Why does he keep getting burned?

Why does he keep getting burned?

Maybe he's a cunt.

gold diggers

the bottom right picture is his daughter you pleb
i'd toss her scrambled salad eggs

Why change them if they all look exactly the same?

How much alimony does he pay?

actually I'm wrong I apologise

she looks like her mother a lot though holy fuck

he looks the same too to be fair


He's probably an asshole.

It's not my fault I divorced my husband

he likes them blonde huh

She's fuggin hawt

little known fact, his sister was raped and killed by a pack of niggers. worse yet the cuck forgave the killer. JUST

He's got a small penis. Like really small, even by non-porn standards. Plus he's always been balding and stocky. Hasn't had serious big roles in years. Boss was supposed to be his big comeback and it never took off. He's pretty JUST'd.

was the nigger executed at least?

He said he forgave the guy at a parole hearing then proceeded to explain why the guy should stay behind bars.

He was just taking the high road.

Also read his quote from the hearing and try not picture an episode of Frasier where Frasier is saying it.

He was Latino, not black.

>He said he forgave the guy at a parole hearing then proceeded to explain why the guy should stay behind bars.
>He was just taking the high road.

>"Yes yes yes this man deserves forgiveness and we as Christians should give it to him.... HOWEVER"

based frasier

the reason he divorces these thots is because women have a shelf life of

Is he a religious guy? It's kind of a thing that they're supposed to personally forgive sinners and leave it to god (staying in prison is another matter).

because Terry wills it

he doesn't realize the difference between being attractive and just being rich

Camille Grammar was on Real Housewives of BH, and Kelsey was never there. He was in fact the one that wanted her to join the cast and all the while he travelled around the country and fucked a lot of women. So in many cases Kelsey is the one that justed his wives.

Why isnt a man allowed to be a piece of shit in this day and age?

Hes given his children millions, food, clothes, education, opportunity, connection

And hes not allowed to be a piece of shit after that?

How fucking high is the bar? You can't be a good father you have to be a miserable husband? fuck all yall faggots let a man enjoy his one life before some mexican kidnaps him and ends it

Fraiser reunion when?

True Detective S3

Kelsey Grammar as a jaded vice detective. David Hyde Pierce as a druggy/tattooed forensic psychologist. John Mahoney as the lead detective or captain near retirement. Takes place in Seattle during the 90s.

They all look the same. If you are going to marry every 5 years atleast have some variety.

no you were right the first time

why isn't anyone calling out OP for posting fake news?

kelsey isn't getting a divorce, nor have he and his wife separated

kayte walsh was my next door neighbour in hartlepool no bs

I like his daughter


>Recuckligan keeps getting fucked over by his flavour of the month

I'm sure Kelsey, being a Trumpcuck, is used to the feeling

yes goyim date a littany of different races and different colours, personal taste doesnt exist, just fuck african girls and brown girls and asian girls, thats what we mean

t. ive got an arab fetish that wont quit. ive fucked so many. asians are garbage, whites are sometimes good when theyre blonde and nordic but otherwise theyre just plain to me.

Over the line, Kelsey.
That dog was fucking talented.

Is he the original fedora-tipper?

It's social shaming, weirdo. When guys do things like leave their third wife and marry their mistress and have a lot of kids with a lot of different women, they get an amount of social shaming because society would suck if everyone acted like that. It's only in the black community that behavior like that is seen as acceptable, and look where it's gotten them.

if you provide for the kids its fine. society can go fuck itself.

id leave a bitch wife in a minute of i was miserable. my grandpa and dad lived miserable lives and im not gonna carry that tradition on just cause society chooses to give a shit about me when it hates me but otherwise is indifferent towards me.

>keeps getting fucked over by his flavour of the month

This is actually the correct answer. He keeps marrying younger women, they get bored, divorce him, take his money and move on. He needs to accept that he has to settle for women his own age if he doesn't want to keep paying out alimony.

You know what they say, gods there for the wedding but not the divorce.

He goes into detail about how it pisses him off when people say the dog's acting, because it's just a stupid animal doing tricks, and that he doesn't need some fat guy waving raw meat at him to get him to perform, unlike that dog.


cokeheads arent rational dude

He mentions the gift of life from God in the same speech so I think so.

Do what you want, but don't act surprised that people encourage pro-social behaviors and shame anti-social ones. There'd be a lot of negative consequences if everybody had sex with thousands of people, so people who are very promiscuous get shamed, and stable relationships are a social good, so people who are married for fifty years are heaped with praise, a married couple having a baby is gushed over, and a single mom smoking cigarettes is shamed.

>It was back in Buffalo, during my first winter there. The theater arranged privileges for the actors at the Jewish Y, so every night before the show I would go there and take some steam. One evening, three of us were sitting in our towels and struck up a conversation. It got around to our individual careers—one was an insurance salesman, the other a real estate agent, and I of course was an actor.

>"Wow, an actor," said the insurance salesman. "That's pretty tough."

>"Yeah," I said, "but it's a good life. I love my work."

>It went on like that for awhile until finally he said, "You know, we're not so different—in fact, we have a lot in common. The truth is, I act every day."

>Suddenly I was seized by a great revelation, and my actor's indignation welled up within me. I looked him in the eye and told him, "No, you don't. The truth is, you lie everyday."

He really likes that blonde basic bitch look.



i cant be around them anymore

>its a Frasier is pro-gun episode

>The Dr Frasier Crane Show does not exist as a 3 hour weekly podcast

>All hot young fake blondes
I do wonder.
I know he's a moderately wealthy minor celeb and all, but maybe he should go for a woman based on more than superficiality?


does your dick get hard for personality?

It's because OP posted the same wife twice and the fourth is his daughter.

>expecting me to feel bad for balding white man



Please wtf i need this


Whatever virgin ,go jerk off and cry to your pathetic life.

>Why does he keep getting burned?

he keeps marrying above his sexual market value