What is the TV/film equivalent?

What is the TV/film equivalent?

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Michael Bay.

Far from incompetent, just woefully uninspired and conventional.

>CHAD Kroeger


Comedy Central.
Sometimes they shit out something good like Tosh.0 or something, but 99% it's something fucking retarded like anything by Amy Schumer or Aziz Anzari. Or that abysmally fucking terrible Workaholics.

bazinga the show

humourless ameritard detected
enjoy your long long viriginity...

Why was Sam Hyde in Nickelback?

Star Wars

How is 99% of Nickelback shit?
Name me one song of them you hate
Hating Nickelback is just a dumb reddit meme

kill yourself

>doesn't like Amy schumer
>you must be a virgin


avril lavigne really fucked up


>Being a Canadian manlet


hes not a manlet, shes just wearing ridiculously tall heels, dingus

every american talk show and "comedian"

Manlet detected

Pretty sure it's both desu. He only ever looked average height with Avril Lavigne, and she's like five foot nothing.

Hating nickleback in most cases just shows you're a pleb loser. I don't know a fucking thing about whatever shitty genre they play and neither do most people, yet most people will tell you they are the worst band of all time. It's the same shit as hating Justin beiber while listening to the radio top 40, normies just trying to fit in

The Fifth Element.

Terrible movie by a hack director, but lots of people love it.


I hate things that were bland and shitty.

They are the epitome fo tasteless buttrock
Only Theory of a Deadman is worse


how is this bad?


fuck you

best answer so far


"Nickelback is the worst band ever" must be one of the dumbest memes on the internet. How can a perfectly okay radio friendly rock band get this label when there's so much utter shit out there like Brokencyde and similar stuff.

Nickleback bashing is just carthetic. Like people who have subconscious issues with niggers and resolve them by calling everything and everybody racist.
>N-No I don't like their music. They are the worst band ever xD
>How do I know?
>I used to listen to them on youtube a lot. Ironically I mean HAHA

Nickelback is the most recognizable and typical, but they're honestly not that bad. How You Remind Me and Hero are decent songs. I don't listen to it, but it's not terrible.

Theory of a Deadman is one of the worst things to ever happen to music and I don't understand how there's a single human that enjoys it.

>Theory of a Deadman
I refuse to believe this song isn't ironic

Bazinga show

>nickelbeck are not that ba-

fucking terrible

I can understand not enjoying Nickelback, but HATING the band? What for? How are they worse than any other mainstream rock has-beens? They were easily digestible pop rock that was popular a decade ago and nowadays they're shit on whenever they're mentioned. No one I've spoken to has ever been able to actually definitively state WHY they hate them.

It's so funny. Justin Bieber is literally the exact same thing as all similar artists. In fact, I've heard far worse from much more respected artists. But no, we gotta hate Justin Bieber much more for some reason.

the main argument people use is that their songs all sound the same and is very formulaic, but a band like ACDC does the exact same thing and are revered.

Does reddit still hate Biebs? What the fuck?

sir, if you don't find miss schumers feminine jokes funny, then I, sir, think you can't have lost your virginity to a lady because if you were, you'd be acceptive towards feminine brands of humour we males should embrace in any way we can.

Remember men, only virgins say negative things about women. And if you are a virgin who says good things about women, then continue to do so because in that way you can show to world you are not some woman hating virgins!

>Sup Forums humor
>reddit space
Checks out

This is the only Nickelback song I know and I un-ironically enjoy it.

batman vs superman because both are awful

Everyone did when it came out. It was top of the charts for weeks. Millennials can fuck off with their nignog shit.

Unironically hating Nickelback is impossible.
It's like hating macaroni, or Toy Story 3, or the colour blue. It's the most boring and inoffensive shit you can listen to. It's the baseline of music.

But how else will people realise what a sophisticated taste I have which validates my otherwise underachieving life if I don't go out of my way to slam popular stuff?

AC/DC is in this weird zone where people either consider them the greatest band of all time, or they don't care for them at all (even if they're generally rock fans).

better than 90% of rap songs

I find his voice appaling

99% of every genre of everything is complete amateurish dogshit, tho.

There's two lead singers and I don't like either of them. I find AC/DC incredibly boring.

>Black Veil Brides in the suggested vids
does youtube know I'd like to suck a log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole?

her shoulder width is twices his, come on


What's his appeal? I had a friend's 12 year old sibling tell me he was the coolest thing ever in 2011.

Every sitcom by (((chuck lorre)))

I legit like those songs.

Hero was a great song and all their albums up until Dark Horse were pretty decent.

omar rodriguez' movies #mcdonaldsnickelback

soap operas

fuck you

BvS, both suck hard yet hardcore fans insist that we "just don't get it."


That's Kurt Cobain retard.

It's a really fucking bland song.

Kino video though.

Chad's voice, those finger slips on the guitar strings, the actual video, that fact that I'm pretty sure they use the same melody in all their songs, slightly tweaked to fit the tone of the specific song.

wtf. did nobody try to tell her how shitty bf she has and replace him to him?

Anything from The CW.

fuck you


>implying anybody who listens to top 40 thinks they know anything about music
Most people who do this realize they are plebs.

this desu.

Posting about CW shows should result in perma bans.

The superhero genre. Popular, bland, and mediocre yet competent.

are you serious?

I can't believe somebody would listen to a Nickleback album, let alone several. Are you a masochist or something?

I'm with I don't know any other songs from them, but that song is unironically good.


he looks like a penis with legs.

I didn't really appreciate Nickelback until I started working as a strip club DJ. A girl can dance to Nickelback and nothing but Nickelback every set of the night, different songs every time, and it just works. They've got dozens of club appropriate songs that are all just fine.

I recognize that cockprint anywhere!


I've only found one Nickelback song that I really like but all the hate toward them is ridiculous. And always when people bash them I'm like, they're professional musicians, what have you got?

>Hating Nickelback is just a dumb reddit meme

Worst post


That Nirvana drummer's band is even worse and people don't say nothing.

Grey's Anatomy