ITT: Remove one letter from a movie or series title and shortly describe the new plot

ITT: Remove one letter from a movie or series title and shortly describe the new plot.

>Sakes on a plane
>A story about Japanese airline pilot who struggles with alcoholism

>Eyes Wide Hut
>A movie about a corrupt woman running for President and her links to a secretive pedo-cult hidden within a Pizza restaurant


>Rob Cop
It's a movie about a cop named rob

>Back To He Future
>a trangendered man goes back in time in order to prevent himself going transvaginal and thus becoming a living monstrosity

Simple, but I like it.

>Autistic man who is a volunteer cop thinks his mother is a replicant and can't tell what's real anymore

Black Sake Moan, the prequel.

>To Live And Die In A

one mans journey through ass

>Million Dollars Bay
>basically Bridges of Madison County, but now he has to photograph some beautiful bay, and Meryl Streep lives in a costal town

>The Fat & The Furious

>Arm Dog
>an horror film about a scientist that replaces his arm with a living, ferocious dog

>Repo Ma
>A middle-aged mother (Bryce Dallas Howard) falls into the depraved world of sex, drugs, and government conspiracies -- that's all part of the job of working in repossessions in Los Angeles.


>Ran Man
>a Forrest Gump rip-off

i like it more as a story about a giant dog that rips off arms in a foggy seaside village

>Ma of Steel

A prequel of Man of Steel in which we follow Ma Kent's long history of heroine abuse, inability to have a child and battles of domestic abuse from Pa Kent, a man dead set on letting people die.

These are all pretty good

The Odfather

Things were looking up for newly Male to Female transitioned mob boss Don Vito but after he moves in with his Concilierie he finds out it's time to meet his son's future in-laws who just so happen to be conservative FBI agents. Things get cooky as the feather boa'd don makes his new in laws an offer they can't resist!


O Country For Old Men

>in this mashup of two Coen brothers' theatrical universes, a trio of lovable depression era scamps travel across the south looking for a lost treasure, comically murdering their pursuers with a captive bolt pistol

Black Hawk Don
A Native American man must attempt to fit into the wacky misadventures of life in an LA office block

Something Begbie really didn't do well

Jude Dredd
>a gut-wrenching tale of the Dredd family stuck in a concentration camp

>The Fat and Furious
>a story about an overweight Cop who infiltrates the Hong Kong underground streetracing scene, reaches the top, then ultimately dies in a silly traffic accident

The Rad: Redemption
>a gnarly skater with a bad attitude gets in trouble with the gang at his downtown high school, and the only way out is to fight his way back down to the skatepark

Indiana Jones and the Lat Crusade
>Indy teams up with his dad to find an ancient Aramaic benchpress technique lost to the sands of time and win a bodybuilding competition in Hitler's Germany


The Itch
>A familiy living outside a town is struck by sudden and unexplicable genitalia rashes.

space ja

michael jordan plays a game against rastafarians

Sake is already plural.
The English word 'sakes' means "cases", "causes" or "things which benefit [subject]".


Kill yourself

>the red dagon

one mans hunt for an eldritch god

you first lound eye!

Fight Cub

> Vladimir Putin's army of highly trained cubs is sent out to hunt grizzlies in a canadian forest. They end up finding Liam Neeson who became friend with wolves somehow.

>ill bill
uma thurman goes on a journey to see her cancer-ridden grandpa one last time before he dies

>The Vitch
It's the same thing, only with slightly less retarded spelling.

>Harry Potter and the Camber of Secrets

harry tunes & chops his vdub and goes searching for maaaad rims

Host Ship
Like Titanic, but without the disaster

sounds fucking boring

Tar Wars

Movie set in the 18th century revolving around oil tycoons fighting each other in the business sector.


Racist Deadpool

The Abss
>Biopic of the life and death of the true legend Zyzz

Now White and the Huntsman

>The real story of how Michael Jackson was killed by Chris Hemsworth.

would see both of those

Ghost Hip

>betty white gets a hip transplant. the donor? fat old eddie murphy in drag! hilarity ensues as eddit commands his hip still from beyond the grave as a ghost

this fucking thread, top kek lads


Definitely. In the end scene to Tar Wars, Rockefeller has built a brand new oil drill, the Death Drill, and they find the plans, and as it turns out, if you drop TNT into a hole that's about 2 feet wide, it blows up. They take tractors and destroy the oil drill.

Deadpol literally plays out the same way as Deadpool, but he calls people niggers and everyone he kills is black. And all the jokes he makes are about how the Jews in charge of this movie are controlling the media.

Shaun of the DEA
>Shaun works at the DEA and discovers a drug scheme within the DEA itself and is left for himself to uncover the truth. He gets help from the lovable, foolish guard at the gate, who is played by Nick Frost

>Jurassic Ark

like snakes on a plane but with dinosaurs and a boat

Super Size M

>Documentary about incompatible clothing size charts between America and asia

>Fifty Shades of Rey
>Daisy Ridley stars as Rey once again, only this time, her and Finn spend time together in an unconventional way.

Ho Fuzz

Movie about a hairy, smelly hooker, played by Lena Dunham


Is it a sequel to the latest kong flick? No wonder Sam Jackson was so pissed off at kong. He killed all his dinosaurs

>2001 A Pace Odyseey
>An astronaut walks around the galaxy at a steady pace for 2 hours while the song Requiem blasts in the audiences' ears

>remake of Ridley Scott's film

>It's James Cameron's Aliens, but there's only 1 alien in this version


Movie about people on a spaceship running from a man with a strange spelling of a common name.


Curse of the Black Earl
>Black Earl is a mythical pirate that invades other ships by disguising himself as a random mate, trying to get on ship's crews. He then goes on a killing spree on each ship, a la Alien. He has a large collection of all the ships he's taken. But with every ship he sends the backside of the ship with the name to their respective homeports. Along with the heads of the crew

Reel Without a Cause

A filmmaker creates and sends a series of short movies depicting the events leading to his suicide to those he feels wronged him

Weir Science

Film director Peter Weir conducts several scientific experiments with hilarious results.

Starring James earl jones as black earl

>Movie about a velociraptor on a plane that keeps shouting ALEN!


>This time the movie lasts for 15 minutes and it's still full of slow motion

The Blue Brothers

> Dr. Manhattan and Victor Freeze team up to defeat their sworn enemies : the Green Goblin and Red Skull

Inside Ma
>2 hour incest porn movie

>House of Lying Daggers
>A bunch of people lie to each other for 2 hours in a gorgeous japanese room

>the dark night
>movie about an evening with no moon


Robert de Niro and Al Pacino both wear hats.

>Mad Max: Fur Road
Tom Hardy drives through the desert looking for pelts
>Mad Max: Fury Rod
Max drives through the desert raping everyone he meets with his angry penis

>Godzilla final war
>same movie

>3 Hours
>Benghazi soldiers killed in less amount of time

This sounds like a tarantula movie

The Ego Movie
>That 15 minute Will Ferrell segment is the whole movie

>Ghost in the Hell
>the spirit of a dead warrior must fight her way through all of hells demons to come back to our world

Dirty Wok

Norm MacDonald opens a Chinese restaurant with less than sanitary conditions

>Host in the Shell
>same movie

Horton Hears a Ho.

WHAT THE FUCK, this has happened twice where I post a movie right after some else did

Black Boo
It's a parody of with a pirate named Black Boo, who scares people by yelling boo!

>James Bond must stop a man who's trying to kill all the elderly people in a retirement town

>12 hours
Some guy gets lost for 12 hours but then hes fine

2 Angry Men
>Brokeback Mountain if they argued over a court case for an hour and a half

Cash of the Titans
>A multi-biopic of all the corporate bosses in the world. In the end the Kraken still shows up

>its a remake of the original predator

>The Sining
>a dyslexic writer housesits a recluse hotel with his family in an attempt to write a generic horror flick for hollywood and goes crazy in the process


Story of a Polynesian princess turned porn star who takes 'colonization" both literally and figuratively

I chuckled at the first


The Ting
>a shapeshifting monster is unleashed onto a remote research facility... in Jamaica.



Story of a grizzled old man who has seen a lot of shit, and has to seek the help of a Polynesian Princess in order to pay off his house

>Down y Law
>an autistic cop hunts down three inmates who have escaped prison and ultimately fails as he cant seem to remember their faces


Before he leaves his girlfriend, he impregnates her


An autobiographical movie about an average clown.

>Paths of Gory
>WWI trenchies bloodbath battle


A movie about trying to get a whole thought into a tweet by removing unnecessary letters.

The Walking Dad

The show follows Rick Grimes if the Apocalypse never came. Don't get me wrong, Shane still fucks Lori, but there's no excuse for it anymore.

>a washed-up auctioneer cleans out his attic and sets up a yardsale to prove the world how fast he really can talk

Owl's Moving Castle
>Zack Snyder's sequel to his best film to date, Owls of Ga'hoole, focusing on the original guardians who operate a flying castle in the shape of an owl.


Same exact thing but all the driving scenes are replaced with scuba diving.

>rob bank
>escape by diving off the fucking cliff
would watch t b h