Why the hell was Janeway promoted to Admiral?

Why the hell was Janeway promoted to Admiral?


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all the tech she brought back...plus it gets her off of a starship so she can't fuck things up as bad.

they wanted to keep her at home as much as possible

She was the best captain and only best captains can be admirals.

Starfleet admirals are mostly nuts.

I love Janeway, but shed for right in.

She led a starship almost entirely across a quadrant of the galaxy. She forged relationships with alien civilizations. She identified threats to come and those to be wary of. She also identified and crippled a network of backdoors right into Earth space.

Sure, she did it all pretty much because of a fuckup, but its still getting shit done. Also, she can't fuck things up anymore if they put her behind a desk. Look how many times Kirk got himself demoted, he knew Admiralty was a cuck position.

Her service was admirable.

>that sigh before ordering the tea
I know it's part of the script, but it sums up the TNG movies so well.


Voyager was quite famous, so she became a hero when they finally got home. It's optics for the politicians.

Why was she promoted three times?

I can get promoting her once (rear admiral lower half, one pip).

I can sort of understand promoting her twice (rear admiral, two pips).

But why promote her three times (vice admiral, three pips)?

It's called the Dilbert Principle


Most of the new Starfleet admirals were promoted due to wither experience in the Dominion War. The top brass agreed that Starfleet needed more admirals who earned their stripes via exploration.

The real question is did she get back to Mark?

>Sure, she did it all pretty much because of a fuckup
No she didn't. She stoped the Kazon from getting a high tech space station.

Janeway made it home using herself from the future who died in the collective explosion. The explosion should have reset Voyager back to where it started. Janeway continued her journey home in the original timeline where Seven is dead, Tuvok goes crazy etc. So the Janeway you see in Nemesis is the Admiral that went back in time that keeps Voyager in a bubble time loop.

Why couldn't she put timers on her torpedoes, and have them explode the space station AFTER it sends them home?

Because like all Starfleet captains with their own television show, she was in the top 0.01% of captains.

because she said so

And by using this theory, I can hear SFDebris cackling in Janeway's voice. "Endless pain and torture haha, Voyager will never get home and yet always get home"

The phase variance of the tricobalt warheads' isolinear chips would have been degaussed by act of sending Voyager back to the Alpha Quadrant.

This is temporal-spatial isolinear dynamics 101, user.

She completed an almost impossible mission, and captains do have upward mobility

Same with Picard, Kirk, etc. I imagine a lot of Captains are reluctant to go up in rank until they are ready to de facto retire. Once you become an admiral, you don't get to move around. Your job goes from commanding a star ship and a crew you call your family... to administrating paperwork, really.

I imagine Janeway was in no hurry to leave home and, as such, she was fine staying on or immediately around earth.

Fuck off, Brannon.

they didn't want her fucking up on the field, so they gave her some shitty job behind a desk

the kazon she was fighting wanted to destroy the station. he dindu nuffin.