What the FUCK was his problem?

what the FUCK was his problem?

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He was a Jew.

they were on a break!

he is david schwimmer performing outside of the popular friends tv series

He was too jumpy under pressure in combat situations

Book smarts and no street smarts essentially

This, but without him and his crazy conditioning Easy would not have been the same


he secretly knew he was fighting from the wrong side

Who cares? That show was American propaganda anyways.

WTF was his problem?

A faggot who was still butthurt about being put in the mess hall 50 years later smeared you in a inaccurate war series.

Couldnt read maps

>frankly ferrando doesn't give a fuck what they call it

You tell me?

Just trying to be a good leader. Your weekend pass is revoked, OP.

he didn't know that if you hold the gun op to your temple you usually just blow out your optic nerves and survive

didn't he hang himself and was badly misrepresented in BoB?

Tried to shoot himself, managed to just blind himself, and died in a nursing home of malnutrition. Some people argue Winters misrepresented Sobel, I don't know enough either way.

>danger close?

He died alone in his room, poor and in lots of pain due to no healthcare. Pretty much like most veterans.

Yeah it's true. Germany actually won the war. Fucking jews try to hide this from us goyim though.

The Marines under his command looked like a bunch of goddamn Elvises.


He tried to kill himself but the bullet him alive and only blinded him and then he starved to death in a nursing home because they neglected him.

no one told him war was gonna be this way

So, Peter Principal then.



>We're going through the town again


How did an officer of all veterans not get healthcare