ITT: We post the best that came out of the horror industry

ITT: We post the best that came out of the horror industry.

Pic related might as well be my favorite horror movie.

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what's it about user, looks interesting


Reminds me of this excellent Jap horror:

damn dude, i remember this.
It's the same director, i believe.
Bretty gud.

Uhm, I wouldn't want to spoil you, but it's basically about this nip doing reports on paranormal shit.

If you're interested go ahead and watch it, lights out and alone for maximum concentration, it'll be worth it.

People seem to rave about the ending but the first time I watched it I thought it was kinda forced. Too overwhelming, the entire movie is a slow burner with some intense atmosphere and then the ending is just abrupt and chaotic. Maybe that sudden change of pace is what makes it striking for most people but to me it fell flat.

Still one of the greatest horror movies I've ever seen though. Some of the most unnerving atmospheric sequences in the genre. I watched it during daytime and it still managed to scare me.

>that terrorist attack in the end
>that hell scene

Shit user, I don't know, the part where the kid gets up with the face all distorted and looks at the camera fucked me up, I was even getting bored through the actual movie but when it ended I got this really spooped feeling

>I was even getting bored through the actual movie
that's the thing though. I was completely hypnotized by the movie from the beginning. The ending sort of shattered the enchantment I was on. I came to appreciate it later but the first time it really didn't work for me.

Why, though? Why did it feel forced? I think the build up for that scene was done pretty well

Also, what other horror movies could you recommend?

As I said, it's just that it was a sudden change of pace that I didn't adapt to at the moment. It wasn't badly done or anything. I was still too entranced by the cozy slowness of the movie up until then and the ending just hit with too much force for me to swallow it comfortably.

As for recommendations, I'm no horror movie fanatic and my knowledge of the genre is incredibly limited.
I rarely watch any movies nowadays, I'm not even sure why I still browse this board.

One of my favorites is Possession. I watch it every year.

in the trash it goes

why would you say this to me

i don't like your outfit, goober

Don't Look Up 1996 is pretty spoopy at times. Really underrated due to the popularity of Ringu.

looks good, downloading now

where can I watch this? cant find it anywhere, ill even pay if i have to

It's not that hard to find on public trackers buddy... Just look for a bit

>that scene with the ghost babies in the park
>that scene where you find out the crazy bitch was force feeding fetuses to the little girl
>that ending
thank god for japan, the west hardly ever gets horror right

yeah finally got one that actually had seeds, soz m8. Thanks for the rec about to watch

you can find it on youtube

Oh I'm not OP, I actually don't like the movie that much. just dropped in for that post
I did like some of these scenes though.

a lot of people tell me it's good, but I can't do subbed movies. it just ruins the immersion for me.


>i'm too retarded to read
iq below 80 confirmed

are you american by chance?

Very VERY slow movie with a less-than-spooky twist at the end. Meh/10

normally that would be too cheesy for words, but the movie kinda had me at the point so i went a lot with it

Want to know how I know you're American?

Easily my favorite horror. This and Occult are incredible

Im too scared to even say his name out loud

Best lovecraftian horror?

I actually thought this was a mentality only people as old as my parents had

I agree with you, user.

It's Paranormal Activity for weaboos.

Odd. Watching films in other languages, forcing me to read subtitles actually increases the immersion experience for me. It happened when I was watching "Labyrinth of Lies" (2014)

That fucking music score combined with everything is just disturbing


Anyone seen Audition?

Got it on Blu-Ray, great movie!
>kiri kiri

Agreed, I like to observe what takes place in the film, not read text.

May as well just read a book at that point.

You obviously have a reading impediment because any normal person would be able to absorb the information in the text at the bottom of the screen whilst also paying attention to the movie.

just watched it, that hell scene was weird as fuck. pretty creepy movie though definitely made me tingle at a few parts. the coin and camera at the korean BBQ place was a surprise. also never eating beef again.

yeah kinda like some japanese NIN

Arguably not Horror, maybe more Thriller, but still an incredibly good movie.

I didn't find this or Pulse very scary in all honesty.

I think Ju On (overhyped I know) and Shutter are much more frightening. And Dumplings/Audition are really hard to beat in terms of shock factor/cringe-gore.

I also saw The Wailing recently which was incredible and has pushed me into wanting to explore Korean kino a bit more.

I'm still yet to see A Tale of Two Sisters, does anyone have any other recommendations for any good horrors?

You mean "Occult but worse"? Why settle for that? Why not just watch Occult instead?

Thoughts on the Mothman Prophecies?

Really good horror Cinema. It was like a play in the theatre. Trully an art masterpiece.

one of my favorites.
The music, the acting, the atmosphere...Love it.

Is this the one with Mosquito Man?