Seriously, all memes aside does it need a sequel? why is this film so... dare i say it...kino?

Seriously, all memes aside does it need a sequel? why is this film so... dare i say it...kino?

movies dont need sequels unless they're designed from the beginning of writing to be a series or have a sequel.

Imagine a cut which involved all of the book's content that was cut or missing.

>he hasn't seen the American psycho sequel starring Mila Kunis

Now THAT was true kino.

It does have a sequel though.

What do these dubs say?

What would they put in the sequel? What movie is there to be made? I don't really care how the story of Patrick Bateman ends.

If anything, they would do a modern remake. Featuring a yuppie-hipster guy, acted and styled in the tone of Nightcrawler.

hehe dubs lol


why was he so obsessed with dubs?

Kill yourself.

No that is incorrect, sir. That movie was panned big time.

The movie would be rated X

Dubs man and drive dude should get together for a movie


It should be about Patrick Bateman in the 90s, raising a family while having calmed down from his sociopathic/psychotic fantasies and perhaps killings, it should be a satire and a look at 90s white suburbia family life. Having Bateman married with kids, away from Wall Street would be a good setting for the film. Still have scenes like...

"I tend to my lawn every weekend or as much as I can when I'm not heading into the Office for brunch. Thompson, the dickhead, uses a type of grass called Kikuya which he had specially imported from Australia, I however use a grass with a more subtle green, Red Fescue since this is a transitional period, I'm sure his Kikuya will eventually die out... To which I will import Tall Fescue."

digits and WW3 happen this week. North Korea will nuke US. US will nuke china and North Korea.

thats stupid

>"I tend to my lawn every weekend or as much as I can when I'm not heading into the Office for brunch. Thompson, the dickhead, uses a type of grass called Kikuya which he had specially imported from Australia, I however use a grass with a more subtle green, Red Fescue since this is a transitional period, I'm sure his Kikuya will eventually die out... To which I will import Tall Fescue."





>Special Features: Trailer


>Australian grass
Sounds like Bateman is living near a moron

>Interactive Menus
Those were the days.


But even then, he still manages to kill or have violent fantasies about his circle of upper class suburban neighbourhood friends besting him. Even, raising his kid would be interesting and him trying to teach him lessons about life.

"Now, you know Patrick...

"I named my son, Patrick Bateman II, to continue the legacy sort of thing. I am molding him into my own image"

You can't hang around your black kid friend anymore, right?


Yes, dad.

And why's that son?

Because he will take advantage of me and steal my discman.

"I gave him all of Huey's CDs, not my own collection of course."

Let's see Paul Allen's card.




cancerous thread

>Goldish text
>Shitty alignment on PIERCE & PIERCE and "Mergers and Aquisitions"
For a faggot, he has shit taste.

that is my sniff

A dubs thread without dubs? Not on my watch.