Why didn't he just turn orcs into stone like he did the trolls in the Hobbit?

Why didn't he just turn orcs into stone like he did the trolls in the Hobbit?

Why didn't Eru Illuvatar just kill Sauron?

that would be mean and unfair

If you're gonna shitpost, at least put a shred of effort into it.

He didn't turn the Trolls to stone, the sunlight did. And that only works on some trolls and not on orcs.

Why didn't Elrond push Isildur into the lava at Mt. Doom when he wouldn't destroy the ring?

he ran out of mana

sun turn trolls in to stones not gandalf's magic.

Nigga, Gandalf revealing his power level? Come on. He had to make those bitch halflings work at least somewhat for their supper.

trollkin don't have natural resistance to earth-based spells, but orsimer do

Why didn't he just let Galadriel riverdance to Mt Doom with the ring?

Why does the CGI in the first hobbit film look so bad? I'd never watched them before and just finished watching LOTR again and thought I'd check them out. The CGI is ugly as fuck, does it get any better?

Post the webms bois show him how bad it gets

It would corrupt anyone other than the humble halfling.

Technically he did, since he was the one that pushed Gollum into the lava.

>Anything could corrupt mommy Cate

Tolkien was a hack. Randolph, became Gandolph because le ye olde times. If it was a future setting, it'd be Zandolph.

Who am I gambling?

This is from the third movie


>tfw that could of been a goat scene like the intro of the fellowship but cgi ruined the entire hobbit trilogy
