/lbg/- Letterboxd General

Nouvelle Vague edition.

Previous thread: >Not sure what letterboxd is all about?
The mission of /lbg/ is to promote the intelligent discussion of film as art by providing members with opportunities for intellectual discussion, by recognizing patrician taste through examinations and by calling out embryos as they arise.

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How would you rank the French New Wave directors?

Lots of spam, who the fuck even reads it.

Use as a link to find the /lbg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Patricians occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Patricians may pretend to be normal users asking for recommendations and when you recommend something, they laugh at you for your plebian taste
>This is a thread for patrician purposes only don't offer or expect frivolous discussion.

Other urls found in this thread:



Is Marcel Hanoun apart of the New Wave? He's better than all of them.

CIA was also heavily involved in creating the hippie movement, radicalizing the black rights movement in US (black power).

They're modus operandi is usually taking control of a cultural movement, fanning the flames of it. Best example from recent times was the Arab Spring.

>French New Wave
They're all fucking hacks.

Is Martin Scorsese French? .

Are these the threads where we get to discuss underground capekino?

I keep seeing that term. What does it mean

It's short for kinography


Cinematography = Presentation with high value of aesthetics, lightning, mise en scene, every visual aspect rendered to perfection
Filmography = Still ambitious, creative - but not as well executed as cinematography and with a bit less depth
Movietography = The middleground between Filmography and Flicktography. Motivated by profit.
Flicktography = Standard filming. No real thought process into the presentation, just a tool for the movie's story to progress. Made for the basest, profit-based reasons.

No, really what does it mean?

That's a contradiction.

You realize why capeshit is called capeshit, right?

It's because it's superheroes, they're not realistic. They can't die and they have deus ex machine to magically save the day.

That's why it's a horrible comparison to say capeshit is the modern western. Westerns dealt with real social and political issues on a base level, rural developing civilization. Take for example, The Big Country, which is an allegory for the Cold War.

But at the root, what truly separates capeshit from legitimate cinema is not writing. It's the core concept. Superheroes aren't real, they are anti-cinema. Cinema is a reflection of reality, it exposes it and enlightens us about it. That's why the Big Country was shown at the White House and capeshit never will be.

It's why /lbg/ prefers the French New Wave and slow cinema → → archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/81114716/#q81114716

It's why this user agrees on the proliferation of talking cartoon animals dominating the box office having a systematic relationship with the dumbing down of society. archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/80967606/#q80974789

It's why this user cares about Jacques Rivette's opinion It's why this user uses the word "kino" because he's referring to the principles of the kino-pravda to depict reality without plot

It's why this user calls capeshit capeshit despite having reverence for it. He knows it's excrement. It's why he names shit filmmakers like Seijun Suzuki in relation with the genre

>Shitposting for 12+ hours straight.
Seek help


Prove why capekino isn't a contradiction. Prove why capeshit isn't used as a derogatory term because of superheroes fundamentally being unrealistic. Prove why cinema isn't a realist medium. The OP likes the French New Wave so much that he made it the focus of the thread. One of their hallmarks, as professed by Andre Bazin, was documentary-esque realism and sociological relevance


seriously, seek help. No matter if you are doing this unironically or ironically.


What the shit?

will these threads never stop?

best kino

You're pretending to big man by challenging me. Challenge me in person then. We'll see how long it takes you to die after being run over by a train.


I kinda want to know how much of these threads are one guy replying to himself. It was at 20 posts 3 posters before.

French new Wave were guys that were fed up with the endless amounts of shit films the big corporations were spamming France with, which were all standerdised and boring. They just started making whatever they thought was cool and did now and then a brilliant job. Godard is my fav because he made films you can enjoy as a pleb, but also on a deeper level, playing with storytelling and doing exactly what he himself wants. Spontaneous, funny, and still fresh, I rate him high.

it's german for film

I think he's kill.

Yep, hasn't posted in a minute. This must have done it: Enjoy your vacation, buddy! Maybe you'll learn not to request dox and issue death threats in your time away.

why were the 00s so amazing


none of you have good taste

i have good taste

no you don't

i have great taste

i've seen less films than every regular in this thread and have better taste than 95% of you
you all have no personality, no taste/opinions of your own and you all can't stop shitposting because if you did then everyone would know that most of you have an IQ lower than the number of abortions your respective mums have had
I keep seeing marcel hanoun mentioned here recently but I can't think of a person who lurks these threads who has seen any of his fliccaroos but me

Anyway if I liked l'hiver the most out of the 4 seasons tetralogy, where do I go from there? Any reccs?

you dont have any opinions either. you just give a heart to 90% of movies you watch.

prove it


says the guy with a run of the mill aping of an avant-teen "taste"

my letterboxd is used literally just to log movies and nothing else, it's not indicative of anything

anyway just wanna say everyone who lurks these threads genuinely disgusts me