Why aren't there any successful right wing/conservative/red pilled/politically incorrect filmmakers?

Why aren't there any successful right wing/conservative/red pilled/politically incorrect filmmakers?

>right wing

Shut up nigger

what about our guy mel gibson?

>democrats are 50% non white
>no whites are the least educated demographic in the country
>jails are literally full of democrats
makes you think

>republitards, southerners
>college educated

Republitards get away with crime all the time aint that right cletus.

>neo conservatives
pick one

ive got bad news my man

Exception proves the rule.

Because you're not allowed to be right-wing in Hollywood. There are many, many conservative actors and filmmakers out there but they keep their opinions to themselves for fear of being blacklisted.

Being conservative is virtually like being a communist sympathizer in 50s Hollywood.

If you are conservative you keep your opinions to yourself if you want to maintain a career.


Traditional right wingers don't like hollywood because it's liberal, full of sin and they unironically think they can make a better film with Christian messages and qt thirsty bible women to lure audience in. Political Right Wingers prefer to use podcasts and internet videos to express their views.

It's just not allowed. Read this thread and see how determined people are to not let it happen

they're too busy making god's not dead 3

>Comparing an election where one candidate is the incumbent to one with no incumbent
I agree that the Democrats shot themselves in the foot, but choose a better comparison.

>speak out your right-wing beliefs or submit a conservative leaning politically-charged screenplay to a studio
>blacklisted from the entire industry for good, PGA won't ever give you the time of the day again, only way you'll ever make another movie is from your own pocket and with no marketing budget, basically gurateeing financial loss

It's professional suicide. Statistically speaking, it's obvious there are conservatives in Hollywood, but if they want to keep doing their thing, they better be quiet about it.

>almost every actor/celeberty who has run for public office has run as a Republican
Really baked my beans

Creative people are more likely to left wing. I think I heard that somewhere.


t. reddit

you sir are full of shit, come on. there is full of conservatives on tv , radio, everywhere ... as if commies of the 50s ever had that much access to mass media. still they managed to organize themselves and then there was the big crack down you are alluding to and what happened? career broke, prison... do you think dits like that cultural warrior o'riley will get jail time for his opinions? come the fuck on, le trolle, get real

literal rat and controlled opposition.

Hmm I wonder...

And that's what, two out of three people?

anyone who keeps his opinions to himself out of fear is not someone who's work would be worth seeing anyway

t. reddit

ever heard of conservative jews, dummy? they rule israel. and arguably hollywood. you think they have a social emancipation agenda? really? don't you think they just invest in feel good stuff to make maximum cash?

t. reddit

keep your "argument" to a minimum. it makes you look smart and deep and mysterious.

Because no one wants to pay for your KKK bullshit

t. someone who's first exposure to "t. ____" was on Sup Forums

>implying there aren't
movies with conservative political themes are just kind of boring now, same with liberal political themes. just like how every liberal movie nowadays a virtue signalling circle jerk for minorities, every conservative movie nowadays is a genuine circle jerk for soldiers, religious people, or working class whites.

whens the last time someone made a conservative movie on par with Dirty Harry? theyre all boring as fuck now


Please call us Rapepublicans. Fuck8ng Reddit

>How do you do fellow catt- I mean conservatives?

t. reddit

>politically incorrect lumped in with conservative/right wing
>"red pill"/acceptance of bitter truths being lumped in with young earthers/southern baptists/religious people in general

Clint Eastwood isn't successful?

The commies had their own TV network in the 1950s? WTF

Controlled opposition. Quit pushing this idiot as the (((leader))) of the non-existent alt-right. There is no such thing as the alt-right. If there is such thing as ANYTHING alt-right it is politically INCORRECT beliefs of freedom of speech. That's all. They are just trying to smear anyone who believes in political incorrectness as free speech with this fake movement and fake leader.

good point about the general attitude hollywood got about military intervention, they have been pally pally with the military for a long time to get free stuff. movies that are critical of war don't have access to the sweet stuff like plane carriers etc


That video of Richard Spencer whining about nigs and spics cutting in front of him at a McDonald's and calling that "discrimination" is hilarious.

He said Hollywood.

He's right. You know he's right. So why are you being difficult?

people turn to religion in desperate times as well.

>calls out the jews
>they kill his career
>somehow profit
Mel is my hero