Meanwhile, at the Sup Forums mansion

>Meanwhile, at the Sup Forums mansion...

>Hey kids! Were having crab legs for dinner!

Braaaappppp oooh excuse me my dears

I've been committed to a mental hospital twice. I imagine Sup Forums house is a lot like that.

That's a big mansion.

for thee?

Tell me stories.

Did you guys get to watch tv and movies? Any qts there?

Jared, quit sniffing everyone's fucking flipflops.

Guys I just went in a bedroom with two of Corey's Angels and just when we had started fucking Corey danced into the room like a ghoul and started whispering "Do it Bubbles, make them feel good like back at Neverland." in my ear. I could barely cum.

>"Dinner is served."

We're out of Nesquick!

Corey Feldman as entertainment, Jack as the house chef, Brendan Fraser as the butler, most of your barely famous waifus running around taking cumshots from whoever wants to drop a load. I think we could male the Sup Forums mansion a reality for a couple grand. Someone make a kickstarter.

I don't think my mom will let me do a sleepover if girls are there.

>walk into the kitchen
>see this
wat do

Oh shit wrong pic

>imblying someone wouldn't snap and gun down every frogposter, capeshitter, and every other shitposter

Tell her to put on an age appropriate outfit then call her parents and have them ground her.

Ignore that and check the next pic

wish the cunnybot would spam this instead
i miss the megan spam

She got too old for desu its gonna happen with jordyn and the like i mean shes almost 20


meganbro was a disturbed individual. hope he's doing better, but more than that, i hope he never returns.


So what flick are we watchin tonight boys?

Okay I don't want to startle you guys but I found girl deodorant in the bathroom

>mfw this is considered a mansion in europe

Lmao that's a normal house in america, go be poor somewhere else

>someone clumsily brings up a meme
>forced chuckles all around
>awkward silence after

Guys who invited Gordon Ramsey?As soon he entered in the kitchen he started screaming nonsensical things and crying

good memories of simpler times

I'm sick of your constant mockery Sup Forums, leave immediately

>Wake up
>Make way for the kitchen to make a hot chocolate and pour myself a bowl of cereal
>Gordon Ramsey is stood behind the fridge waiting for me to walk past and yell at me
W-what do

>for you
>for you
>for you
>for you
>for you

>no one talks to each other
>that one weird Asian user that is always smiling, never talking. Always laughs really fucking weird and has glasses
>two anons bump into each other crossing the kitchen. They both awkwardly stare at the ground and try to shuffle around one another for far too long while muttering something inaudible
>one user is playing a game in the living room. Another comes up from behind and says "Haha...I don't like this game very much...". Silence ensues. He soon leaves.
>Pizza arrives. Everyone shuffles in and grabs a slice before wandering shortly off and standing in a hallway eating standing up for some reason. One user is ranting about pineapple on pizza, waiting for someone to agree with him, even though there isn't any pizza with pineapple there

sounds like a fucking riot desu

outlaw star is fucking great

Literally 0 girls.

did you accidentally post CP?


enjoy the party van bro

Was it Tussy deodorant powder? Don't worry that's mine my mom puts it on my private parts after I shower because she says my ball and ass sweat makes the computer chair stink. ;_;

Not if i'm there

Sounds like this "Games Done Quick" convention. Full of spergs there.

>The ripe aroma of stained sperm and urine overwhelms and cloaks you like a shadow in the night as you enter
I shan't be partaking lads

I am be you are pusy slave when you ams sleep i lick to drink you neck milk when you am sleep and make many cums i ams make cums at think of these now to bb yuo am my gf k bb

based pusy poster


We'd rather be faggots than have to have landwhales around

Speak for yourself AIDS patient.

>That house
Burgers in charge of design..