Jessica Jones

I just watched every episode in 1 day. This was a really good show. Probably the best of the Netflix capeshit.

>Great plot
>Good actors
>Jessica is hot as fuck
>Best sex scenes of any capeshit ever
>Top tier villain

What did you all think of this show?

Other urls found in this thread:

das rite

>Krysten Ritter
>hot as fuck

I thought it was great. Second only to Daredevil S1 in the Netflixverse.

Her look perfectly fits the character they've written, IMO. Hot as fuck, but in a very specific way that doesn't get in the way of her being badass.


just started it and so far it's pretty kino with those neo-noir vibes. I put watching it off for some time because faggots here kept telling me it's terrible, but I guess Sup Forums really is always wrong

u gow gurl!

the whole series is trash. the only thing that kept me watched was tennant.

Yes she is hot. kys footfag


Unfortunately there are certain types - probably mostly teenagers - who think a show about female struggles is automatically HURR ESS JEE DOUBLE-UUUZZZ.

>best sex scene of any capeshit

Can someone post said "best sex scene" for proof?

ironically sounding retarded is worse than actually being retarded.

God, I hope most righteous anti-SJWs are young. Speaks a lot for the future generation. Soon society and the media won't be infested with drooling libtards drenched in white guilt


Dont have pics but the lesbian stuff with Carrie-Anne Moss was pretty great

I second this.

>the end of this guys post
WOW stop posting ANY TIME

yes, it will be infested with another kind of complete morons for some time until society will rebound again in the oposite direction and the pendulum will continue to swing forever. welcome to life pal
You're probably one of the guys I'm talking about.
Someone post that Counter-Signal with the Liberal douche claiming to be against the SJWs, but complaining that anti-SJWs are just as bad. That'll show me.

Mediocre at absolute best. Show really falls off a cliff when they domesticate the bad guy, make the lawyer make batshit retarded decisions, and have any action scenes. Holy shit, at the end of the series where she jumps over the cops or whatever, wow that was a fucking joke. But then she can't jump over the people outside? What the fuck.

First episode, maybe 2nd seemed alright. Then it was dogshit.


post feet

They should have chosen an actress that didn't look skinny and frail like a plucked bird

Capeshit blacked edition?

Good scene though. Sex looked real.

i wish krysten ritter would show her big sexy bush more!

Best villain in the MCU. But pretty much every character was more interesting than JJ. Would have rather had the protagonist be her hot friend.

>At the end of the show
>Kisses the blonde to test of Jessica will stop him
>Could have told Jessica to kill one of the civilians as an infinitely more effective method

I wanna lick her nose

no you're more retarded


Is that supposed to be a bad pic?

I like girls with big feet.

Rihanna's, for example, are nice.

Only good parts of the show

I fapped so hard, I did it right in front of my mum too

Post the part where she shuts the door on the cuck

>Best sex scenes of any capeshit ever
>all every scene is Jessica getting BLACKED for five mins on camera

>hot as fuck

No. She looked like a girl who only bathed like, once a week, if that, and you could feel the stench of her sweaty pussy from three feet away.



the noir vibes drop off fast after the first third of the show and stuff starts happening because the plot demands it. the beginning of this show was 10/10 but it falls off hard, should have been like 8 episodes.



Its shit compared to daredevil, but its not bad.

Luke Cage is even more boring than JJ though.

Hopefully Defenders isn't complete ass, and I haven't seen Iron Fist yet, cancelled my netflix sub a few months ago.

Daredevil is awesome however.

She literally


looks like white Michael Jackson


Didn't love it. I feel like a lot of the praise is riding on the authenticity of it dealing with dark subject material. It's portrayed realistically, but it didn't make for good television even though I already have a soft spot for misery porn. Just poorly paced, problems with dragging and some scene choices (that support group is awful).

I liked it for the purple people eater and also the opening credit sequence. Preferred Daredevil but not LC (outside of Cottonmouth)


oh no


Only things that were missing in the show for me:
> Smoking
> Full frontal nudity
They are actually appropriate in this show.

I'd like to give her PTSD if you know what I mean.

I mean I'd make her smile with my Purple Man.

It was a very bad show, even for capeshit.
Terrible actors, even for capeshit, with the exception of purple man who was quite good.
Jessica is ugly. Even on breaking bad she was ugly. She looks like a googly-eyed tranny that was in a concentration camp for a year.
Worst of the TVMCU, worse than Iron Fist, worse than Luke Cage.

That nose

She got that ugly Jewish nose. Smh look at her wiki, Sup Forums is always right

>Jessica is hot as fuck

She is ugly as fuck and has a barely average body

>Best sex scenes of any capeshit ever

lol this has got to be bait, these "sex scenes" are all interracial (Making it a fetish) it's the equivalency to saying a gay sex scene is the best, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So if you enjoy them you are either a cuck with a fetish for Krysten Ritter or a just a plain cuck.


>Anything made by (((Disney))) being written well or is good


this, and is the only netflix show that has to wait like 3 years in order to get a second season

Jessica Jones is a boring character

I think this show is the female counterpoint to Master and Commander


Post more of her feet and hairy arms

>TFW you've seen Kristen Ritter's feet so many times it's starting to arouse you
I'm not even a footfag. What in the fucking heck is happening to me?

>>Top tier villain
Is this the one that mind control rapes the heroine?

9/10 shill

Jessica is not hot, she's OK, and she's an irritating bitch.

The sex scenes are not "hot" they look hamfisted and unpleasant for both.

The only thing about this show that was interesting was the villain and he's dead so that's irrelevant now. Jones is even worse than Iron Fist.

>best sex scenes

You mean the interracial ones? Do you jerk off to interracial porn as well you little faggot cuck?

>What did you all think of this show?
Edgy sex doesn't equal good sex

RE Netflix's Marvel capeshit:
Luke Cage > Daredevil > Jessica Jones > Iron Fist

I kinda like her ass

She's doing a lot better in the face department
