
New episode tonight, no threads.
What'd you think, lads?
Me, well I thought that was a goddamn load of filler to advance the plot in the last five minutes what could have been done in the first five!
>I can help!
Season 1 still the best.

Sup Forums is a west coast board

Not exactly subtle, this episode. Still, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

>i can help

Available for streaming minutes after airing on the east coast.

mew ass yet?

Dude aged a lot in 35 years.

Anybody want to get some Arby's™?

>It's a Carrie Coon episode
Not even a McGregor, just one of those IASIP douchebags (not the crazy one, the one that's probably a transvestite, or the woman.)

God, this made me crave some fucking Arby's. I haven't had Arby's in 15 years.

MEW doesn't have an ass.

I think I just got trolled hard by FX. I logged in on time for the broadcast on the top of the hour, but it was the last fifteen minutes of the episode.
Then they said "next up: Fargo" but it was last week's episode.


>it's an Arby's product placement episode

Tried watching Fargo twice. First time 2 EPS, second time 5 EPS. Couldn't do it boys not for me

That episode fucking SUCKED

episode was well directed and had a good story, but some people will think it sucked because it doesn't connect to anything since she was wrong. or who knows, just wait for the rest you fucking faggots

>this unironically will ruin the show literally forever
i dont even fucking get it

It was a wasted episode that could have progressed the plot

Whats the good torrent for the second season the 720 one?

go to rarbg.to gaylord.
it added some character development

>muh plot

plebiest of pleb concerns

It's too bad female cop is worst girl, just like in season 1. The only cool plot is the company hostile takeover one

>i can help

>What'd you think, lads?

Nothing happened and it was 10/10

I hope all you pretentious dumbfucks at least get some enjoyment from sucking your own dicks for liking such a deep robot cartoon show.

sorry for enjoying the television show, sir.

Kind of a strange episode, yet I think it's my favorite one so far this season.

Pointlessness is a clear theme.

yes she does fucker

>Gloria wasted her time on a wild goose chase
>we, the viewers, also had our time wasted


I don't like the episode focusing on one single storyline, I wanted to see what was new with all of the different characters

Where were you when Hawley mastered the long game?

This. It just doesn't add up.

Would someone explain to me what the point of this episode was? Why spend an entire episode having her discover something the audience has already known since the beginning?

You betcha. I could go for some curly fries right about now.

Why was Mac in fargo

It's setting up for Sweet Dee to be the female cop protagonist of season 4

It's has LA contrasted with MN, including a dirt bag cop, doing cocaine with Clint Eastwood's daughter, Santa-Con, sci-fi, Arby's...

Are you that dense? This obviously has to do with the random flying saucer in season 2. Sci-Fi bro, it was the 70s, he moved to a small town. Use your brain, or what's left of it.

Enjoy your Walking Dead / Rick and Morty.

>yfw Zimzam blew the money on a flying saucer prop to promote the movie in the Midwest

I don't think you really understand Fargo.

What's not to understand? Pretty straight forward

Be patient, young viewer.

Because Hawley likes to use comic relief with relevant actors???

>I don't like the episode focusing on one single storyline, I wanted to see what was new with all of the different characters

This is why Sup Forums has become so pleb. Idiots who need to be bombarded with new info from different directions instead of focusing on one story like an adult. It was a nice change of pace and these people act like they were robbed or something.

Fucking children

Agreed 100%.


He looked to be around his mid 40's in the 70's, got nearly beaten to death and was a chain smoker. He looks pretty much how anyone would at that point.

Would unironically watch

Was the shot of Gloria on the beach partially recreating the picture from Barton Fink?

Only children would love this cloying vapid bullshit. Adults would be disgusted by the second shitty, poorly-made, holier-than-thou animation sequence and thrown up at the terrible attempt to weave in quantum mechanics.

Hot Actress with far-apart eyes = Clint Eastwood's daughter.

Yeah, weird.

yeah i hate fun too sometimes

Yes, I love sucking my dick

Yeah, that's what I thought of too, especially since they've been lifting a lot of stuff from other Coen films this season, especially Lebowski(reference to micturition, Maurice with the joint and the closed window).

>I gotta drop the kids off at the pool
>You got kids!?
>I have to shit.

After that episode the shark has been jumped.

What did we learn that we already didn't know? I learned that Noah likes to waste my time.

Reminder that we are 3 episodes in and nothing has happened yet.

Edgelord for life detected.

Wow you're a fucking faggot tbqh. Trips of untruth.

Take those trips back to the cesspool you came from. Pleb, be gone!

It's time for you to shut yourself down.

Samefag or triggered Noah fanboys?

>b-but muh "deep" story about how technology is bad

How many layers of pretension are you on?

like 5 or 6 my dude

>"I don't like that I don't know where a TV series is heading after 3 episodes"

It's okay.

who was clint eastwoods daughter?

What's it like?

who else liked the robot. A CUTE

There's not even a hook to suck you in. Two people get murdered, none of whom matter to anything, while Carrie Coon wastes our time in LA over a murder we don't even care about.

I hope the next episode is Carrie Coon watching paint dry for an hour, to show that life is meaningless as is this entire Season.

He was an alcoholic ya dingus

The hot actress

>No one asked you to come here with your stupid face and your sad eyes
>"Love"...you're a piggybank

That was fucking painful. Why are women so manipulative?

Don't have an aneurysm, friend =)

I know you're only pretending to be retarded, but you're smart enough to understand how character arcs work, right?

You can have character arcs without meandering for 3 episodes.

See: Season 1 and 2.

And we already have season 1 and 2. Season 3 doesn't have to go at the same pace.

Of course it doesn't, but it's failing spectacularly at the moment.

With jews, you lose

Seeing him get whacked over and over with the hammer like that was satisfying. If only he went full Lester on the guy.

Just curious, did you watch the other seasons on their air dates or did you catch up after each had ended?

>i can help

poor robot

Is short hair best girl hair kino?

How much alcohol has to be consumed to create daughter with kino eyes?

Thanks for letting us know in this thread you waste of skin.

>tfw no scam artist gf

Episode was great, and a great pleb filter. Easily the best of the three that have aired so far. 3>>>>

I'm the same, and I didn't think much of the film. I watched S1 and it was a 7/10, but S2 was a chore to watch. I think the writers knew how shitty their show was so they did dude aliens lmao to perk up the interest among it's plebian fanbase.

Bad Santa reference made me happy.

stick to video games

Any you'd like to recommend?

wtf is the robot story supposed to mean?

>tfw I kept thinking the motel was the one from The Neon Demon

probably just because I want to hear somebody say "real Lolita shit" in a Minnesota accent.

I can help!

The robot was the longest existing sentient being in the universe but in the end it was still just like the box you switched on only to switch itself off, or something


>Jew and woman con naive white kid out of money

Sup Forums is right again.

holy shit dude same

the robot was a baby nigger that died and went to heaven and recived wings from god so he goes up to god and asks god if getting wings makes him an angel and god tells him nah nigga yous a bat

>That's not a name, it's initials.
>RB. Raisin Boy.
>That's what they called you when they forgot who you were.