Would you hold still, please, sir?

Would you hold still, please, sir?

this movie was accent ASMR

Don't fucking touch me you freak, I'm calling the cops


What's the most you've ever lost on a coin toss?

my benis


My marriage

How can one man be this alpha? Damn

my coin

Compared to what? The bubonic plague?


why was he making fun of the guy for owning a convenient store/pitstop in this scene?

He married into it

*chokes on food*
You married into it?

He explained that dingus. Because he married into it

Cause he's a fuckin psychopath manbaby that is unable to understand why people do what they do. Maybe this guy liked an uneventful life. Maybe everyone doesn't need a reason to live other than just living.

t. gas station owner

Well, if that's the way you want to put it.

It was his wife's father's place.

>Who is this?
>You know who it is. You need to talk to me
>I don't need to talk to you
>I think you do. Do you know where I'm going?
>Why would I care where you're going?
>I know where you are.
>Yeah? Where am I?
>You're in the hospital across the river, and that's not where I'm going. Do you know where I'm going?
>Yeah, I know where you're going.
What did he mean by this?

I'll put it in you a certain way if you comprehend my meaning :3