1) Is reddington her father?

1) Is reddington her father?
2) Why are they messing up ressler's role so much.

Ressler stinks. What a bland character. No style, no uniqueness. Bad actor. They should have him tortured over a large arc.

I don't think it's the actor. What i believe is they actually preparing the audience for a superagent
I mean nevermind robocop. this guy is HUGE

>this guy is HUGE

Isn't that what they are doing now?

Red is her father, which is why tomorrow's episode will be about reminiscent of season 2 when she also had her memories 'revealed'

she loved him, then hated him, and by time of the reveal it will be really funny finding it out and watching her have to deal with it. They'll probably take an entire season for her to just come to terms with it.

Oh, really? I'm only up to that episode where they tried to emulate the success of last season's episode set in the past.

Yeahh!! Nevermind goldie's boyfriend from sin city! This guy is ENORMOUS

But why when liz asked him if he was her father he told her no?

He'll probably start some crap about how he didn't raise her so doesn't deserve to call himself her father. Also how's the show? I quit watching after season 4 I think, when they escaped to Cuba or something.

oh shit btw saying that and if ressler die in the show i ll be in greate regret

it's ok i guess. It was more enjoyable till the director episodes. From then on it's more like a courtesy job watching this. It has it's good times though every now and then.. it has it's good times

And what about the DNA test that said she wasn't?

I think this test was Liz's mother business to make Kirk believe that Liz is his daughter.

Red paid to have test tampered with and she found out and told Kirk.

at the end of that episode Red tells kirk something that makes Kirk leave Red alive, I assume he told him that mother is still alive and hiding.

While drugged he admitted that he was dna wise her father

what the fuck did the cabal even want
im still on s3

I thought that was just him telling Kirk what he wanted to hear.

There was nobody else around but Kirk and kirk isn't going to tell anyone. Only person that was played for was the audience.

the way they showed it at end of season 3, it's kind of like they're multiple factions around the world and essentially they're vying for control.

The cabal is just most successful one in the U.S. and to tell you the truth they've largely dropped that now.

more like redditon

why doesn't dembe get more screen time? he's the best character

can't speak english too well