GitS Holding Cell Design

I'm just getting around to watching this and I had to stop because this bothered me so much.

Look at pic related. This is the cell in which iScarlett interrogates some poor fuck who thought he had a daughter. Note the length/shape/bend of the shackle cords in the highlighted regions.

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one's shorter than the other?

Here we have my issue. The dude uses this confinement device to hang himself to hang himself. All of a sudden the ankle shackle cord is a meter long and the neck cord has the same shape and bend at jump apex as when he was standing.

>nice ups tho

I was more peeved at how he could possibly hang himself there. The physics don't add up. First off, the cord is too long. Secondly, how could someone generate enough downward force to snap their neck in such a short distance.

the whole movie was dumbed down for americans, it didn't follow the anime at all. The major didn't have a mother and was possible a dude. The whole orphan backstory didn't make sense to me because it was never in the animes I watched.

The one episode where major digs up "her" grave and finds a dead army "dude" in it is what makes her go crazy because she realizes she might be a man.

We confirm he gets a nice neck snap in the neck shot from the reflection.

So who the fuck designed this cube? Why doesn't the neck cord extend a bit so when enough weight is applied would allow someone to drop to a crouch or sit? This would entirely avoid this scenario where the person you are trying to extract information from offs himself.

Thoughts on this? Have a better design? What did you think of the movie? I'm diving back in.

Why the fuck is this even in the movie, it's not in the animated one, they don't even restrain the guy he just has a breakdown of tears. did they just want to be edgy for the sake of it?

Yes, exactly. Though we are in a world with free-fall sustaining/wall-running android people and mind-hacking so perhaps the hacker villain had him jump and jerk to sustain optimal force on the neck? Shit's fucked regardless.

yea, people who didn't watch the movie would have no idea what the fuck was even happening. In the anime he was sat down at a interview table with a cup of coffee.

I took my parents to see this movie and they literally had no idea what the fuck was going on even though it's dumbed down all to fuck.

Should have never been made. They just wanted to milk the series dry because they know it's one of the best animes. The whole reason it was good though was because it explored existentialism and nihilism though.

Oh boy, another glass prison cell

can comeone spoonfeed torrent?

Garbage truck man wasn't willfully killing himself. Hacker nemesis /cast mind control and jumped from LM.

>they don't even restrain the guy
Was a straight jacket, ankle shackle, and noose complete with neck-lock bling not enough?


pirate bay

Do you need the file for some reason? If you just want to watch it there are several options. I literally stopped watching it to make this thread.

solarmoviez to/movie/ghost-in-the-shell-20118 html

Magneto's is justifiable because you want to be able to monitor him with cameras and stuff from a distance

You failed basic literacy.

Agree, it started the meme though

That's literally what OP is complaining about moron. What do you mean "I was more" as if you are talking about something different

I tried my best to understand that first sentence-thing. Was your first comma supposed to be a question mark? That would make a lot more sense because then I could understand you were referring to a scene in the animated one.

Yes, it is entirely autistic to start a thread about a movie you're watching so that you can return and see what other people thought about it when you finish. That is unless I'm misinterpreting you thinking the post is autistic because it nit-picked an odd moment in the movie to get the conversation started.

I'm pretty sure this is at least in the anime if not in the movie.

it's not a disease, you are just special!

The posts are ten seconds apart dude... use your fucking head.

It will be a bunch of posts complaining about how it isnt like it was in the anime. Save yourself the time.

is about the best discussion youre gonna get.

What did you think of the movie?

Nigger the animated movie itself didnt follow the manga.
This wasnt a remake.
Its a literal adaptation of Shirow's characters and made something new. Just like the animated film was too. Fuck off kike jew oven dodging spindle riding hairy chest having banker.


>above average score when he probably hated it

Yeah, the 1-10 score system really doesn't work.

I dont think you understand what you think you are implying.


But most of them didn't get out. Besides, it's usually not glass anyway. Pretty sure they use transparent aluminum in the future.

Any other input than a number? Like alluded to, we dont even know what your 10 is.

>I took my parents to see this movie and they literally had no idea what the fuck was going on even though it's dumbed down all to fuck.

I'm sorry to say user but your parents are literally retarded. The movie very clearly, in every possible way it could, that this dude was controlling people.

If they didn't get it I'm sorry your parents are fucking dumb.

>Pretty sure they use transparent aluminum in the future.
Please do go on.

The GITS holding cell was retarded. Who the hell designs one where the suspect can hang themselves? Restraints are designed to protect the wearer and those around them from harm. What it the guy tripped and fell?

I could, but what would something like that be worth to ya?

>most of them didn't get out
Look again at the picture

Anyway, not even the point I wanted to make, it was just a handy picture that showed how prevalent the glass prison meme is in Hollywood


why the fuck do koreans always have hardsubs

fucking rice niggers

>What it the guy tripped and fell?
A blade pops out inside the collar to ensure a clean decapitation and optimal safety of the restraint.

Worth your quads.

>not speaking the most logical and easy to learn Asian language

Those trips didnt say anything about knowing Korean. The gripe is with hardsubs in their movies, fool.

Honestly I've watched so many that hardsubs don't bother me, I can tune them out really quickly

suspension of disbelief enough to imply that the cords might go taught electronically when a prisoner moves at a certain threshold of velocity perhaps?

I thought GITS was a solid but not great movie that needed a bit more inspiration. Really disappointed that we wont get a seque. Still can't believe these fucking morons didn't use the original score for the shelling sequencel!!!FACT!!!

Very Dredd-like. I love it.

>reddit thinks the issue is that the prisons are literally made of glass that is easily smashed even though that doesnt happen in any of those movies


Yeah, especially if I dont speak the language. English subs I occasionally have to force myself to stop reading though.

That would also be poor design that would aid a confined prisoner in the deed. Besides the physics of it, as mentioned, wouldnt snap a neck. The issue in that particular pic is the cords have changed length (foot longer, neck shorter) from seconds before.

It's not that glass is smashable. It's that in all of those situations the individual escaped so "glass prisons are ineffective haha," which is also poor logic.

It's just a contrivance for the plot that you have to accept. There're things like this in all sorts of fiction.

I never said it was a good design.That's just whatever fuck face's rationale it was to even block that thing together like that. Also just seems like a bad continuity edit and they didn't clean up the snap physics on the cord.

Wasn't even a need to have the dude kill himself. They don't even care afterwards.

Lazy plot advancer

They were already leaving when he decided to kill himself.

It was an entirely pointless and bizarre change of the original.

I mean the whole movie has almost nothing to do with the source material. Parts like this sum up why it shouldn't haver ever been made, well , at least by these jagaloons who got the greenlight.

the isolated human condition + shock value

disposable soul into the monster machine city that devours every being

Are you joking my dude? In the first pic the cord is going around and is winding, it's obviously long.

I think the movie was definitely solid, and I enjoyed it. I do think they wasted some scenes, though, like this one.

Pretty important in the original because it was early on and Major / Batou have that moment watching the garbage man try to start to come to grips with his fake memories.

In this remake the scene doesn't happen early enough-- not that it matters because the major doesn't get to have her "omg are my memories real" moment until later and that weird, "they're giving you a drug to repress them" nonsense that goes with the sorta awkward orphan backstory doesn't quite do it justice anyway.

This "interrogation" scene and the ferry scene right after are my two favourite scenes from the original movie... She goes from "yo am i really even who i think i am" to being on a ferry where she sees two more bodies that are the same model as her... heavy shit... I'm kinda booty blasted seeing those scenes not done justice

To be fair Lecter couldn't get out of his prison - he was released to a less secure location which he then escaped from. That's why he cultivated Starling and her FBI bosses' need of his expertise/knowledge of Buffalo Bill.

I'm gonna compare the new Ghost in the Shell movie to my late experiences with acid. Very pretty at first, but right past the middle, I start getting tired of all the distracting colors and sensory overload and really only care about the next significant plot point, only feeling relief when the whole ordeal is finally over.

Not that guy but it was a shambled mess of an adaptation. They took bits and pieces all around the animes and put them together into this piece of shit.

Visually its great but nothing I watched was really anything other than visually great.