How did he get so many women?

How did he get so many women?

above averagely funny, decent income and social status as a semi-famous comedian, not ugly, not fat

>good looking, funny, well off
>jew to boot

gee i dunno

>gainfully employed
>pretty decent apartment in Manhattan

There you go.

This. It was realistic to be honest,I mean Elaine got all hot for him when she saw one paycheck. Combine that with fame and sense of humor,you got a winner.

>Good looking
>Well groomed and clean


>not ugly
come on

he was not good looking by any means, 6/10 at best

Given the show was about nothing, dating humor became a running theme for the main cast members, but particularly Jerry. Unfortunately I haven't been able to apply any of it in my own life.

He actually went outside. unlike 99% of Sup Forums

he isn't

Ugliness in the 90s was largely defined by dress sense, hygiene and lack of obesity.

Today it's all balloon muscles and hipster haircuts.

plus living in NYC

he looks so jewish it hurts. he's not good looking.

He had the coin, goyim. That's what going for, yeah?

It's a TV show and he was the star of it.

Man got money. Women come crawling.

>decent face
>steady income

Better question, why didn't he get better friends?

The question is how the fuck George kept hooking up with 9/10 women.

He was childhood friends with George, Elaine's ex and lived next to Kramer and Newman.

It's because a lot of them mistook his autism for passion and he was able to bluff his way through that. Others saw potential in him and wanted to change/improve him for the go boost.

And why did he act like Susan was the hottest woman that ever shown interest in him?

cause he did the opposite

He didn't. At first he left her but then wanted her back when he found out she was a dyke.

Women are naturally drawn to funny men.

If you can't make a woman laugh good luck getting laid anons.

Seinfeld isn't really funny in the show though

He's funny in a witty, sarcastic jokes sort of way, which appeals to women.

Lol op is so jealous

>fictional tv show
>he got women because hes funny, not because its written into the show

Seinfeld was comparatively pretty realistic for a sitcom. For example, Jerry's apartment was reasonably nice but not massive like the ones in Friends.

that doesnt disprove my point dumbass

Just saying it wasn't unrealistic that he would attract some good looking women as a fairly successful touring comic living in Manhattan.

again though the actual, only reason this happened was because it was WRITTEN INTO THE SHOW.

>above average
>not good looking

Presumably OP is asking about Jerry Seinfeld the character within the show, retard.

Sup Forums thinks anything below male model tier is ugly. Don't bother arguing.

>good looking

I doubt Jerry Seinfeld himself would say he's good looking. He got girls because of fame and fortune. Any other reason is superfluous.

>Women are naturally drawn to funny men
No, women are attracted to HEIGHT, FACE, and FRAME. While you're out studying jokes and the "art" of comedy, Chad sends a text that says "ayo bby u wan sum fuk" and she responds with the laughing emoji, water dripping from both the crying eyes and her pussy.

'cause that's who that casting director hired.

>calls me a retard

calm down you triggered cuck.

He looks like a creepy Semite though.

>the writers wrote something into a show
this is really blowing my almonds

shit meant to reply to

Jerry on the show was pretty much Jerry throughout the 80's, just change all the women he dates to high school girls.


Why are people saying he is tall. Looks 5 11 to me

are you getting that prime pussy user or just fantasizing about it?

so hes bascially bill cosby?

He actually dated her in the early 90s when Seinfeld was hitting major popularity. Pretty based.

hes on Sup Forums do you really need to ask this question idiot.

wow man I didn't know sorry.

>those prime khazar milkers