OMG So brave

So brave, so empowering, so edgy, such social commentary

Other urls found in this thread:

>Now all girls will cut off their hair now because they wanna be brave

Chick is psychotic. Die in a fire.

>all women go "omg so brave"
this is why they get paid less
its a wonder we let them vote

I want to feel how far I can slide her head up my ass

It was already hard not to concentrate on her eyebrows

Buzz cuts and bald heads on women both turn me on.

I'd be fairly happy with this.

>Strip those away
>She's nothing
Why do women want everything for themselves? She sells her sexuality. But also expects to be valued on a beyond the surface level

She should have shaved off most of those brows.

>cuts hair for a movie


those don't look natural

I didn't know her nipple was visible in this photo.
No ban, please no.

Cultured gentlemen right here

>works as a fashion model
>talks about beauty standards
lel can somebody just shoot this retarded whore on the head and spare us from her idiocy


the internet has warped you. Check out her other photos.

>no das not bautiful, THIS is beutifle
Man how hard is it for people to understand that some things are hard-coded into our brains and that's just the way life is?

What a jew.

Beauty is entirely superficial and based on what people find aestethically pleasing or attractive. It's somewhat subjective, but the parameters aren't really that wide.

A fat bald man is not attractive. A 6'1 woman without feminine traits is not attractive.

it's like when rich people say that money doesn't matter.

I still don't get how this "woman" gets work as either an actress or model.

Thats what genetic perfection looks like, kiddo.

wtf, why do normies think this shit is "deep"

>professional model
>Daughter of rich property developers
>GET RID OF ALL YOUR MATERIAL POSSESSIONS THEY DON'T DEFINE US so long as mummy and daddy can look after me ;)

Fuck this cunt.

>genetic perfection
>fat woman with perfect tits and a nice face
>still a fat woman
genetic perfection is going a bit too far.


she looks like a fucking MAN

She's bald jerry

>Reading comprehension

Reminds of Sean Penn when he said how his house burned down and it was "such a liberating experience" or some shit. Isn't it easy to not worry about money when you don't have to worry about money?

She's a typical circle-jerk leftist that just runs around chasing her own tail while looking for people to victimize her so she can declare herself a social justice warrior.

>strip away all your material possessions
>iphone in her fucking hand
Really activates those almonds...

Just saw this same post in pol you underage fucking beaner.

Keep the trash where It belongs, thread reported.

It's against the rules to announce reports idiot

It's amazing how hair unjusted him.

Ah thats cool! So you'll go out with me now Cara?

I'm fat and ugly with shit hair and no money, but strip all that away and I'm beautiful.

>browses Sup Forums

You're part of the cancer here, fuck you

aren't her parents megarich.

kek and she just had to share it too because she knew she'd get likes by her herd of dumb cunts. women are literally a meme.

Nigga you ugly inside too

Can you guys just post more bald girls?

>omg bald haircuts are so hawt
>both her tits out in full display

Idiot. That's not what you're attracted to.

How come girls always act like it's empowering for them when a rich millionaire celebrity actress does something stupid to make a statement?

>p-pol is bad!
Back you go.


Isn't she in her 30s? Why is she talking like a 17 year old?

Its not like I've ever been attracted to bald women outside of that photo or anything like that.
That's like saying that I don't like blonde hair if feel attracted when looking at a blonde girls tits.
You're a fucking retard, man.

>not marrying an Israeli operator

The only one I like is CJ

Am I supposed to know who the FUCK this nobody is, or care what they have to say?

It's always the ugly one. Why don't you ever see a conventional and universally acclaimed sex symbol like Taylor come out shouting that she's tired of beng told what beauty means?

No, bald girls are gross. Why do you want to look like a cancer patient?

Because they think it makes "the system" mad and makes "the system" pay attention to their petty bullshit when all it does is make people laugh at them.

I remember high school when some faggots thought they were being edgy and "fuck the system" by getting mohawks. All they got was called "faggot" all the time. They impressed no one.

Maybe 40+ years ago they could have made a statement or some shit, but today most don't give a fuck while some find the attention-whoring humorous.

But in the end she's a typical millenial in the sense that she did nothing original while thinking she's some progressive edge-lord much like all those retards who think they'e doing something new and edgy with those faggot "Hitler youth" haircuts, taliban beards, faux-samurai man-buns, and hair colored all sorts of shit..

>bald girls are gross
That's your opinion.
I think its sexy. I think its the subversiveness and exotic/unique aspect of it.


t. closet fag

breh, it happens all the time.

>attracted to women
When will this meme end?

isn't she a jew and part of an incredibly powerful british family?


Only when they start getting old or feeling insecure for some reason.

>attracted to masculine features
>b-but they're on women so it's not gay
I bet you like feminine penises too faggot.

Short hair>long hair>>>>>>>>buzz cuts.

>omg those muscles

Really makes you think.

answer: not you

Not him but
>feminine penises

There is nothing inherently masculine or feminine about hairstyles you fucking moron.
Its not a biological feature, its a fashion choice.

>I have become rich and famous over this concept
>But now that I am rich and famous enough, FUCK THIS CONCEPT AND LIKE ME MORE FOR SAYING THAT

>Become famous and rich literally for being good looking and nothing else
>"life isn't all about how good you look!"
This bitch is so up her own ass it's uncanny

>society defining beauty
But you're the one who is a model, cunt. You're the one who sets the standards of long hair and make up and all that shit, it didn't bother you when you were making mad money as a model, huh? Now suddenly you're above it all? Hypocritical cunt.

I blame romper stomper for this.

I wouldn't fuck a chick with a buzz cut regardless because there is a high chance of some psycho feminazi false rape charge after banging her.

This is because every single chick with a buzz cut...every single one, no exceptions, is completely out of their gourd.

>What cut to do you want?
>You know Alien 3?
>Say no more senpai

virgin detected

My niggas. I want to bust nuts up skinhead girl's assholes while making them pretend their name is Jason. You guys too?

He has. The bits left are what he can't get rid of without a diamond tipped sawblade.

I'm attracted to girl's with buzzcuts because they have a "sullied" look to them, as though they can be handled roughly and have all sorts of shit done to them and it'd be okay because they have no boundaries and are like animals.

>Its not a biological feature
Yes it is. Men are way more likely to go bald as they age than women.

Buzzcut/shaved head =/= male pattern baldness

Literal skinhead

Damn, the alt right is THIS triggered? I thought only liberals were triggered.

Cara is finished

Nazi scum.

Listen kiddo. I guarantee I have fucked more birches than you will in 2 lifetimes.

I have more than enough experience to know that you don't stick your dick in crazy, unless you are one of those desperate simpletons that is into bitch drama. Now sit down and stop talking about things you know nothing about.

Kek Im going bald and I'm 20. This girls knows nothing.

all that is left is her fucking boy-face
it is literally the face of a boy, and if you think she is hot you are gay and a pederast no way around it, vagina or not

This has to be some post ironic joke. I don't think these levels of cognitive dissonance are possible if she's being sincere.

>I guarantee I have fucked more birches than you will in 2 lifetimes.
t. has never seen a real life pussy

>think they'e doing something new and edgy with those faggot "Hitler youth" haircuts, taliban beards, faux-samurai man-buns, and hair colored all sorts of shit..
no they just think they're getting laid, which they are

Or maybe she's just another dumb-as-dogshit leftist.

>so triggered, so micropenis, so masterrace pumping gas, much kuklarity

>male pattern baldness

tranny confirmed?

Most women actually have shit tier hairlines, they just keep it disguised with their long hair

>damn you look bad woman

maybe they are doing it to push the fem agenda to seel a few more Wonder Woman tickets, i don't know what the fuck is in the mind of these psychos


Just a couple days ago she went tI the Met Gala which is an opulent celebration of makeup and fashion and hair.

>>A fat bald man is not attractive

either someone convinced her to shave for a role/photoshoot and she hates it but trying to save face or she had a mental breakdown


It is both. She is no longer getting the same attention from men so she is turning to virtue signaling to get another kind of attention.

They don't get paid less.

Like shaving their head, they just want to think everything in their life is a battle against oppression.

Guess it beats admitting to themselves that they're boring.