I sleep in a racing car, do you?

I sleep in a racing car, do you?

OK. I accept my fate.

>wears glasses
>sleeps in a racing car
>still managed to father a child
>meanwhile i'M still a 27yo kissless touchless virgin

No, I sleep in a bed by myself

I suck my wife off. Do you?

Ha ha ha

You loser

he used to have his shit somewhat together

>meanwhile i'M still a 27yo kissless touchless virgin

being a kissless, toucheless virgin AFTER one's frontal cortex (25yrs) has fully formed -- pathetic

giving a fuck about such frivolous simian shit and not actually contributing to the development of A.I. and 100% passable, synthetic, futa sexbots... and not hara-kiri-ing to save face -- priceless

not my fault woman are retarded

>The problem doesn't lie with me, but 50% of all people on Earth

And thus Sup Forums was born.


only 27 huh? That's nothing, kid

you mean r9k

I did nothing wrong.
they're the problem with their stupid mindgames and drama shit.

I sleep in a bed with my big wife

>Served in the Army
>Graduated from college
>Semi decent composer

He wasn't always a loser, that's something he has over you.

well... epigenetically speaking, it is your fault -- for you're an inextricably contiguous link to your forefathers, through DNA wiring -- the same males that rendered females what they are today; through millennia of concupiscent sex worship and subjugation

>still not having made the natural, evolutionary, super-sentient step to traps
>...despite being a self-confessed sarlacc cokewold and on the precipice of mortifying seppuku

it was a different time, women didnt have the options they do today and had to settle

that's exactly why ever culture and creed have subjugated their females -- if you give them an inch, they want 12... and for it to be dumb and black

well, I dont know about that, with women being more superficial and fickle, it's up to men to push themselves even more in order to attract a mate

Damn you virgins are mad. Just go get laid lmao

Women should not have the right to vote.

Yes I'm married.

>with women being more superficial and fickle, it's up to men to push themselves even more in order to attract a mate
that's like saying you need to hit an atom harder with the hammer, in order to split it -- literal E = autism^2

man uses SCIENCE to surmount the hurdles that impede his path, not brute force -- that's what the brain is for

if the mighty sarlacc is unsatisfied with its sacrifices, then it will have to go hungry... to eventually starve to death


no one should have "the right" to vote -- it's not a privilege and should EARNED

there are licensing requirements to drive cars and cut hair, but not to decide the course of nations... do you seen the problem here?

Ha ha ha, you faggot

i sleep in a bed with my wife.

bcuz its never YOUR FAULT

sure sure
mommy cries whenever she thinks about YOU

You sound offended

>implying he has a wife

I sleep in a decade old queen size that's never been flipped

damn dude, better get on that.

I've been laid plenty and still think you should have the right to discriminate against women. That woman should not have the right to vote, that child support should not exist.

Women are mentally, Children.


To be fair, he clearly fathered a child with his sister.

Is okay user, I'll have sex with you

i sleep in a small bed with my dakimakura

>big wheel at the cracker factory

hello underageb&

What is this projection hour?

What did you say about my mom bro!?

met a girl last night who exclusively talked about her dumb fucking relationship with some asshole, and she shit talked him the entire time endlessly, made him sound like the biggest piece of shit and at the very end dropped that she had broken up with him at least 5 times before and they had been in and out of relationship status multiple times

is this seriously what being a normie is like? why are ""girls"" so indecisive and catty?

>is this seriously what being a normie is like? why are ""girls"" so indecisive and catty?

yes. biology

not to mention she was browsing fucking tinder the entire night before she had even broken up with the guy, didn't look up from her phone once

I wish I was a faggot because I hate dealing with this shit

that she's a tranny with a made-in-China sheep's womb.

wachya gonna do about it, interspæcial tough guy?

wew im glad you censored it im only 4 years old and marges tiddies and balls are far tamer without the cock in homers mouth
