The Dark Tower has fallen

Come on guys, what's so bad about Idris Elba playing Roland? Was Roland really white because all the book covers to the Dark Tower now have Roland's face blacked out.

Nothing wrong with Idris, but why the fuck does he not have the hat in the movie?

It's bad because it trigger's Sup Forumsbabies. There's no racial issues or implications in the books so it won't make a difference if the personality is the same.

These books are average at best and honestly the fags expecting this shit should be glad they picked a good actor like Elba.

t. someone who hasn't read the books

looks like some twilight chick shit

He lost it in the books, I believe. The movies are the next go around. Technically, I think the movies are a sequel to the books.

They know damn well they're doing it just to be controversial.

And that is why its shit.


I don't have that picture of Joseph Gordon-Levitt making THAT face, but I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about.

He's described as white in the books you fact-hating fucking liberal idiot.

except that black on white racism is a big plot device in the second book and throughout the series

>all the book covers to the Dark Tower now have Roland's face blacked out
arms/hands are still white on wastelands and wolves of calla. stopped being such a triggered faggot.

Sorry for triggering you. Is the film completely faithful to the books? No? Good then.

>big plot device

More like a side plot with barely any impact in the main story. The above argument is also valid.

so roland keeps living the same life, over and over again in the books. the books are one of those lives, each time he is trying to complete the quest perfectly. Getting to the dark tower, going up and getting transported back to the first chapter of the first book, to repeat the process all over again. The idea being that this time around roland is black (wat), doesn't have his hat, but has the horn. Does that make sense? It's been a while since I've read the books.


>it doesn't match my narrative so it doesn't count: the post

no impact on the main story. huge impact on character interactions and motivations. im just glad they scrapped her character entirely instead of making her white like they could have.

Yes. In Song of Suzannah they walk past a movie theater with a poster of a Clint Eastwood film and Eddie comments how Roland looks identical to Eastwood.

>blue bombardier eyes

Know how I know you haven't read the books?

hard to tell if the wastelands cover is white

Always wanted to read the books, but is there a kid in them too? And they crossover to "our reality"? Or is that just from the movie?

Sounds shitty as fuck senpai.

I haven't read any of them but the titles and covers look pretty cool. Are they worth it?

>Roland Deshaun of Sizzurpead
>has single mom
>has deadbeat gangbang nigger dad who is never around
>forgets the face of his father

Just read the first third of the first book and you'll be good. It's honestly the best thing King has ever written.

Jake is in the books, yes, though he does spend a bit of time being dead.

yes, 1,2, and 3 though are probably the best

>Was Roland really white
Yes. Didn't the black bitch on the wheelchair kept calling him a rapist cracker or something like that?
It'd be great if they put a white lady on a wheelchair calling him a nigger now.

Not at all.

You have obviously not read the books, mentions multiple times that he has blue eyes and that he is white.
These books are the last thing that I would have guessed that they pushed their kike shit in because of the whole racial aspect between white Roland and the nigger female. But kikes of course cant help themselves and they switched the races, now it will be white Susannah getting the BBC.

So is it true I can't just read the 8 Dark Tower books sequentially and get the whole coherent story? I've gotta read The Stand, It, The Talisman, Eyes of the Dragon and god knows what else and find a reading order online to figure out which Dark Tower books to slot them between? Or shit won't make sense?

Cuz fuck THAT.

pic from the first book

Just read the dark tower series, you wont miss much from the other books. They are all loosely connected which references, wont miss much.

the stand and it are kings best books so you should read those anyway

Except if you read The Dark Tower without reading The Stand, Eyes of the Dragon, and Salem's Lot it takes away from the experience

You only have to read the Dark Tower series itself. There's passing nods to Mid-Land in every book you listed. (Except IT, which has penny wise show up in a very small sentence in one of the DT books)

You gotta remember too that king took a long break mid way through the series (a decade or so?) and came back weirder.

I read the stand before the dark tower and honestly did not encounter that many references between the two, a bit here and there where you got aha but nothing major. Read it a long fucking time ago and haven't bothered reading the other two you mentioned.

are the final books as bad as everyone says?

i liked the first 4 but thats all my set came with

I've read all of them as well as the books related to them and I tell you now: don't. The ending makes everything meaningless.

Wind Through the Keyhole is pretty good. You can read that next, it's set between the 4th and 5th books.

Flagg is one of the main characters in The Stand and Eye of The Dragon, plus The priest is one of the main characters of Salem's Lot

>the final books are so bad they arent even included in the set

what did stephen king mean by this

uh no theres just some slight connection between the stories but u can ignore them and just read the dark tower

>You gotta remember too that king took a long break mid way through the series (a decade or so?) and came back weirder.

It's interesting to see King change as a writer for good and ill since the DT series pretty much spans the length of his career.

The first book is like half the size of the later books. Personally, I liked Kind better when his writing was leaner and more to the point, before it started to seem like he was getting paid by the page and padding everything out because his celebrity meant he no longer warranted an editor from his publishers.

in all honesty i wasnt as big on 4 5 and 7 as 1 2 and 3 but they werent bad

Books 1-3 are good, 4 is an odd side story with a totally different tone that seems to be love it or hate it (I love it), 5 is good for a bit but rapidly goes downhill. The rest is garbage. Like embarrassingly bad garabage

There was also a weird side story thing called The Wind Through the Keyhole that was a dark fable, similar to Book 4. I liked it a lot too.

Reading The Stand just makes it worse when King shits all over Flagg

I'm pretty sure he lost his hat in the back half of the series.

>Just read the dark tower series, you wont miss much from the other books.
>Except if you read The Dark Tower without reading The Stand, Eyes of the Dragon, and Salem's Lot it takes away from the experience
>You only have to read the Dark Tower series itself.
>Flagg is one of the main characters in The Stand and Eye of The Dragon, plus The priest is one of the main characters of Salem's Lot
>uh no theres just some slight connection between the stories but u can ignore them and just read the dark tower

I'm getting mixed signals, here.

>Flagg survives a nuke point-blank
>gets eaten by a spider-kid

books are shit and king is a hack

The Stand Flagg >>>>> Dark Tower Flagg

Let's not forget how fucking stupid the Crimson King was

B-but evil is self-destructive and sad! It's supposed to suck!

it plays a role in character development but whatever

the books fell apart after number 4

Dark Tower is a big suckfest on King's work, in which he weaves all his work into it.
Really, it can't hurt to read The Stand before Dark Tower but it's not entirely necessary.

the title was a reference to Rollando's penis. They needed to make him black.

The Stand is his best book IMO, next to IT. Under the Dome was pretty entertaining too, but he predictably went full retard in the end. Dreamcatcher also had that issue. Great premise, execution is good...King goes off the fucking rails

Reminder that ALL anti-pol posts are done by pol to make their board relevant.

you'll read them ravenously to finish the story (at least I did), but in retrospect, there's a good bit of wtf and disappointment.

The shining was such a good book until the spirit of the Overlook turned out to be a giant manta ray made of wasps that explodes and flies into space.

Well okay then, Steve.
