Silicon Valley thread!

Silicon Valley thread!
Thoughts on the new season? Best character? Episode?

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Best season is 2
Best character is Russ
Best joke is the jacking off formula from season 1 finale

I really wanted to like this show and I still watch it even though I hate it and it's not even close to funny now.

Richards next move should be using his algorithm to minimize server size(everyone can use) instead of a new internet.

Instead of passing the CEO duties around sell to Hooli(they already using "the box") Use the new company to crush Hooli/succeed

Why don't you like it? I thought the last episode was really funny. The pedophile joke at the end had me howling

>best character not Jared
Pleb detected

Jared is the best main character, obviously.
But for the ratio of jokes to laughs he's second to russ

It's the best comedy on television right now...

The new season is quite weak so far. They set it up to be interesting but episode 2 was a major letdown - it's basically just going back to how things were before now with a new product.

>Best character?
Peter Gregory
The one where he buys everything on the menu at Burger King.

Still good.
My favorite is the satanist guy, but the writers don't use him enough.
I don't remember an specific episode, but that java thing in the tech event was funny,

I miss those killer ending songs from season 2

Yeah I was actually just thinking about the ending songs after watching ep 2 of the new season last night. When did they start getting so lame? They need to keep it up with the bangers.

Jared joke about Dinesh's chain

I agree that the reset was too soon, but the jokes were solid
Rip peter Gregory the only bad thing about this show was his unfortunate death and the terrible actress they got to replace him


Wrong link

Have they topped this scene yet?

you were talking about this one dont you?

WHich scene? There's 99 of them.
Anyway this is the best scene by far
>what tension? There's tension?
>I wanna know what kind of fucked up childhood this guy had
>russ' silence after looking at elrich

I'd watch it if that one fuckwit didn't look like a retard in every promotional picture you shills posted so write that down on your consumer feedback survey and send me a coupon for free dairy queen.

they really need to hurry up and succeed so mike judge can make fun or corporate culture again. the "garage days" aspect has run its course.

>anime pic
Opinion Descarte'd

I love the new season. If it keeps up this level of quality it will be my favorite

When erlich beats the shit out of that little kid who scammed richard, and richard just stands there like a child.


I think so too. There's a whole world of material with Russ if they would be in the three comma club too.

>Rip peter Gregory and the terrible actress they got to replace him

I Want one. Yes Jared for ironic purposes

Is gregory /ourguy/?

>It's a "Gavin has his assistant take the same flight 5 times to make sure Jack cut him off" episode
>It's a "Gavin buys Piper Chat just to enter Jack's chat history to see if he was shit talking him behind his back" episode
Gavin has been on point this Season

The deleted scene where Gilfoyle appear in the "I am Pied Piper" ads. It was hillarious. Instead they decided to go with the shitty "Chair" ads mocks the Facebook tables ad.

Rewatching first season, why did bighead go from kind of dumb guy to full on retard?

Bighead was flanderized. I'm just glad no one else was.

still the fucking best it was so unexpected i legit had to pause it because i couldn't control myself from laghing.
and the great thing about this joke is that it has an outcome to it not just some line he said and they moved on, it affect their place at the company by getting caught.
best scene in the whole series

Jared is such an amazing goober character.

Russ is definitely one of the best characters.

"I just scratched my car. This will not buff out. MOTHERFUCKER. Fuck it."

>Best character?
it's hard to chose between Russ, Gavin and the lawer

>Cyprus Halal

It's still good and still funny but it's frustrating that they're not going anywhere. Sell something already, they can't stay at the same spot for 4 seasons, it's not a sitcom.

Jared's little nuances are amazing. Zach Woods really made that character his own. I really hope they get out of the small startup in its infancy to something bigger or more interesting. We already had them in the incubator for almost all of the previous 3 seasons except maybe two episodes. Having poo in loos storyline as CEO is a good sign though that they hopefully won't spend too much time on side stories.

>Thank you, Florida.

New seasons has been pretty good so fa.r funnier than the last

Jared's the best character but Richard is very underrated, he brings the whole show together.

Good season so far. The ending scene was damn good.
Tied all of the episode together with the pedophile and a running gag with Gavin losing his shit behind the mirror.
Also with Russ being back I have high hopes.

Last season was kind of a let down but if they keep it up I'd be glad.

>Thoughts on the new season?
Really good so far. But it's too early to evaluate the season.

>Best character?
Gavin (Gregory wasn't in it enough)

I always mix them up. But favourite moments are Richard buying adderall, the horses fucking with included creampie, Gavin and the bulldog, and Gregory and Burger King.

My prediction... The platform takes off in India because of all the click farmers that had to use it ended up liking it.