ITT: We post pornkino

ITT: We post pornkino

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>that one brazzers producer that lurks Sup Forums

Why did Dick Bush never return to Sup Forums after this? Sad!

cant believe this happened

he's definitely /our guy/

we love you porn-brah you're living the dream

Brazzer's MGS parody is solid vidya pornkino. Shame they didnt use Angela White instead as Quiet

Because another shill came here and showed that he only did it because it gets him more money from brazzers as garbage like this "virals" on reddit

>Porn director goes to Sup Forums
>Sup Forums tells porn director to bane post and pepe
>It happened
What are these mad men going to do next?

Do you think we didn't already know that the first time he came here?

He'd been putting subtle Sup Forums references in his movies for years. That's not really pandering for money.

Brazzers Office Space is the goat pornkino. Fucking hilarious shit.

Imagine being a porn actress and having to read this shit with no fucking clue what any of it means before being brutally fucked by some weird goblin dude with an oversized dong

Meme Lover 1 is the product of a late Reddit conspiracy, designed to infantalize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive meme control.

imagine being so coked up that you dont even care


One of his movies literally involves a guy putting underwear over his face and saying "nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask"

>you now have the option to get crab legs delivered to your booth in the theater

whatever it takes to get your money and or ad views. instead of being proud and feeling like the prettiest girl at the ball, you should feel insulted for being pandered to so hard.

now if only we can get a BLACKED producer

Dick Bush has always been on Sup Forums

Danny D was on Sup Forums before he was on porn

I don't know if they still come here. I wouldn't blame them if they don't. If stuff like BRRRRAAAPPPP and HAHAHAHAHAHA is your latest OC then yeah ...

jump off a bridge for falling for propaganda

brazzers has always been the official Sup Forums porn company from day 1 no matter what antifa and anime spammers want you to believe

Most actresses left Coke behind a while back.

>If stuff like BRRRRAAAPPPP and HAHAHAHAHAHA is your latest OC then yeah ...

Because spending 5 years repeating mundane lines from a scene in The Dark Knight Rises is the height of comedic sophistication

Lol, I remember watching this whole thing. It's really great. You laugh, masturbate, then laugh again. Keeps you coming back.

>tfw ywn be Danny D
>tfw ywn be some random retarded chav plowing sexy yank sluts for lots of money

Why even live?

Well, not Lexi Belle. She looks like she downs a 2-liter every day.

JIDF pls go

Someone get this hothead outta here

If you are reading this. Please make the next meme porn about a cinema with all the memes, Robert, crab legs, penis inspections, anvils, falcons, cinema showers, cinema shooters, popcorn mines

For redditors which is why this was made yes


>Dick Bush stopped openly posting on Sup Forums around the time Jordi came to prominence
>we never got dank Jordi stories
I need to know what's it like to be on a set with a weird manlet who doesn't speak English and fucks old ladies for a living.

>brazzers has always been the official Sup Forums porn company

Brazzers is terrible, over-produced garbage. It's the capeshit of porn.

exactly why it was a meme on here for years

Where do you think we are?

>Finally I have become Meme Lover 2: Dawn of Just

Sorry lads, lost my sides

He's fresh in from reddit.


That's a scene that he made after coming here and asking what should be put in it.

Remember when mods stickied Dick Bush, because he's the biggest thing to a celeb we ever had here?

get this hothead outta here

Kate Beckinsale posts here too.

No. He didn't start doing that until years after that scene. Also he's been tweeting Sup Forums memes for many years.

yea I bet she does

>he fell for the meme

You guys know that Dick Bush is a real professional writer now? He wrote a novel. But he's still a cuck. I thought he was gonna dump his pornstar gf, but he didn't.

When professional killer Jason Blaine decides to take an extended break from his work, he attempts to retrieve the money he's owed from his agent, Tommy. But when someone close to them both is kidnapped and held for ransom, Blaine is asked to do one last job.


Bane (Tom)

But we had the director of critically acclaimed dune doc here before him

good god absolute madman



>It's the capeshit of porn.
Axel Braun