If you don't come in here and discuss Deadwood you suck cocks by choice

If you don't come in here and discuss Deadwood you suck cocks by choice

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Hearst did nothing wrong including employing Wild Bill's killer

i apologize

Who was the best character and why was it pic related?

>Hi. I'm Larry. This is my brother Darryl. This is my other brother Darryl

hearst BTFO of E.B.s wall like an asshole, fuck Hearst

Not the same guy, but played by the same actor


Seriously though, why did Mr. Wu never learn to speak American?

>tries to earn couple of hundreds dollars
>loses millions

Sorry but if a series is left unfinished then I get to make the rules about what happened.

Was Doc Cochron the most underrated HBO character ever?


why was he left out?


Left out of what?

Why was that guy in so much retarded nerd shit? I almost pity him as much as I do Jeffrey Combs.


new season when? the ending of the last season wasn't very conclusive

EB is fucking hilarious
>May I look Mr Farnum?
>yes... when you have grown a full head of hair

see all these cool mofos eating canned peaches? well E.B was left out

E.B is in a league of his own.



It's the name of one of the episodes. "EB was left out."

>Ain't that the purest form of nigger logic. He runs! He blames the white man! And then he comes back, and he treats 'em like dirt. Hey, when I can I start working for you, you fuckin' monkey-ape! Why don't you start jumpin' up and down, and pounding your chest!

Brad Dourif is one of the best actors alive and should get more work.

definitely the best

>the shot of Al all fucked up laying in bed surrounded by his people
pure undiluted kino

He and his interactions with Nigger General were some of the best parts of the last season

Posting the word 'nigger' doesn't make you hep btw

Sh*t, you're right. I wouldn't want to get banned off this subreddit by using the word n*gger without editing it.

Thanks user, have an upvote. :^)

I don't use reddit anymore. My 11-Year Club account was banned even though I didn't violate any rules.

I made the 15th post on Sup Forums, though. I really did. I also have a four-digit Slashdot account. Yeah, it's possible to not want to see some dumb moron spam racist shit on a blue board without being a newfag is all I'm saying.