How did Gondor manage to pay for the city repairs after the Battle of the Pelennor Fields?

How did Gondor manage to pay for the city repairs after the Battle of the Pelennor Fields?

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This fat fuck, I've read fanfictions that put more thought and effort into his own universe than he has, written twice as fast too.

Why wasn't there an appendix about crop rotation in Hobbiton?

Do they ever actually lay out anyone's tax plan in ASOIAF? The most I remember is just general references to raising/lowering taxes.

>can't write satisfying plots for characters so just kills them off

no but we all know that wasn't the point he was making and that he is right

Mate the world of men kissed Aragorns ass after the ring was destroyed, he was swimming in mithral and elven pussy all century long

*Kills off character*
*Takes another vacation*
*Complains about Aragorn's tax policy*
*Devolves story into generic good vs evil plot*
*Self inserts into Sam*
*Has heart attack*
*Postpones book for another year*

he has the fucking gall to say this when a major plot point is that the Lannister's are so rich because they have an endless gold mountain. Something they have been using for hundreds of years.


>endless gold mountain
>cant repay debts to the iron bank

Thousands of years, actually.

The show and the book are different tard. In the show the Lanistars have run out of gold and need to rely on political influence from the crown. In the books there is no such plot. They have a seemingly endless supply of gold that does not flood the market and cause inflation.

So you haven't read the books then eh?

This is Sup Forums you Drumpf supporting faggot.




Who would they pay? Who says they even had a money-based economy to begin with?

The desire to survive would drive men to rebuild Gondor.



If only those gay fanfic writers had to actually connect plot points and think about contradictions. I hate that he's taking so long but fuck off

They don't do labor for nothing, they do it to feed and shelter themselves.

bartering is still payment

How does a whole planet survive, let alone develop a civilization, if seasons have random lengths, you fat fuck?

Welcome to the corvee system, otherwise known as one of the basic elements of servitude in a feudal regime

they're still compensated in some manner, even slaves get food

They are compensated with not being kicked out of the land that belongs to their lord, so that they can continue sustaining themselves through farming

they buillt orc concentration camps and let them work themselves to death
sometimes aragorn would stand on the watchtower and shoot random arrows into the crowd

Well then I guess they're not doing labour for nothing then are they?

They are not being paid for it, which was the original point

no the original point was that dumbass say what if they dont have money and that meaning they would just fix castles for fun

Elves planted gardens and trees in the city and Dwarves rebuilt it. Probably free of charge because the fucking King of Gondor is Aragorn.

Exactly. Which is why you've come full circle and fucked yourself in the ass because your original point was that they'd need to raise funds. When just having enough loyal army guys and patriotic sentiment to kick everyone to work is enough, since it amounts to some sort of reward despite not being financial.

Your an retard

>excited for lotr taxposting
>thread totally derailed

but muh west mark flat tax

>because your original point was that they'd need to raise funds
where did I say that?


>civilization is thousands of years old
>no one has figured out how guns or electricity work


Why should there be realism in fantasy?

Why does everything need to be explained?

Haha yeah, the romans were idiots I tell ya

because fairy tale morality is not useful

Slave labor orcs


what did they feed them? other orcs?

idealistic morality promotes naive idiots

Which fairy tales? There are plenty that have bad endings.

Do you ever think twice about the stupid shit you write?

africans would still be hunting with spears and shiieeett if it wasn't for europe and asia

no do you?

I'll respond anyway. Everyone didn't live happily ever after once Sauron was defeated. There was still conflict that Aragorn had to deal with.

What was Sauron's motivation?

Remember when Tolkien BTFO him from the grave?

Revenge mostly.

>"I did begin a story placed about 100 years after the Downfall, but it proved both sinister and depressing. Since we are dealing with Men it is inevitable that we should be concerned with the most regrettable feature of their nature: their quick satiety with good. So that the people of Gondor in times of peace, justice and prosperity, would become discontented and restless — while the dynasts descended from Aragorn would become just kings and governors — like Denethor or worse. I found that even so early there was an outcrop of revolutionary plots, about a centre of secret Satanistic religion; while Gondorian boys were playing at being Orcs and going around doing damage. I could have written a 'thriller' about the plot and its discovery and overthrow — but it would have been just that. Not worth doing.

And what was his tax policy?

Not that guy, but I'd be interested to know more.

An obligatory tax rate of 99%, any attempt at disputing it would end with an orc battalion being sent to your home to collect the debt by force. Your family would also be sent to work as forced labourers in Mordor.

There's not a whole lot to be found but the appendices do mention that Eomer and Rohan came to Gondor's aid whenever needed.

What was the inflation rates for the kingdoms of middle earth

How about deductibles?
Would it be possible to send assets between holding companies owned by your first cousin to optimise taxes? What would the taxes even be invested in? Where, as a citizen of mordor, would I find information on domestic spending?

was flying the eagles to rescue frodo and sam a vouched travel expense or did Gandalf receive a yearly allowance?

Why is this bad?

I'm not sure if you're aware of basic economics user but access to natural resources is a massive determinant of a state's wealth.

Did Bilbo need to pay import tax when he came home with all that treasure?

Did the fellowship encounter any border patrols as they crossed the various regions of middle earth?

What kind of permits did Bilbo need to throw such a big birthday party?


>What was Sauron's motivation?

domination of all life dummy

Ohhh, I finally get it. The reason the orcs had nothing to eat by maggoty bread was due to the harsh wartime tax enacted by Saruman. They couldn't afford to purchase a luxury commodity like quality meat. LOTR is much deeper than I initially thought.


Why was he taxing his own people so heavily? What was the taxes being spent on? Did Isengard have universal free healthcare? The questions are endless.

but why?

Why the fuck would he tax his own army?

he didn't
>tax populace
>price of goods increase
>army cant buy enough meat

What populace?

Gurm is really resting on his nonexistent laurels nowadays.

Let's be honest, a lot of mobs that got killed at Pellenor would have dropped some pretty sweet loot.

Fuck the ivory from the oliphaunts alone would have been enough to pay for repairs (them elves and their statuette carving). The Witch Kings flame sword and black mace are both legendary items, and don't forget they scored a free fleet of corsair ships.

the farmer orcs

>The Witch Kings flame sword and black mace are both legendary items

you probably can't just use those

topest of keks

who's gonna buy that shit post war when presumably a huge swath of farmers and farmland is wiped out

The populace that manufactures maggoty bread, the orc farmers who grew the maggoty wheat as well as the maggot farmers who nurtured the maggots.

Maybe economies mean fuck all when the world is ruled by magic space wizards.
You ever think of that?
Maybe the fact kings can cast spells that make more gold.

Aragorn doesn't know magic.

people actually defend this guy

**You'r'e a

The War of the Ring was effectively the ending of the magical age of elves and wizards. It was the beginning of the more mundane age of man.

but then the price of gold would go down and you'd need more even more

You realise that, due to Isengards relative proximity to the shire, "maggotty bread" is in fact just bread sourced from Farmer Maggot?

The orcs disdain for it is due mainly to high levels of genetic gluten intolerance.

why didn't saruman just magic up some zonulinase for the orcs then?

>You realise that, due to Isengards relative proximity to the shire, "maggotty bread" is in fact just bread sourced from Farmer Maggot?

>Did Bilbo need to pay import tax when he came home with all that treasure?
I doubt it. I don't think the Shire even has a customs office to which enact tariffs with.
>Did the fellowship encounter any border patrols as they crossed the various regions of middle earth?
>What kind of permits did Bilbo need to throw such a big birthday party?
It's unclear where the party takes place so it could be on his property, otherwise he would either ask the owners of the property, or if it was on "government" land, which I doubt, he would have asked the mayor.

>Audit me? Thou fool. No living man may audit me!
>But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Eomund's daughter. You stand between me and my lord's tax collection. Be gone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will audit you every year like Trump, if you touch him.

was all that really necessary tolkein?

Should have imported some lembas.

Bilbo's 111th birthday party was on his property.

Rich people?

Mordor is nothing but a wasteland with no agriculture... where are the orcs getting their food from?

Elves probably had a trade embargo, but do were there any elves that would sell it on on the black market?
you mean the lords who just had all their serfs wiped out? They might bigger priorities consider the cost of labor is going to skyrocket

I hate this board. Can someone ban me, please?

Not Núrn. Fairly certain it's even stated that's where Sauron grows the food for his armies.

>They might bigger priorities consider the cost of labor is going to skyrocket
Rich people gonna be rich.

Even banned you can still read posts.

>Rich people gonna be rich.

The rape elves.