing at a monkey scratching his ass is something a 12-year-old does.

>Maybe comedy shows and stations should stop making jokes about politics.

The last eight years were trash for comedy because they went light on Obama.

Late Night shows tend to joke about whats in the news and coverage of Donald Trump has dominated the news cycle

Yes. Come up with real comedy.

Stating a fact isnt inciting an argument user.

>Donald Trump has dominated the news cycle

Only because the networks focus on it, and for 100% the wrong reasons. The networks don't give a shit about his policies, they just want to make him look more like an idiot than he already does.

Here's a thought:

If comedy shows and stations so badly wants to make jokes about politics, they should roast everybody, like that scottish conan guy use to do, not one particular scapegoat

"coverage" of Donald Trump has been in the news for 2 years now and it's not funny anymore

>Only because the networks focus on it, and for 100% the wrong reasons

"Because he's the fucking president" is the wrong reasons?

No, that's fine, but they're doing more for the entertainment than the news.

CNN poses as a news network, but in reality, they just want to showcase every Donald Trump fuckup because they know Americans can't get enough of it.

>colbert walks onto the stage
>audience on the edge of their seat, some begin preemptively passing out from excitement
>colbert smirks
>so....Trump this week, I mean...really?
>at once - a cacophony of shrieks and laughter of immeasurable magnitude erupts from the crowd
>colbert chuckles to himself and then points at the camera
>i mean c'mon people - im looking at you, white males
>all the women in the audience immediately begin twerking on the one black guy in the bleachers until the vibrations begin superheating his body to neutron star level temperatures
>the camera zooms in on colberts face
>seriously, do you not realize what year it is?
>the tidal forces resulting from the combination of applause, laughter, and tribal dancing starts to alter the very fabric of time itself
>colberts face begins to bend and contort until it loses any resemblance to its original figure
>the universe as we know it rips and vanishes into sheer darkness, leaving only one cardboard sign from the audience floating indefinitely within the endless abyss
>"it was her turn"

>No, that's fine, but they're doing more for the entertainment than the news.

Well, we literally have a celebrity pretending to be the president, so we get both entertainment and news at the same time

It was kind of hard to roast Obama because well, he was everyone's "favorite" and because he wasn't as easy a target. Obama didn't really do much for him to get roasted for... he was kind of boring.

I don't give a fuck if he's a god damn porn star, I expect more out of journalism. Yeah, I know, I'm an idiot for that, but I still expect more.

Well it's not like the media can report on his accomplishments or anything

>I expect more out of journalism
maybe the point of late night tv isn't journalism



But then how will they convince normies to vote democrat?
That's the whole reason they exist. Why would they not fulfill their contractual obligation?

t. buttblasted frampftard


>his policies

He doesn't have any...


agreeing with the policies is fine but how can you pretend the fact at Donald Trump is the president is not fucking weird

>100 days
>passing zero legislation
>budget literally concedes every single campaign promise to the dems



holy shit. you cunts elect bush jnr and then this guy.
and you complain about jokes?
i've got news for you....


>Maybe comedy shows and stations should stop making jokes about politics.

Why, because it hurts your fee-fees? It might be low hanging fruit, but that doesn't mean Trump administration doesn't deserve to be mocked.

Trump as president 2 years ago would be a bad joke.

Trump as president 2 days ago is kaufman tier lol.

The fact that pol isn't laughing along only makes it funnier, especially because it isn't going to get better for them.

but "journalism" is feeding the trends that late night follows.

Liberals are stupid enough to enjoy that garbage though. Won't matter when Colbert gets fired though.

If you don't like jokes about the president then don't elect a fucking punchline


They tried that. The ratings were awful.

Because they don't even say jokes anymore.
It's literally just
Colbert report was pretty smart and funny. But now it's just attempting to bully their audience into hating trump with volatile language and incorrect info.
There is no wit, just an angry sperg venting.
Before you felt like what they were saying was an honest portrayal of they own opinions, but now it's like they're so translucent you can see the hand of the network execs up their assess making them peddle DNC propaganda.

Not so weird that we need to be bombarded with "jokes" every fucking way. I am not american and personally I don't care about Trump (I blocked the mention of him on certain websites) but still the comments all go back to LOL DOES DIS REMIND U OF SOMEONE?

>This pic is being posted by someone assblasted by late night tv hosts having their own opinions

I elected a punchline 8 years ago and got no jokes, wtf? Where were the jokes?

I mean really....
*leans in*
How are people still having non-leftist opinions in CURRENT YEAR?

>Colbert report was pretty smart and funny
>Before you felt like what they were saying was an honest portrayal of they own opinions

user you realize the Colbert report was satire, and the whole point was that the opinions presented by Colbert's character were the complete opposite of Colbert himself. Did that go over your head?

>have their own opinions
>their opinion is that if someone doesn't agree with them, they are the ones wrong


A thought: why doesn't Sup Forums stop making posts about politics? Is that too much to ask?

It's because in the '90's talk show hosts used to poke fun at oversensitive, over-righteous celebrities, and since their mommies and daddies run Hollywood, there's been enough MURDERS for TV personalities to know not to fuck with their latter-climbing agenda.

>I hate that these leftists tell me that I'm wrong for having different opinions, but I also hate them for having different opinions than me

How's that cognitive dissonance treating you?

>it's an user that feels entitled to say that I'm the one wrong
Fuck off. I backup everything I say with facts and statistics.
>majority of illegals immigrants don't pay taxes
>they abuse the welfare
>black people commit more crimes than any other ethnic group in terms of ratio of population
>Black lives matter is a terrorist organization
>Antifa is a terrorist organization
>most liberal cities are letting antifa run amok
>right wing supporters are constantly being censured
>free speech is a lie in the USA
Suck my cock, nigger

>when Colbert gets fired

He has the highest late night ratings because the vast majority of the country thinks that trump is a fucking joke.

Trump was elected by the least educated people in the country (yeah, that's not fake news).

What do you really expect from people who are still behind him at this point?

I don't know how's never having a consistent opinion going?

>the least educated vote should not have the same weight as the educated one
There goes equality down the drain...

now he's moving the goalposts

(((facts and statistics)))

>majority of illegals immigrants don't pay taxes

They pay sales tax just like everyone else.

The entire point of the electoral college was to prevent the mob from electing someone like Trump.

He's not me. Don't try to guess whose post belongs to, on a Tibetan comic image board.


Not an argument Steinberg.
And the fucking rest?
What mob? If America didn't have electoral college, california would decide for the rest of the country


So you were factually incorrect on one issue. In states with high sales tax that's a lot of money that they're never going to reap the benefits from.

>If America didn't have electoral college, texas and the south would decide for the rest of the country

What were you saying about equality?

>And the fucking rest?

Here ya go:
>A left-leaning research organization estimated that undocumented immigrants paid about $12 billion in total taxes in 2010, while a conservative think tank pegged it at $17.6 billion.

>The study from the Institute on Taxation & Economic Policy found that immigrants in the U.S. without legal permission kick in their billions in the form of income, property, sales or excise taxes.

You want them to pay even more taxes? Give them a pathway to citizenship. :)

Do they pay income tax?
Can they put their kids in school?
Are they using public roads? Are they benefiting from the safety provided by the police and firemen? Who pays for that?

Why don't you just stay on your safe space on the_donald then? if you're too fragile to handle opinions that differ from yours.




i don't get this meme, is it making fun of trump voters or liberals?

>12 billion
>11.3 million illegal immigrants
>It found that the average undocumented immigrant household paid $10,334 in taxes

>average american worker pays $20,944

Fuck off. That's half.

He's a Sup Forumstard who didn't realize he'd left his echo chamber.

>Fuck off. That's half.

Which isn't a majority. It also ignores that illegal immigrants can't get stuff like Social Security even if they pay into it.

>Comedians use the exact same material for over a year, non-stop, every single night.
>People start to complain about a lack of originality
>"You're just triggered! Get back to your safe space!"

If they covered literally any other subject, comedians and late night TV hosts would be rightfully grilled for all using the same stale material for over a year. But since the jokes are at Republicans expense, somehow that makes it acceptable comedy.

So why don't they apply for citizenship?


Because obama didn't say and do stupid shit every single day. trump does.

>Literally every late night show shits on Trump every night for months, parroting the exact same opinion and cracking the exact same jokes
>Meanwhile, I'm the one who is accused of wanting an echo chamber

>implying they don't
>implying they aren't worried about immediately being deported by people like Trump
>implying our immigration system isn't back up to hell and back
>implying a lot of their employers wouldn't rather they be illegal so they can pay them in pennies and threaten them with immigration services to keep them working

Pick any, they're all symptoms of our broken immigration system.

>Comedians make jokes about current events
>Their audiences love it
>Some random dudes on the internet who don't even watch the show are triggered by it
>Comedians don't care

>most powerful person in the world does something almost every day that confounds, people, boggles the mind, makes everyone think he's either senile or retarded, is mostly just embarrassing
>b-but it's the same joke everyday!

Obama did lots of fucked up shit, he just got a pass because he was a Democrat who towed the corporate line.

Okay, so it's their problem. It's not fair for someone that comes from europe or anywhere else and has to wait for all procedures before being granted citizenship. Why do these illegal immigrants feel entitled to barge into another country with legal permission?

>Obama didn't do stupid shit everyday

>If I had a son, he'd look like Travon
>*Bows to foreign kings*

But that's beyond the point. Even IF Obama did stupid shit every day, telling jokes about it for OVER A FUCKING YEAR NON STOP would still be fucking stupid.

>Comedians don't care
Plain wrong. They are constantly being triggered when they see a different opinion from the usual hivemind.

>ignore current event for 8 years
>start selling conspiracy theories as current events

Everyone realizes Colbert was satire, the idiots are the ones who think they're special for getting it.

This thread is shit btw


>Comedians don't care
Colbert got triggered as fuck by Alex Jones though.

An immigration system that works with the best interest of American citizens in mind is somehow 'broken' because we should prioritizing importing immigrants over things like working class wages and our welfare system.

>Audiences love having their opinions validated
That doesn't make it good comedy.

>confounds, people, boggles the mind, makes everyone think he's either senile or retarded, is mostly just embarrassing

It sounds like you are projecting a lot of your personal opinions on millions of other people.

But even so, using the same material for months at a time is crappy comedy. Period. If you rely on the same tired punchline for over 12 months, I am going to mock you.

>Comedians don't care

Is that why you leap to their defense the moment someone breaks the late night talk show echo chamber?

Hmm. So how much do illegal immigrants cost Americans each year? Let's see what your Politifact has to say about that.

>FAIR’s report says $113 billion represents the total cost at the federal, state and local levels for undocumented immigrants. The vast majority -- $84 billion -- is paid by state and local governments.

>The $113 billion is not a net cost. Taking into consideration federal, state and local tax payments made by the undocumented population, the net cost would be about $99 billion, according to the FAIR report.

>Overall, households of all educational levels led by undocumented immigrants paid about $10,300 in 2010, according to Heritage.

>The Heritage Foundation report found that in 2010, there were about 3.44 million households headed by undocumented immigrants and on average, each household received about $24,721 in government benefits and services, such as public education, police and fire protection.
Oh wow.

>It’s uncertain how much immigrants in the United States illegally cost taxpayers, but FAIR’s data is largely based on broad estimates and assumptions. Another report by a conservative think tank pegged the amount at about $85 billion a year.

Well, I think, in looking at it, it seems the estimates are saying that illegal immigrants cost way more than they pay in taxes. I mean, it's pretty cool that they pay taxes, but it's not really enough.

Additionally, as was keen to point out, they're paying half as much in taxes as the US citizens. And, according to your own source, about half of them don't pay a single dollar in taxes.

>About half of these 3.4 million households do not pay any taxes.

and Colbert continues to trigger trumpcucks on a daily basis and be the king of late night so it all works out.

>Sup Forums inexplicably starts meming colbert posting a week ago
>this board goes into full meltdown over blumpf posting and mods start handing out bans
>now, Colbert actually flies off the handle IRL

what the fuck Sup Forums. memes are starting to affect reality again

Colbert's entire career is thanks to having a comedy show about politics. It's what made him famous. Whenever his show descends into traditional late night material such as celebrity gossip or the latest movie, his ratings plummet. He does political comedy because it is what his audience wants.

And people, let's stop pretending as if you object to his comedy solely on the basis of you finding it "low hanging fruit". You're upset he's piling and zeroing in on your political father figure, let's just be honest.

Same user, and I just want to say, looking at it, it really looks like illegal immigrants are more a detriment to America than they are an asset, at least just based on what I'm seeing here. I don't think "well half of them pay half their taxes" is really an excuse when they're using up way more than they're giving back, you know?

It's like if I tried to live at your place rent free for a year and eat all your food and use all your toiletries and your electricity and what not, and when you point out I'm not paying a single bill or giving anything back, I say "well, I do tip the pizza guy half the time for you." And then it turns out I give a 5% tip.

Vast majority of this country thinks white people should die. So go on faggot commit suicide already.

Trump winning broke Colbert.

The problem with Colbert typifies the problem with all of these 'political comedians': They're fucking retards. Colbert's biggest criticism of Trump is that he's too fucking nice to Russia. Colbert, allegedly a liberal who made his name mocking conservatives for being so fucking gung-ho for war with Iraq, is seething because Trump isn't going to shoot down Russian planes like Hillary wanted to.

>trips of satan

Probably only jimmy fallon and conan o'brien were the only ones that were more reserved about making fun of trump. Can anyone confirm this?

>Sup Forums memes are starting to affect reality again

indeed, the libcucks on this board aren't handling the news well