What do you do after you binge watch a series?

What do you do after you binge watch a series?

How do you get rid of that empty feeling?

How do you get over the fact that there will never be any new episodes ever?

I've just finished Justified

Watch a new series.

>binge watch

Go back to facebook

rude tbqhwy

Be happy that it ended without going to complete shit hopefully. I just finished Bates Motel and it was one of the comfiest shows I've ever watched but I'm glad they didn't drag it out past 5 seasons and it ended on a high.

Just look for something else, what are you a girl?

>finished Justified
Then watch Deadwood, Longmire or even Hell on Wheels. Then maybe even Sharpe and Southland

You should definitely watch TSCC though

>tfw just finished binging all of Star Trek

I don't even remember what it's like to watch anything else anymore.

>watch a 10+ season long series
>clog your pc with all other series you put on hold

>tfw too unmotivated and depressed to watch anything

I can hardly watch 3 episodes, let alone finish a whole series. I want to do it again but it's so difficult

>mfw I watch the same few series over and over again and rarely start a new show

>Star Trek series, probably DS9 the most, watched it at least 10 times from start to finish.
>Frasier, 5 or 6 times now.
>Stargate series, both series at least 5 or 6 times.
>That 70's Show, probably 10 times.

sad desu

>Stargate series

I must have watched it three times now

I know that feel breh, with those same shows too haha. They don't make comfy shows like they used to.

Honestly I think it's escapism because when I watch them it's like I'm a kid again.

90s space operas were the cosiest

Probably watched MASH 5-6 times now from start to finish also, haven't watched that for a while though.

Get a fucking hobby and find some actual meaning in your life instead of trying to fill your void with television

They are your substitutes for safety blanket/comfort food.

I only pick up comfy shows now.

>comfy shows

What makes a show comfy?

i've watched hannibal all the way through maybe 3 times

it's a sin that show didn't get more seasons, or maybe it's a blessing. we'll never know

the characters mainly, the setting, how easy and enjoyable it is to watch, how immersed you feel, nostalgia
I think?

If you feel "empty" after finishing a TV show, you are watching TV for the wrong reasons. Find something to do with your life.

>that empty feeling?

For me it's a full feeling. Like having a tummie full of cummies, haha. :)

Not binge watching it, for one

watch porn about it

how is justified?
any good?

Season one is so so, but all the others are comfy

Tfw no p0rn with the D girl from Justified . Why live?

For me it is that characters and the setting is enjoyable, somewhat formulaic, it's not edgy (dude lets kill all the good characters)

Haven't had this in a while. I actually can't really binge any longer, because no time and no engaging series left to watch. Always end up losing interest at some point.