Fant4stic tier bomb

>fant4stic tier bomb
>available digitally just 2 and a half months after theatrical release
>blu-ray a week after that
>ranger autists talking about the sequel like there's a chance in hell

Other urls found in this thread:

>movie had no martial arts
>don't even see the megazorg form

>the studio thought this would make money somehow

Shame cause I was secretly hoping it wouldn't be shit

Never underestimate the power of high Jew Saban

All of the designs in general were shit.

>the first great blockbuster of the year

what were those Jews who though this was a good idea smoking and were can I get some?

I could tell it was going to be grade A shit from the trailer

Eh the rangers looked bad, sure, but whatever it's the CURRENT YEAR and maybe our specific tastes don't focus test well with the younger crowd.

My arguments lie solely on the things the franchise is KNOWN for - the Megazord looked like aids nor did we see it form, there was almost NO MARTIAL ARTS at all in the movie, and I don't understand why they had Rita go through Phase 1 when her second phase was almost 10/10 entertaining.

Backstories for everybody was alright except Zordon which sucked, Alpha kind of blew, the humor was decent... But I mean how the fuck do you have a movie about Power Rangers with no martial arts?

They missed the rest of that sentence
>The first great blockbuster of the year... is not this movie holy shit it sucks dick


it still hasn't opened up in china or japan lets hope it does well there

>It’s always a hit or miss with these daring movies. They could be the first great blockbuster of the year, or another expensive flop that might be worth a cheap thrill.

Cherry picking at its finest

>the knockturnal

What the fuck. Can they sue them for completel taking the quote out of context. That's fucking hilarious though.

I think they pulled it from this sentence
>because Power Rangers is a winner and the first great blockbuster of the year.

I'm curious to see how the nips respond to this. I don't think they'll embrace it due to the shit tier designs.

it was cringe even when i was a kid. "godzilla for kids". i don't even know how or why were you hiped for this shit. maybe nostalgia, and eye candies.

Idk why, it seemed like everyone who was one year older or one year younger than liked it but I never cared for it

Which is wierd, it had giant monsters, robots, and martial arts, and I liked Godzilla, zoids and Jackie chan but I never cared to watch it

>we wuz morphin n shiet

Power Rangers comes out in China this Friday. Personally, I believe it's going to do well in China. Not quite Transformers money, and certainly not Fast and Furious money, but well. We'll probably wind up getting a sequel, but only time will tell.

>I don't think they'll embrace it due to the shit tier designs.
Why? The Chinese loved the Transformers movies, which have similar designs.

The studio only gets about a third of the China box office, so it would need to do huge over there to warrant a sequel.

>100 mil budget
>100 mil marketing
>135 mil worldwide gross
>studio only gets around 68 mil
>currently sitting on a 132 mil loss
>will only get a third of the china gross
>needs to make around 400 mil in china just to break even
There's zero chance of a sequel.

Can you provide proof for these claims? Because these seem to be your guesses as a Hollywood outsider, not facts.

>tfw no more Rangerkino with Sup Forums
>On average, the movie's distributor receives a little more than half of the final gross (often referred to as the "rentals") with the remainder going to the exhibitor (i.e., movie theater). The money split varies from movie to movie, but, generally, the contract favors the distributor in early weeks and shifts to the exhibitor later on.
Now mind you studios generally get less of the international gross, so if a film has a really weak domestic performance the total percentage they recieve will be less. Hence this would have to make a lot more in China to make up for the poor domestic performence.

The only real guess here is the marketing budget, and 100 million in marketing is actually a low estimate if anything.

what is your problem you fucking aspie?


Checked for truthbombs.

fuck you





an actual television and film related post for sexts

nice work



It's been 2 and half months!?


Did any rangers fans actually like this aside from the mentally ill and bayformers fantards?

All the ones i know bitched incessently about Goldar and LMAO 2 FIGHTS.

A friend of mine is a huge sentai fan. He claimed that the film was shit but the last 20 minutes made up for it.


I really enjoyed this movie

>available digitally
where? i wanna watch it again

I couldn't tell you because despite being a longtime fan I had zero desire to see it. And I saw the fucking Turbo movie opening day.


June 13th officially, though I imagine a torrent will leak before then.

Space, SPD, RPM and Dino Thunder were the only decent power rangers series.
Dino Thunder has best theme.
All other opinions are shit tier

Dino Thunder is garbage.

Look at this user's garbage tastes and laugh, everyone!



>No MMPR No Lost Galaxys nah fuk u

Not him but that's again just a speculation without any credible facts.
Need I remember Sony email leaks where they lowered actual profit of their movies?
Top Kek, fucking joke.

>marketing budget = production budget which makes twice the sum overall
This meme again.

It's "trump has 5% chances to win election"-tier shit.

>Lost Galaxy
There's only one good thing about it, and that's Karone

- cuck

>Need I remember Sony email leaks
Yes, show me where they say otherwise.

>This meme again.
No one's saying the marketing budget is always the same as the production budget, but for a film like this I would very much doubt they spent less than 100 million on marketing. It's likely they spent more if anything since they were hoping to make this the next big franchise.

>but for a film like this I would very much doubt they spent less than 100 million on marketing
Why? Do you have a lot of experience managing the marketing budget of movies?

Like the other guy said, you're just speculating. Which is fine, but you're acting like it's fact when it's just your uneducated opinion.

You think they're not going to make money on this Power Ranger movie. Okay, cool, dude.

Wow, that's a really interesting article that doesn't once talk about the movie we're discussing because it's from a few years back.

>Two years ago, the cost had crept up to $175 million globally. Now, studios say it has hit the $200 million mark per picture -- a 33 percent increase from the $150 million spent in 2007 on the first Transformers.

If you want to discuss the Transformers movies, you can make a thread about them.

>studios say it has hit the $200 million mark per picture

Huge fan of the TV show.
The last 30 min save the movie. 1h20 of filming before they realize they where making a power ranger movie and run with it.

It's not a meme. BvS made about $873 million on a $250 million budget not including marketing, yet only made about $104 million net profit


Do you have actual proof that they paid $200 million for this specific movie? Or do you think they're paying that for every movie?

Because otherwise, you're just speculating. Again, fine, but you're trying to pass your speculation off as fact, which isn't right, especially when you aren't any kind of expert, you're just some user with no weight or proof.

>studios say
Which ones? Are there any direct quotes with any names attached saying exactly this?

Because I'm looking at the article and there quotes don't really talk about it. The article also posts a lot of figures and numbers without any real sources (like the part you just quoted).

You all forget one major thing.
Power rangers has never been about JUST the box office. The toy sales is where saban always pulled in the green, and he had to share it with the studios to get the funding for the movie. Its not a huge shared amount, but enough and the toys did decent.

Chances are high with china cash + them already making over their budget, added with the free money the toys provide, its getting atleast 1 sequel.

Why are you getting so autistically buttblasted over this? There are plenty of facts to back up what's been said but you keep crying over semantics. The budget is fact. The gross is fact. The studio cut is widely accepted to be in the 50% range for any film based on facts. The only thing up for debate was the marketing, and $100 million was a modest estimate based on facts. We don't need to know the precise amount of money spent/made to the dollar to know that this was an enormous bomb. Precedents have been set based on decades and decades of film performance.

>Tfw you wan't to rewatch SPD since you missed it in the stream.
>Torrent for it is missing one damn episode: Reflection Part 2.

It isn't some rinky dink blog or youtube channel, it's the fucking Hollywood Reporter.