What went wrong?

what went wrong?

The quality is secretly better than Blu Ray and costs too much to make and so therefore they were stopped being made
Well who knows

porn didn't go for it

always follow porn

The quality of HD DVD and blu-ray are independent of either format. Some releases had the exact same video files.

It was obsolete upon release. Blu Ray is literally technically better.

Bluray was standard on PS3 and normies ate that shit up

>hddvd, 5 syllables
>blu ray, 2 syllables

hmmm I think the choice is obvious

>mfw Jay Baruchel was right

>599 US Dollars


What are your holy grails for your HD-DVD collection?
Mine are Blade Runner: The Final Cut, The Place Promised in Our Early Days and 5 Centimeters Per Second.

Blade Runner was great on HD-DVD, I even got the briefcase edition.
And the quality is also great.
I also have the briefcase edition Blu-ray, the Special Edition Criterion LaserDisc, the Director's Cut LaserDisc and the Director's Cut DVD.

And as for The Place Promised in Our Early Days and 5 Centimeters Per Second.
I got them when I was in Japan sometime in 2008.
I also have the Japanese and Hong Kong Blu-rays of both films (the Hong Kong versions are the deluxe editions which have book cases which are rare now), their limited edition Japanese DVD equivalents, US DVDs, UK DVDs, Hong Kong DVDs, Taiwanese DVDs and Korean DVDs.
As well as the US Blu-ray of 5 Centimeters Per Second and the UK Makoto Shinkai Double Feature Blu-ray of The Place Promised in Our Early Days and The Voices of a Distant Star.

Bluray players were still $1000 when ps3 released

absolutely nothing

still the preferred format for viewing early 00s content

>posts Batman Begins
Gee, I'm convinced. How can I get a cheap HD DVD player?

Is it ironic that DVD sold the PS2, while the PS3 sold the bluray discs?



new movies should quote Redletter media guy and side kick for their movie covers

>blu ray, 2 syllables

I think you should go back to school user...

??? The are how many syllables, then, or is this b8?

Do you realize that these are all going to be sad reminders of your nothingness to those left behind when they convene to cleanup after your death?

Life is pointless and empty
And I want ice cream

So deep. I'm surprised no one in history has every come to this epiphany before. You are truly the intellectual savior of mankind, your wisdom unparalleled.

what are you? bu-ru-rey?

Is this bait? Or are there really kids this stupid browsing Sup Forums?

B, L, R, Y

4 syllables, the others (U and A) are vowels.

This has to be trolling
It has to be, no one can be this stupid, surely

Oh look, we've got a genius over here.

I guess retard has 4 syllables too.


Are you retarded?

It's Ridge Racer


The BROWN packaging, it's not a good marketable color. Blue is just so much better.

>American education

what if he is? please don't be mean


This is the most legitimately funny shit I've seen on TV in weeks.

This is correct

It was literally this.
The porn industry decided the winner as they did with Beta vs VHS.

>Porn on physical media actually used to be a thing

I'm 30 and I've never owned any porn tapes or DVDs, never paid for porn. I seriously have no idea how its a viable business with the advent of the internet.

Because not everyone buys their shit online. I've got a friend that used to always buy porn mags at the servo whenever we stopped for petrol. And he's in his mid 20s by now

American intellectuals, everyone!

Fuck that other guy, Swift. Your collection is fucking awesome!
P.S. You're my favorite member from the Original Trilogy forums.

are you fucking serious?

These are pretty cool. Came across one at a garage sale and thought it was fucking magic.

Porn on DVD was a big thing but not as big as VHS. Porn on Bluray was hyped because it promised an amazing view but wasn't as big as DVD because broadband internet had become the norm.

Just because you're NEET doesn't mean that people don't pay for porn. Back in the day before porn steam sites were a thing, you'd have to buy that shit or subscribe to a site.

"blu-ray" sounds cooler. Marketing rules at the end of the day.

>buys their shit online

Blu-ray is Sony technology. Sony pushed it hard and put it on the PS3. A few studios got on board with Blu-ray and then Sony paid the rest to abandon HD-DVD.

It was just business.

>VHS achieved HD content before discs


Those tapes are actually worth quite a lot. The VCRs even more so.

Fuck you you cunt, I'll be as mean as I want

>as they did with Beta vs VHS.
Porn didn't decide the winner of Beta and VHS. VHS won because the players were cheaper, you could fit an entire movie onto one tape, and those two factors influenced what formats video rental stores stocked.


I can't breathe

think about it this way
>buy porn dvd for cash, untraceable
>watch porn online, ISP sells your history to third party, NSA literally has a file on all the fucked up shit you ever masturbated to

Look who's talking


oh god this is the best kek


you need HD for that

this is the reason I come to Sup Forums

It's in HD user.

Ah yes! The preferred format to watch True Lies on.

HD DVD and Blu-ray both use the same codec (H.264/AVC or MPEG-2).

Blu-ray had maximum 50 GB capacity (now expanded to 128 GB with BDXL) while HD DVD had max of 30 GB, which means Blu-rays could store the same movie at 60% higher bit rate if the producers to chose to take full advantage of Blu-ray's larger capacity.




Yeah, I also had this.

I mean you definitely need HD for that scene

Ah, I get you.

umm disks are old now everyone streams.

I'd rather not waste bandwidth streaming 4k content, so blu ray still has a purpose.

The bitrate does not change, it's part of the codec. The larger BR discs are used to fit more extras.

aussie detected.

Germany actually. Deutsch Telekom fucking sucks.


>bitrate doesn't change

H.264 and most modern video codec can encode at arbitrary bit rate.

Blu-ray and HD DVD both have some standards on what bitrates the movie can be encoded at (and there is a maximum since all Blu-ray players must be able to read the disc and some players were designed to be just fast enough to read and decode the maximum allowed bitrate in the spec), but you have choices on bitrate and studios rarely use the highest possible bitrate.

there is no such thing as streaming, only downloading, it is up to you when you want to trash the file

And I'd rather not download 4k content on my shit internet. The jews have enacted their vengeance on Germany, and it is called Deutsch Telekom.

>Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway.

Well, if you have the hw to consume 4k content but lack the means to easily acquire it is partly on you.
50mbit is the average here and we are your poor eastern neighbours

Only ISP in my area is shit. Not much I can do besides move. Soon.



All the major movie companies went Blu-ray exclusive because blu-rays are more expensive and the production companies get a larger profit.

The little guy gets fucked and the big companies continue to rake it in because consumers are stupid.

Nice troll post. The thread probably would have died long ago if not for this.

The movies I listed were just the tip of the iceberg and they were my crown jewels.

I have tons of more HD-DVDs on my collection.

It was Slither but Shout Factory is rereleasing it on Blu-ray in July


I've been meaning to watch this