What's Sup Forums's opinion in saw series...

What's Sup Forums's opinion in saw series? I recently marathoned all 7 movies and I have to say it has one of the best plot that needs actual thinking to understand what happens. I guess it would have more audience without the gore and terrifying scenes but it's really the well put meaning behind the story that attracts you.

>plot that needs actual thinking to understand

i have never watched a single saw film before

> plot that needs actual thinking to understand

I don't really remember any of them but the first, but that was was pretty good and original for its time relative to the horror genre.

>it has one of the best plot that needs actual thinking to understand what happens
> it's really the well put meaning behind the story that attracts you.
Is this the Saw fanbase?

>First couple of movies set up a premise where Jigsaw only ever targets people who are underappreciative of the life they have and the aim of their capture and imprisonment is to make them fight for their life.
>Rest of the movies completely ignore this idea and it becomes a gore porn franchise.

Saw was literally one of the most original horror/suspense films with one of the best plot twists to ever be in a movie. It's sad that it got turned into what it became.

I don't think the plot is very good, but I like movies that with entangled story, and here it is done over several movies which made me enjoy it a lot.

Unfortunately over time the focus went more to ridiculous torture devices to the point, where i didnt even care about the story anymore.

Another big plus: The main theme is fucking amazing. Always gave me the shivers at the end

> with one of the best plot twists to ever be in a movie

Jigsaw ending up being the guy dead on the floor was brilliant. There was no hints or inference that it might even be him, but it was completely feasible once it was revealed.

So yes it is one of the best.

I liked the twist on the (third I think? not sure) with the kid in the safe a lot too

what wrong with cate

>but it's really the well put meaning behind the story that attracts you

I spent time debating whether you were ESL or autistic, but quickly resolved that you must be both.

Yeah, but why did he do it?

Just because something isn't predictable doesn't make it a good twist. It also has to be meaningful.

The first one was top-tier kino. When Jon got up off the floor in the end and the music roared into full orchestral was one of the best reveals done in modern horror-thriller movies.
>9/10 - amazing, bordering very close on perfect

The second one was bit weaker without having the true shock value the first one had. Amanda's character was fun and it was fun to get a bit more insight into the minds of how people thought in these situations.
>7/10 - some of the charm had rubbed off but it was still great fun

The third one was where the series needed to stop. It was still good, and a fun romp with clever writing but the premise was starting to run thin and the writers had clearly never ment for it to go on this far.
>8/10 - the series should have ended here

Every movie after the third one was meaningless gore-porn filler crap that didn't need to exist.

I liked seeing Gordon again, but there were very few other point of interests in the latter movies.

>bordering very close on perfect
>best twist ever

>plot that needs actual thinking to understand

>>First couple of movies set up a premise where Jigsaw only ever targets people who are underappreciative of the life they have and the aim of their capture and imprisonment is to make them fight for their life.
>>Rest of the movies completely ignore this idea and it becomes a gore porn franchise.
The sequels follow that idea more than the first three movies do. Jigsaw literally was going to have Cary Elwes's innocent wife and daughter murdered if he failed his task. Donnie Wahlberg's teenage son was put into a house with poisonous gas, traps and ex-convicts (whom his father framed). Then there was the daughter who was put in a room with a limited supply of air.

That's from the first three movies. You're just talking out of your ass and trying to make up plot holes that don't exist because "lol it's saw 9000000000 xD". Underage kid.

so you never saw any of them?

i loved the Saw-movies, wish they never stopped making them.

>Also i wish that there was another franchise as gory as Saw

Saw Legacy is out this Halloween.
>set 10 years after the original series, will be mystery whodunnit focused, a copycat killer is taking up the legacy
>directed by spierg brothers (predestination, daybreakers)
>longest shoot of any saw film (46 days)
>jigsaw's corpse is dug up and stolen
>tobin bell is returning
>charlie clouser is doing the score again, says both him and spierg brothers are giving the franchise a fresh new feel
>main trap will take place at a farm in a barn
>one trap involves a car and four motorcycles (3 of which will crash) in an underground warehouse
>donna evans will return to die in a trap
>mostly shot at actual locations rather than sets
Main trap will have 3 or 4 people in the barn. Rather than a series of traps like the previous sequels it'll just be one trap like the bathroom in the first film. The trap will be used as an excuse to explore the characters rather than the characters being an excuse for the trap.

>one of the best plot that needs actual thinking to understand what happens
the movies literally explain the twists each movie and for each movie before

but yes i liked them and the theme got stuck in my head for weeks

An all time horror classic
>Saw 2
A pretty good movie, not great, but a solid sequel overall
>Saw 3
A slightly above average movie
>Saw 4
This movie sucks, worst in the series imo
>Saw 5
A slightly below average movie
>Saw 6
Actually a pretty good movie. Has a coherent plot and a solid twist at the end that feels satisfying. Would recommend.
>Saw 3D
A lot of people hate this movie but I think it's ok. It doesn't take itself too seriously and is deliberately over the top. It feels weird calling a torture porn movie "fun" but that's what it is imo.


>Saw: Legacy

So they are digging up the original script for 3d?

Plot is inconsistent with the main reasoning of Jigsaw.
First, Second and Sixth are tolerable, the rest is just plain shit.

The fuck are you talking about? 3D is the combined scripts of VII and VIII. VII would've been the car trap, Bobby's game. It would end with the body bag twist revealing Hoffman had infiltrated the police department and would then cut to Bobby recovering in a hospital bed with Doctor Gordon standing over him.

VIII would've been the Jigsaw survivors, detailing what Doctor Gordon went through and Hoffman killing Jill.

Legacy is nothing like the original VII and VIII.

I'm gonna laugh if they turned Jigsaw dead body into a human puppet like in that Dead Silence movie.

First one is good, if simplistic.

Every one after that is shit.

Holy shit this is actually a really good idea. Paint his face white with the red swivels.

First two are great thrillers with horror elements. Third one was just pure torture porn and the last one I bothered watching.

>I recently marathoned all 7 movies and I have to say it has one of the best plot that needs actual thinking to understand what happens.

> I just hid an automatic turret that would shoot you at the right time and the right place lol

They didn't even try to be imaginative at the end, just like with the trap that happen in a crowded place, you might think that there would have been some kind of interaction with the people around, but no they did not even try to find something to do with them.

In the original script, there was more emphasis on a Gordon building new generation to continue Jigsaw's work. The first scene with public trap featured Jigsaw lecturing Gordon, being a flashback. It was their first work together.

And speaking about that scene. Those two swine henchmen in the end were those guys from the beginning.

Also, Jigsaw wanted Gordon to unite all survivors to continue the legacy, which would be revealed at the end.

This part, of course, was almost completely ignored in the final film.

There was supposed to be the scene when a boy from crowd taps the glass and we get shown shotgun aimed. And then, when a woman tries to shatter the glass and get headsotted "in a violent 3d effect".

And, to be honestly, it was torture porn from the start - first and second movies were not blatant about it.

>And, to be honestly, it was torture porn from the start - first and second movies were not blatant about it.
I dislike how people think by calling a movie "torture porn" you automatically disregard any artistic merit it may have. Martyrs is literally purely torture porn but it's a great movie. Same with Salo. The Saw movies may not be high art but they most certainly are entertaining as fuck. The people behind them definitely cared about entertaining you and they put effort into them. Saw series is kino and it takes a true patrician to appreciate them.

By the way, the first movie is factually not torture porn. If you think it is you really missed the fucking point of the movie. You're like a 12 year old boy who can only focus on the seven minutes of violence that take up the two hour long movie.

>This part, of course, was almost completely ignored in the final film.
And thank god it was. Would've been god awful. In Legacy it's one killer, completely unrelated to Jigsaw, a new character, new villain. There's not a group of Jigsaw fanatics working together like the piece of shit 3D ending implied.

that is an awesome pepe

>I dislike how people think by calling a movie "torture porn" you automatically disregard any artistic merit it may have.

Because there isn't any.

Sex and violence are such low hanging fruits that everyone who STILL finds that artistic should unironically be gassed.

Do you have anything to actually contribute ever?

Whether you like it or not there is value in likable / interesting characters and engaging stories. As I said before, Saw isn't high art but the story is very fun to follow along, it obviously get's very convoluted but that's part of the charm. It has Lost-styled mysteries spread across the series which are great hooks. The traps are fun. The Saw series dedication to continuity is literally unmatched by any movie series in existence.
>Sex and violence are such low hanging fruits that everyone who STILL finds that artistic should unironically be gassed.
Salo and Martyrs are excellent movies. If you don't believe they have any artistic merit within them you should fuck off this board.

Why do they call these things porn, does it excite people sexually and make them fap to it?

i didnt saw it

First one was pretty good, the rest were awful.