Nolan confirmed for next Bond film

Chris Nolan's Syncopy Productions has added Bond 25 to their list of future projects on IMDB Pro.

marion cotillard conformed for bond girl, tom hardy for villian

Big guy as bond
Bayol as villain
Aiden gillian as bill Wilson's British cousin

2deep inbound



So did Warner Bros win the bidding war? No way they let their auteur go make kino for another studio.

>a silent operator
>a watchful keeper of britain
>a Double 0 agent


Oh, I hope not.

Chiwetel Ejiofor is going to be the black they ask for once this guy is too old.

Sony already lost 719 million soleley due to their "progressive" casting decisions, this'd bankrupt them, so obviously I'm all for it

>christopher nolan
>relevant in 2017

There's a new kinolord in town.

I haven't liked James Bond movies in well over a decade. The guy behind shit like TDK trilogy and Inception doesn't get me interested.

>Intro action sequence
>Bond spins to the camera and fires
>Signature gun barrel animation plays
>intro credits animation begins




A typical Bond movie

>not a whole lot of dialogue
>not a whole lot of extras
>big cinematic set pieces
>cold grey setting
>suave white male main lead

Nolan seems perfect.
If he fixes the coreography and blocking in the action scenes there might be chance of something resembling a kino emerging if this is true.

neither is superhero film

i think that was the point

Well Inception was already a bond movie without James Bond so might aswell do it now for real

Nolan is a hack but Bond is a meme franchise do I guess it kinda works.

how long before i can download it?

Yeah good luck with that, Nolan never casts black people in his films, go ahead name literally ONE

how is he a hack?

It's already on Limewire.

serious replies only xd

MC Ride

b-but this is impossible!

Nolan better not insist on directing the action sequences.

What about the Big Guy?

Is this the sequel to the Plane scene?

>tfw the only one on Sup Forums who loves Nolankino
Its a lonely feeling.

Based Nolan hates niggers though. And for good reason.

Could it be?


D U B S confirm. Dune will be kino.


Big news for you if true.

He's not a good director and he thinks he's clever when he isn't.
His only good movie was Following.

Le contrary Sup Forums edgelord strikes again xD

James Bond, I'm Felix Leiter.

you mean Tom Hardy confirmed

The last few Bond films have been apeing his style anyway, so they might as well get the real guy

>From the director of Prisoners

The most IMDB sensibility film made so far. Anybody who thinks that Prisoners is above mediocre is juvenile about the medium and entirely emblematic of the video game crossposter fueled downfall of this board.

Villeneuve is one of the biggest trashmasters working today, hack's hack. This is hot pocket: the movie. Cheeto dust: the flick.

IMDB "FILM BUFF" pleb fodder. If you like this film then you are an enemy of the medium.


All the memes are there, it's shit.

Fucking kill yourself. Between Incendies, Enemy, Prisoners and Arrival, Villeneuve proved he has more talent than all Nolans together.

>currently making Blade Runner 2049
>as soon as he's done with that he's gonna start work on Dune
He won't be directing a Bond film anytime soon. He's probably gonna be busy until the end of 2018.

>Responding to pasta
>not a newfag

my cocain as the mi6 guy
morgan freeman is the scientist guy who gives bond the gadgets
tom hardy is the villain
leo or christian bale as bond
dead wife
hans zimmer farting the theme
the intro is done with practical effects but looks like it was a chore to make
everything is gray and brown and orange
~70% on RT
movie is ok but Sup Forums can only focus on the "plotholes" and tries to link its dialogue with le big guy meme

I haven't seen this one ever used and I remember Lost threads.



t. pleb

What role will Aidan be playing?

>~70% on RT
Nah, it'll get critical acclaim. Interstellar, The Prestige and Following are his only films that haven't gotten 80% or higher on RT.

Is there anything he CAN'T do?

unironically this

mc ride in interstellar

>mfw this is actually plausible now

>soleley due to their "progressive" casting decisions

This is why you'll never make it in hollywood user.

An uphill gardener

do you only post on weekends or something? it has its milage already

Since he's Irish couldn't he be the new Bond? It's close enough to England.

random mook killed in the opening mission

Duh. Nolan has been hoping to make a Bond movie forever. His Batman movies and Inception were basically Bond movies.

I missed this pasta, it's worthy of a (you). Have it on me, friend.

Nolan confirms Bond will be white.

Main cast is completely white.
Main cast is completely white.
Main cast is completely white.
>Batman Begins
Morgan Freeman is the only part of the main cast that isn't white.
>The Prestige
Main cast is completely white.
>The Dark Knight
Morgan Freeman is the only part of the main cast that isn't white.
Ken Watanabe and Dileep Rao are the only parts of the main cast that aren't white.
>The Dark Knight Rises
Morgan Freeman is the only part of the main cast that isn't white.
David Gyasi is the only part of the main cast that isn't white.
Main cast is completely white.

Black Dynamite as Guy fed up with the clown

do you think Nolan voted MAGA? I mean he even looks like less bloated Trump

Morgan Freeman is honorary white tbqh

Is that limey fuck even allowed to vote?

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he did. I've gotten some right-wing vibes from some of his films.

The name is Guy, Big Guy.

Doubt it. Dark Tower will underwhelm. And he'll be treated like bo poison.

They should hire the guy who played the lead dwarf from the Hobbit.

He has dual citizenship.

enbiggened, not grown

>Tom Hardy for villain
I'm not against that at all.

>end of 2018

I think longer user. He hasn't even started shooting Dune yet and we're nearly halfway thru the year.
Plus he may do that Jake movie after Dune because he'll need something smaller after two big movies.

anons I...

Skyfall aped dark Knight so much hopefully the franchise can progress now they got the actual director.

Got to get Cillian Murphy and Michael Caine in there too

Is he redpilled?

>source imdb

Doubtful, though I wouldn't be opposed to him doing one, but he'll probably pull some bs. Couldn't be worse than spectre I suppose

how wasn't him bike locked to death?

Nolan being a hack isn't really that contrarian of an opinion.

If anything, Nolan being a genius is more of an internet hivemind thing.

Not that guy, but he's a glorified summer flick director.

he said years ago he wanted to make a bond, its likely real

>glorified summer flick director
Exactly what we need for Bond. He seems like an okay dude and he got into film making because of the skiing scene in On Her Majesty's Secret Service, so I'm sure he'll do his very best.

A literal contrarian. You picked the only film by him no one saw.

I DID see it and it IS good, but he has several great films.

You do realize that Nolan is responsible for the current boom in capeshit, right?
As for Fincher, he was set to do the entire "Millennium" trilogy up until recently.
I wouldn't be worried about this trend unless Tarantino directs a live-action Disney remake.

I agree with that, he was also perfect for capeshit.

>glorified summer flick director
No, the rest I can agree with it but that's not his type of film. They're very obviously not flicks. Men in Black, Independence Day, Transformers are summer flicks.

Its gonna still be daniel craig

His Batman films and Inception are summer flicks, his upcoming War movie screams summer flick.


Tom Hardy as a rogue american spy?

Sign me up senpai

>You do realize that Nolan is responsible for the current boom in capeshit, right?
Wrong, Nolan made standalone movies and kept to them, WB tried to tied them with GL and then MoS, but failed. Marvel on the other hand succeeded with IM1, so Favreau and RDJ are the ones to blame for current capeshit.


what Nolan did is popularize the "realistic", "gritty" blockbuster, other directors and studios even admit the influence he had on their proyects. people want to blame the capeshit boom on a specific entity but I feel it was something gradual with lot of movies involved

Nolan's Batman was responsible for the current format of capeshit m8, which is basically the fuel for the ongoing trend.

I enjoy Nolan's films.

I think you idiots are forgetting to discuss something.

Will it be better than TDKR plane scene in terms of becoming a meme?


You're a big spy