What are some films where the underdog wins against all odds?


still can't believe he won. this shit only happen in movies.

What are some films where an overqualified woman loses to an orange Nazi thanks to Russian hacking?

Hillary's 2020 Election Biopic


It's more believable when you realize the 1% chance of winning was an intentional lie.

yeah i remember being absolutely stunned on election night. It didnt really sink in until a few days ago

>marrying Bill means you should be president


Rocky Balboa.


why would they lie about her being so far ahead? wouldn't that make people less likely to actually turn up and vote for her since it seemed like such a sure thing?

Enemy at the Gates

i always thought that dodge ball movie was nice

you could just as easily say it would make trump supporters less likely to go waste their time. there's not really any way to know which effect is bigger a priori but apparently the professionals at the dnc decided to push the narrative that trump was done

Yeah but that wasn't very realistic. The underdog should have died

or maybe it was a decently close race that had a few developments very close to voting day that the polling didn't have a chance to catch up with.

same thing with bush.

>reeee the election was stolen.
impeach bush goddamn already.
>reeeee i cannot believe he got reelected what the hell is going on goys?

you'd think the polls would reflect being a close race then. instead the "polling" was saying shit like blue texas and arizona

Polls over-sampled democrats (most commonly putting the number of polled democrats at the same count as polled independents and republicans combined). The mainstream hateboner for everything Trump was also so strong people didn't want to publically admit they were leaning Trump.

>the "polling" was saying shit like blue texas and arizona
please find me one poll a week before the election that showed clinton winning texas

What are some movies where the villain is defeated but their evil influence is still present in the world?


>DNC ignores democrats and pushes the she-witch instead of the nearly dead socialist
>lose in spectacular fashion across the board

no. i'm not going digging. but go look at polls yourself and see if you they fit your hypothesis of 'basically accurate, predicted a close race with major late swings'

They rigged an entire election for her and she still lost.

She lost primarily because so many people switched sides to vote against her.

>a multi billionaire is a underdog

You're dumb

yes. that is an accurate description of the state of affairs during the election. good job

I already have and they do. Please learn to tell the difference between actual poll numbers and editorializing / blog posting / predictions based on them.

Folks that actually do fairly legitimate analysis of polling data like 538 gave him about a 30% chance of winning right before election day.

Truly comedy gold

on election night he looked flabbergasted that he actually won too

So why are you so shocked about the results if that's what you saw prior to the election?

>So why are you so shocked about the results
I'm not.