And look, nobody's going to reply

and look, nobody's going to reply

So he's okay with being a homophobe. It's nice that he's cool with being a bigot

Bro this is sad. No one cares except for the alt-right, and their just trying to make a 'controversy,' but everyone can tell.

If you care about steven colbert you are part of the problem.

Wheres all the DRUMFPSSBWHA posters?

> I would change a few words that were cruder than they needed to be,

That sounds like an apology to me.

Funny how conservatives suddenly preten--err, actually care about homophobia. Nice to see you guys come around.

so all of Sup Forums and 75% of Sup Forums

>making your enemy live up to their standards

oh no!

It's low humor, and in poor taste, I'll grant it. I don't see how making a man on man blowjob joke automatically leads to being labelled as homophobic though.

He says that being gay is heroic. Oh brother. What a phony.

>these people are conservatives
go fuck yourself reddit.

My Girlfriend is Trans the comment was disgusting.

>implying he offended anyone aside from pol

you guys need the help

>he wants so bad for it to be over as #firecolbert continues to gain more and more steam

>Trump's a fascist!
>lets comedians and journalists mock him every day with impunity
How do liberals reconcile this

>fuck our dick sucking president to death
>but actual gays, now those are american heroes he the voice of a generation?

>muh Alinsky

kys faggot

go suck off your boyfriend loser

im not a homphobe btw

Trump has repeatedly proposed altering the first amendment.
The only reason he hasn't done anything legally is because he really can't.

What did they mean by "silent"? He's obviously addressed it.

>Actually believing this

Why are Sup Forumstards so obsessed with this guy ?

How will Marvel ever recover?

I just wish the people defending Colbert for calling someone a cocksucker would defend O'Reilly for saying that congresswoman stole James Brown's wig

> enemy because he insults your political candidate who doesn't even give a shit about you


>He, I believe, can take care of himself. I have jokes; he has the launch codes. So, it’s a fair fight.”

He's right though. If you're going to be the leader of the free world, you've gotta have thick skin.
People are going to be trying to shoot and blow you up on a daily basis, surely a couple of mean words won't be what breaks you. And if it does, then maybe you're not fit to be president.

Because he doesn't kiss Trump's ring, AND his ratings continue to climb. Poor lil' fuckers can't deal with it.

Where is it implied sucking dick is an insult?

You're taking his words out of context you homophobic fucks!

god Sup Forums keeping getting btfo

>If you're going to be the leader of the free world, you've gotta have thick skin.
If you're going to be an effective leader, you can't let fifth columnists have a bully pulpit from which to undermine you and rile up resistance to your rule. Ideally, the press would be under total government control.

so hes not really hitler.... wow

he's not responding to Donald Trump. He's responding to viewers who don't like late night TV turning into insults about sucking cocks, especially about their president

>ideally, the press would be under total government control.


colbert is deflecting

trump hasnt commented on his gay joke

wow they shoulda made fascism illegal then

I am not a fan of Colbert, and think the constant Trump jokes are lame but wanting to fire someone over a joke is retarded

haha we did it reddit!

is this bait?

I have literally never compared a politician to Hitler except for his contemporaries.

>I have jokes

Bold claim Stephen.

The president is cool with being one, so why wouldn't Colbert be?

>people i dont like are phaggots -Stephen Colbert

and as we all know, responding to a controversy proves that the controversy is over and had no effect on anyone's opinions

literally how is Trump such a thing

everything isnt about you bro, "trump is hitler" was a common theme for the last year

including on colberts show

>implying homophoic humor isn't problematic, shitlord.

Colbert is a homophobic bigot and doesn't deserve a platform.

alt-right trolls BTFO


I for one am completely offended by the remarks. I wrote a letter to my senator to have the program blocked.

underrated comment

Get that cock out of your mouth faggot

omg that's not homophobic you right-winger learn to take a joke




Lets keep up pretending to be triggered

he mockingly held up the LGBT flag

trumptards are so pissed off that he's using trump no apology tactics. they thought they had him by using sjw tactics, but the madman just took a shit on the crybaby white boi faces

Colbert officially uncucked, unJUSTed and /ourguy/yfied

> Sup Forums style false-flag raid
> sjw tactics


It will blow over in about a week.

Hey remember when he made an Asian joke and a small handful of people did the exact same #FireColbert protest? Dead after like a week.

>post valid criticism of Obama on facebook
>get fired

>throw insults at Trump for 10 seconds and call him a cock sucker on live TV
>nothing happens
why is this allowed?

>It will blow over in about a week.
He could help it blow over by getting BLACKED hard in the ass live on air, helping to promote racial tolerance as well as gay rights all in one go

Whats with all the people ITT being triggered by us pretending to be triggered?

everybody likes Obama

he didnt make anymore asian jokes after that

same way he probably wont make more gay jokes now

>i-i troll u


>everybody likes Obama


>hurr hurr we sure troled those sjws in le media guys xD

Punching up, or down, or whatever the fuck it means. Basically, can't make fun of king nigger

Umm yes sweetie we trolled you

How does that make you feel?

fact: everyone who complains about fascism is just a fucking commie

Why the FUCK do statist faggots like you exist?

Any asshole who goes along with this is no better than SJWs.


Speak for you'reself sweatypie. You we're being troled this hole tyme.

You seem upset

Calm down there sweetheart, in case you missed it everyone being "triggered" are homophobic as well and could care less if fags are being made fun of. But Sup Forums has always hated Colbert so any chance we could get his ass whooped then by all means necessary. But this is probably you're first day on Sup Forums so I suggest you go back to r/The_Colbert and lurk moar sweetiempff


Alt-right kiddies BTFO.


you ain't gotta lie to kick it, user...

based Colbert telling trumpfags to keep sucking cock on the brown side of The Wall

Have we started it lads? How do we stop it?

>Bro this is sad. No one cares except for the alt-right, and their just trying to make a 'controversy,' but everyone can tell.

This is exactly the point of the fake outrage. People are sick of the fake outrage and accusations of homophobia so they create their own fake outrage and accusations of homophobia against a champion of fake outrage and then leftists say "lol dude it's just a joke".


But he's not a homophobe and didn't make a homophobic joke.

wow, you really accomplished something!

There wouldn't be this fake outrage over Colberts perceived homophobia if the left didn't create fragile lines for such transgressions waiting to be abused. People don't actually want Colbert fired, they want to illuminate the hypocrisy of the left. So if you're calling the """""""alt-right""""""" fragile for playing by the Left's imposed laws, then your either missing the point or being intentionally disingenuous.

>i created fake outrage! this means fake outrage exists!

1. I don't care about some rich cuck.
2. This might redpill some lefties how dumb their ideology is.
3. It's pretty damn hilarious.
4. We are trolls. This is what we do best.

underrated post

go take it up the butt -S Colbert

Who cares? Trump is not a sexist and never made a sexist joke but people call him a sexist anyway.

Get with the program faggot. We need to pretend being outraged so these "comedians" fight amongst themselves.

So apparently people are supposed to just stay silent and capitulate when they get accused of homophobia by a fake outrage mob and stay silent when that same mob leader breaks his own rules.

No, fuck that. Something something "hoisted upon his own petard".

Colbert made a gay joke and it was okay because its just a joke

so they lose all authority when they bitch about jokes being too offensive.

Is colbertposting the new ramiposting?
>that's a nice suit you got there drumpf, did your twink ass boyfriend putin make it for you?
I want to point out that this actually happened before with some asian lady.

It's not a funny joke, though.

He should be fired for being a hack comedian.

5. We don't firgive, ee do NOT forget
6. In this house we believe in Meme Magic and the Power of Kek
7. don't talk about the Meme Club with sweeties and normies
8. Long live Le God Emperor. HAIL!

Why is tv obsessed with pol? It's all they ever talk about.

You're not actually suggesting Sup Forums talks about Television & Film are you?

Oh man you totally got him!


Actually, that was a little funny.