As a critique of desensitised commercial movie violence...

As a critique of desensitised commercial movie violence, is this the cinematic equivalent of a girl posting a selfie on Instagram with the caption, ’’LOL! I am SUCH a narcissist!’’?

No. This shit was great at making you aware of your expectations and then fucking with them. Best example is the forced stripping scene, and the finale.

I know Haneke made because I was supposed to hate this, but I absolutely loved it.

It was basically like that highway scene from Nocturnal Animals or the singing in the rain scene from Clockwork Orange, except here that's the whole damn movie.
And I loved every second of it.

Watched the original version though.

>original is deemed a masterpiece, 10/10
>american version is literally a shot for shot remake, deemed shit, 2/10

American reviewers are plebs.

>this the cinematic equivalent of a girl posting a selfie on Instagram with the caption, ’’LOL! I am SUCH a narcissist!
Equivalent of being right?

>Americans are plebs.

The remake is genuinely the superior version due to the performances.

>tfw grinder my teeth so hard in frustration and rage at the movie that it shaved a chunk off the back of one of my front teeth

The equivalent being Yes you are right, so why are you posting this selfie? Indicating selfie’s are narcissistic doesn’t earn you extra brownie points for every time you post a selfie, it doesn’t serve to actually deflate the narcissism in anyway -- it really just makes it worse.

Apply this analogy to violence and Funny Games.

>The remake is genuinely the superior version due to the performances.

Plus, it just works better it it's set in the states, considering that it's mainly U.S. cinema that it's satirizing.

Really? What scene?

> Yes you are right, so why are you posting this selfie?
Does they should ask you first? What are you, norm police? You are narcisstic here, buddy

Just before the rewind when they're making her choose whether he gets shit or stabbed.

But they’re the ones qualifying the picture, noting its narcissism in the ironic pejorative sense, and then posting anyway. I’m not after anyone’s permission but the hypothetical Instagram girl obviously is - hence the need to justify the negative aspects of her selfie while simultaneously enabling the negative aspects of her selfie so that nothing has really happened. I realise now this is broadly similar to the I Was Just Pretending To Be Retarded maymay spawned around here a lot. Broadly.

I wonder if it's because reviewers thought that there was no need for such a narcissistic, redundant remake. I just wonder.

Its a horror film making fun of horror films. people just dont understand.

>The remake is genuinely the superior version due to the performances.

What the fuck am I reading? The American actors look like Rebecca Black in Friday compared to the Germans.

I don't know why, this movie gave a raging boner back in my teens, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't because of Naomi Watts.

what's narcissistic about it and why are you being so confidently critical about haneke's intentions? maybe he remade it because the quality of the original bugged him, or he felt it deserved american exposure it simply wasn't getting from the original
or literally anything, it's his fucking decision and i'm not watching films for the purpose of questioning the validity of that decision

some people are so entitled

Only saw the remake, and it's definitely a 10/10

>is this the cinematic equivalent of a girl posting a selfie on Instagram with the caption, ’’LOL! I am SUCH a narcissist!’’?

Funny games actually has an effect and is very uncomfortable to watch. Sure its not subtle but its great at what it does.

The goal of the movie isn't to show how violent cinema is, but rather how audiences crave the violence and to make them uncomfortable about it.

>make them uncomfortable about it.

I didn't get this. How do you mean it? Doesn't any seriously violent movie make you feel uncomfortable and at the same time thrilled and excited?

The physical and psychological violence was already hard to watch, but as one user already pointed out, the movie was about making the audience aware of their own cravings and expectations and then fucking with them, like in the rewind scene. There's a reason why a lot of people find it more difficult to watch than something like Saw, even though the gore and violence is a lot more graphic in the latter. It doesn't just make them cringe, it makes them genuinely uncomfortable.