Watch film

>watch film
>read plot summary and trivia on IMDB


>watch film
>hit tv tropes afterwards

>watch film
>go to main character actors imdb hoping i will get to relive the experience

>start film
>never finish because too busy being on Sup Forums

>check IMDB message boards afterwards

Dumb frogposter.

I used to do this for every film but fuck imdb for dumping their boards.

I used to visit multiple times a week, ive been their twice tops since the boards went down and get my trivia from wikipedia

>watch film
>spend an hour watching reviews of it

>Turns out I didn't understand the film

>took the movie literally
>turns out it was an obvious metaphor


>Didn't understand the aliens were demons

>watch film
>go to read fan theories on IMDb boards
>they got deleted
>nowhere else on the entire internet to discuss an old movie

do that the other way around

Trivia is comfy af.

>marathon the opening scene of a film
>reward myself by banging on the floor until my mom brings tendies up to me

I watched through american psycho taking the whole thing seriously, then found out after people consider it a comedy

It's a mixture. It's not all comedy.

>watch film
>it's about a boyfriend and girlfriend

If the movie doesn't convey the message that it was a metaphor for something to the average viewer, it was a shit movie.

IMDb message boards no longer exist so I just check the official discussion thread on Reddit.

I think the biggest trivia is for the Island of Dr. Monroe. The movie sucked ass, but they made a documentary about the making of the movie that is legendary.

Basically, the original director had an idea for it where a bunch of disgusting animal-human hybrids are living a hedonistic lifestyle and just engaging in general debauchery. He drew up all kinds of sketches and it looked like it could have been an excellent movie. But he was pushed out and they brought in another director and fucked his idea up so bad. I fully believe that this pissed Marlon Brando and Val Kilmore off because they were the worst fucking douche bags on the set.
>Val Kilmore was rude as fuck to everyone
>Val burned cameramen with cigarettes during takes
>Marlon just grabbed a random ice bucket from the hotel and refused to take it off for a shoot, so they just included it
>Marlon made friends with a midget extra, and pretty much forced them to include him as a main character in the movie. He would dress the midget up as himself, pretty much inventing the idea of mini-me.
>Marlon forced a crew member to run into the jungle and kill a peacock because he wanted feathers
>The old director has to be forcefully escorted off the island where shooting was taking place
>He snuck back on the island and disappeared out into the jungle high on hallucinogenics
>Began practicing black magic to fuck with the movie
>Entire cast was terrified that he was going to do something insane
>The movie was plagued with all sorts of problems, so cast and crew began getting drunk and smoking weed in their hotel rooms, while in costume.
>mfw I realize the documentary about the shooting of the movie reflected exactly what the original director had in mine for the actual movie, a bunch of animal-people sitting around doing fucked up shit

reddit really is the best place for discussing films now. it's also nice with the vote system in place, 'cause the answer to your question is already at the top. if not, it's usually a funny comment chain instead, which is always fun to read, and your question will be answered right under that. overall a comfy experience.

This explains why this board is such shit lately.

>watch film
>it successfully distracts me from my feelings of despair and loneliness


>watch fim
>go on jewtube and watch interviews with the qt actresses in the movie

> "[Marlon would] be in the middle of a scene and suddenly he'd be picking up police messages and would repeat, 'There's a robbery at Woolworth's.

Holy shit this sounds hilarious.

I miss the inane message boards.

name one film that does this please

>>it's usually a funny comment chain instead, which is always fun to read

>"does anyone know why this character had a box of spaghetti during this scene?"
>"Probably a reference to the spaghetti monster." 109 upvotes
>"Don't you mean the flying spaghetti monster, my good sir?" 374 upvotes
>"LOL... I read this at work and burst out laughing. Totally worth the scolding!" 212 upvotes

How can you navigate that shit layout. I don't even know if it's good discussion because I can never get past the layout. Fucking abysmal.


>watch movie
>already researched the fuck out of it beforehand
>followed production
>read the lore
>watched and read multiple reviews
>tell everyone I thought the movie sucked
Every time.

Why did they close the boards? If even you losers used it surely they must have been active?

>watch movie
>enjoy it
>suddenly start thinking about how the characters are not really there having an emotional moment together alone, but in fact actors reading lines they memorized from a script, surrounded by a big crew and lots of equipment
>can't enjoy the movie anymore

>watch movie
>sneaking thought creeps in
>"don't forget those are adults playing pretend for money"
>can't take it seriously anymore

this is actual autism

>watch film
>load up a 'X explained' youtube video

>character is /myguy/ in their show/movie
>look actor who plays them up
>they're an asshole in real life

all actors/actresses are horrible people, it's what happens when you get everything handed to you in life

>watching a video
>not reading theories instead

Literally me.
>real life can never be as clean as written fiction
>action heros in real life would just get shot by the bad guys and die
>the guy doesn't get the girl just because he loves her

this is bait right?

>watch movie
>go on Sup Forums
>completely disagree with everyones opinion on it

this feel feelsbadman

>watch moderately popular film from the late 90s that you enjoy way too much
>go to IMDB message boards
>some raging autist starts a thread "sequel in the works??"
>there is zero evidence outside of maybe some post on aintitcoolnews
>still share in the enthusiasm some autist went out of his way to post and appreciate that there is someone else out there like you

I miss the good old days.

>watch above average new movie
>go to imdb message boards
>read the "this is the worst movie I've ever seen" thread

>watch recent movie that's high up on the top 250
>go to imdb message boards
>read all the whining about how it's higher up than muh classics

God I miss imdb.

>watch film
>load up cinemasins video for the movie

>you will never speak to thechamcham again

>Director trademark: Music

What did they mean by this?

>watch episode of TV show
>immediately look up its review on the AV Club or Vulture to understand the meaning because I'm too intelligent to understand it otherwise.

I prefer Wikipedia's website design

i love those funny comment chains too, especially when people are making epic pop culture references and using dank Sup Forums memes

there's moviechat but it has only like 1/20th the amount of posters, if that

Rotten Tomatoes should add message boards

>watch movie
>think that I like it
>make a thread on Sup Forums asking if it's worth a watch just to make sure I liked it

that's a high quality gif man

I always watch the CinemaSins video just after finishing the movie.

>plot summary
Don't you mean plot synopsis? The plot summaries are short and spoiler free.

>watch movie
>shitpost on Sup Forums and play vidya simultaneously

And people wonder why Sup Forumss going to shit

>watch Sup Forums
>notice qt characters
>go into incognito mode and start looking up their wikifeet pages.

>watch any art film
>only reason so i can say i did

my nigga lol

>watch film
>find out it was directed by a female

>watch film
>go to message boards to check about details i could've missed and understand the story better
>remember the boards don't exist anymore
>prepare the rope

>watch film
>make a thread on Sup Forums later regarding thematically similar films or films that provide the same emotional/visual response
>0 replies

Happens to me all the time, my friend.

>watch film
>read the review of one of the critics that you follow

I know that feel too well

Literally everyone read them, basically no body posted on them. They're still faggots for getting rid of it and certainly saw a decrease in traffic

>scaruffi gave it so so

I prefer to use Digg!

>watch film
>google all the actresses afterwards to see if any of them have nudes

>watch film
>google everyone in it to see how many are jews

>watch film
>go to discuss it on imdb
Oh wait, looks like the faggot liberal admins got butt hurt that their liberal hugbox turned into an actual discussion board, like every other faggit liberal website that had to ban thier discussion boards or comment sections. Why do liberals get so easily ass blasted over opposing views?

It's also great when you have an opinion that goes against the liberal narrative and you get diwnvoted into oblivion and banned. I just love liberal hugboxes.

>critic you like releases a review of new film
>you really want to watch it, but it would spoil the film for you
>decide not to watch it until you see the movie

>half a year later
>still haven't watched the movie or review

>no body posted on them
What? People posted there all the time. I posted there all the time. The faggit liberals who run the site got butthurt that it's not 2003 anymore and we don't shill Michael Moore talking points anymore because we all grew up. Honestly, the entire liberal movement needs to get the fuck over themselves.

The worst thing is, this cancer has spread much further than just Reddit.Basically any SBNation blog or website that uses Disqus for the comment section is "Reddit as fuck".And the bizarre thing is, you'll often see the commenters shitting on Reddit like they're above it when they're basically one and the same.

You forgot
>edit: Wow, thanks for the gold stranger!!!

What you mean nobody posted in them? Even low budget movies had at least three entire pages with topics.