If future Barry Allen is evil then wouldn't that make Reverse Flash the hero?

If future Barry Allen is evil then wouldn't that make Reverse Flash the hero?

>WOW Barry future you is really evil and has planned this for eternity
>Don't worry I, Cisco will create something with [science magic]
>We saved the day and everyone lives happily ever after
>except my brother lmao
Oh well.


some might say i'm the reverse.

>Future Barry
>Still the same height and looks the same age as 2017 Barry

it was a shit episode desu

Pretty sure it's canon now that Barry doesn't age.

legitimately liked the whole scene at the end
like a corny video game standoff

Couldn't the actor grow a beard ?
Is that why they chose the emo hair for future BA last episode and now slightly longer hair for Savatar ?

One thing they did well ( in Legends of tomorrow if I remember correctly) was when they showed older Oliver with full white beard and a missing arm.
Cliché but it goes a long way to show the character aging imo

Also i miss bae Jessie


The show needs to go back to its corny roots. It's been too gloomy these past two seasons.

He has a bad jawline for a beard and end up looking like a french pirate.

We really should get a pirate Barry to go along with cowboy Wells next season.

>Killer Frost hates the Flash for getting her boyfriend killed
>Meets the Flash but a few years older with a scar on his face
>Immediately follows his every whim even though he wants her to do the exact thing that she's mad about

>Killer Frost hates the Flash for getting her boyfriend killed

But that's wrong.

>implying she's not wet for Bad Boy Barry
Okay doc.

>Couldn't the actor grow a beard?

hahaha no he could not. gustin is a douche and nobody's going to tell him to start lifting or eating hamburgers

I love how this faggot career is an absolute joke.

>Killer frost is someone who is fighting for her own survival inside another body, and just betrayed all of the friends of her other personality.
>Just revealed that the strongest person she's met thus far has also been betraying those same people this entire time.
>He asks her to join him.

He also rescued her after she had a moment of doubt.

>gustin is a douche

For not growing a beard?

You sound triggered.

not the beard, he is for playing a weak ass version of the flash. actually i decided he's the top reason i started to hate the show among all the other shit.

Cut him some Fucking slack. Gustin is an Introvert Shut-in. He likes to stay home and play video games in his spare time. He hates FPS though.

I stopped worrying what happens in celebrity lives years ago, he does a pretty good job acting in capeshit.
Unless he's a rapist/murderer/drug addict I don't see why the hate.