Why was Milo Yiannopoulos in Fight Club?

Why was Milo Yiannopoulos in Fight Club?

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Doing time for diddling 13 year old boys.

All right wing people are either gay or pedos. He is both.

He likes wrestling with sweaty guys if you catch my drift.

theres a 100% chance that jared leto is doing some occult virgin blood bathory type shit in order to maintain his appearance

>in order to maintain his appearance
It's called a vegan diet

>wanting to get the blood of a known faggot on you in a fight

I don't want AIDS

yeah cuz all 50 year old vegans still look like they're 25. fucking idiot

>It's called a vegan diet
Faggot diet actually

fuck those racists xd

Sup Forums - Alt-Right Pussies Cry About Literally Everything

>I haven't been fucked like that since I was in grade school.

Thats Jared Leto.

what if I hate the alt right and niggers

so true baka

fuck off i dont believe that

you are redpilled af


>look at how young and healthy I look and its all thanks to my vegan diet haha
>all those meat eaters sure are old looking unlike myself!

no it's not

Most gays continue a cycle of sexual abuse. If you're old enough to post here you should already know.

i will sexually abuze you you fag racist cunt

What about Will Smith?


Lol faggot

What was Brad Pitt doing in a Metal band?



>sleeping well
How does he do it? With doing lots of concerts for his rock band and being in movies where you have to be up at 2 am to do filming - HOW does a guy with his type of work sleep very well without any stress?

>All right wing people
Ok pedo


that better be a fucking troll senpai

Remember when Hulk beat the shit out of Joker and knocked all his teeth out?

He meant good quality sleep.
sleeping for longer hours in a shit environment isn't really sleeping well.


he looks 30 there tho

Sup Forums's come full circle. The newfags there can't even distinguish between false stuff that's been made up and reality anymore.

I don't know. I can barely fit in 7 hours a night between all my drinking and shitposting and I'm not even rock/movie star.

>tfw WB have no idea what they are fucking doing that they make Harley an accomplish to murdering Robin despite Joker already having his teeth grills before he ever met Harley
Really rustles my frills

>this nigger honestly believes the left wouldn't embrace pedophilia

He literally looks like one of my teachers who taught me at school and to make things even more bizarre: my teacher was a lead singer in a rock band too

Holy shit, all jokes aside, is that Jared Leto?! How the fuck is Jared Leto in so many movies I've seen a million times yet never really noticed him before??

Who the fuck is jared leto?

>How the fuck is Jared Leto in so many movies I've seen a million times yet never really noticed him before??
God is always around us even if we do not know he is there

that's steve gray

He looks late 30s there.

And he looks like a late 20's guy as the Joker

>mfw he is the same age as Batman

Someone post a clip of him impersonating a redneck

How could you not notice him, he was the guy who got beat up by Ed Norton because he was jealous of his 'friendship' with Brad Pitt. He got destroyed

It was the turning point of the movie

How did he go from this...

There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile actively taking steps to not abuse children.

If society accepted this behaviour more openly, there would be less child rapes because pedophiles would be more willing to seek therapeutic routes for their urges. Demonizing pedophilia literally causes children to be raped.

...to this


Then why do the majority of gays vote democrat ? Checkmate nigger

Real translation: I got lucky with genetics

>walk into Jared's apartment
>see this

Not him but I never noticed for the longest time since I first saw the movie before he was famous and never paid too closely to that character.

Honestly he looked great in that movie

I'm tha joker, baby!

*no alimony

his mom used to work at the b&n here, even while he was insanely famous and both he and her very rich

she just worked to keep working

he will hit the wall eventually
he looks like his mother

his mother looks haggard

Dudes age like their fathers
Women age like their mothers

Pedophile for the left is what faggot is to Sup Forums. If you disagree with someone, call him that.

Kill yourself and all your kind.

Hoonestly the movie looked like garbage


>kill yourself for being correct

Typical #blacklivesmatter activist, everyone.

Well I hear he's a pedo.

it's called antiandrogens

>ywn have his abortion

he was young and needed money


>for being correct

That's Jared Leto

He's a dangerous Faggot

Honestly it looked great and won an Oscar for looking better than the competition.

Nice try Achmed

i forgot he existed tbth
wasn't he supposed to have a comback within a week or some shit