Whats the first thing that comes to mind when you look at this image?

whats the first thing that comes to mind when you look at this image?

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her face is a 10/10



That must be one strong surfboard, to support a refrigerator.

whats the first thing that comes to mind when you look at this image?

the wolf of wall street

I really wanna fuck her

that's what comes to mind

Hate for the lack of a black border on the right side

I'm a bit perturbed as to why someone would dump a perfectly good fridge in the middle of the sea

>ywnb that surf board

>I would like to put my penis in that

looks pretty kino

>Too tan. When are we going to have the technology to permanently make her clown-white?

She would have no problem carrying and birthing triplets.

> ywn sniff her sweaty pits


Idris Elba

benis in bagina :DDDD

Her vagina suctioning to a glass coffee table and me underneath with a gopro in one hand and my cawk in ta other. What do you guy think about?

>white """""""people"""""""

And what is the issue? That she isn't dragging around a nasty baboon ass? Hah. Animals.

Still hot famalam

>body 10/10

This fucking guy

huge bush

That trans scarecrow next to her should fuck off for eternity.



Consensual sex in the missionary position with the lights off for the purpose of procreation.

she wishes

>he doesn't realise that face > everything else

my cock is a waveboard

not on this board

the amount of ugly fucking bitches posted but lel tits or ass is disgusting

Sex on the beach


that something so beautiful, so perfect, and so delicious looking will never be fine. i will never be able to bring her home to my family. i will never ask her to marry me and buy her a giant expensive ring. i will never see her lips wrapped around my cock, and her facial expression as i blow a load in her throat. that i will never eat the inside of her pussy and suction cup my mouth to her bare anus cavity. that i will never nurse off of her tits, that i will never shoot loads up in her pussy to try and get her pregnant, that we will never birth 4 blue eyed children together and have a big family. that we will never grow old together and raise our grandchildren. and that we will never die holding hands minutes apart on our death bed.

that. is what i see..

Strayans are literally british convicts left on their own continent


Pregnant or bad angle, she always had a meh body, it's her face and expressions that make her hot.



t. deshawn who thinks nicki minaj's fake ass is perfection

She carries her weight in the wrong places. Like none it it goes to her boobs or ass, and it goes to her arms or midsection. Since she has a poor hip:waist ratio, she just ends up looking like she has a fat torso.

Learn how to read.



I agree, but I had to post that clown sole.

Why does this fridge have arms and legs

Saggly and shapeless with weight on, full blown STICC when fit.

Who let you out of r/incel?

Promising, but a bit too much frump in the dump.

the first thing that popped into my head was sara lee chocolate creme pie but im also kind of over weight and i love food so there you go

shes got great taste in boards, Brewer is the all time greatest shaper, maybe only Hynson is equal


forgot pic

seriously this and I don't even know why

she isn't even showing her ass or anything

1 piece bathing suit > slutkini

Though it's all indecent.


>all time greatest shaper

can you OD on irony?


Pleeeaaase tell me who you think is better?


the almost literally no hedorah screentime