Why didn't they just ride the eagles to Mordor?

Why didn't they just ride the eagles to Mordor?

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Why didn't Galadriel just rivedance to Mordor with the ring?

There is no explanation. This is settled. Plothole for convenience. Move on to something decent like
Gormenghast already

why didn't Galadriel just give Feanor a lock of her hair?

Why didn't they just use the ring for good?

Why didn't Sam end up fucking Frodo?

There are two gaping plotholes the tolkienfag can't dissprove

>Tom Bombadil
>Why didn't Sauron guard the entrance to Mount Doom

there he goes again
inb4 redditors replying to him

why didn't Gandalf just shrink Frodo to smurf size so he could ride that stupid moth to Mordor totally undetected

Why didn't Sauron gas the jews?

it's extremely implied they did

Mordor had an airforce of its own.

Why didn't didn't?

Because Sam is a power bottom

The idea that someone would try to destroy the ring is insane. Don't you realise how much power the ring has?

Sauron's only fear was that someone would use the damned thing to overthrow him.

Gandalf Says "fly,you fools" turns out he meant it literally. Only thing is everyone is too stupid to realise it

then how the fuck will they carry the ring

stupid flicks for children

>replying to bait

They didn't need a gate cause it didn't matter whoever held the Ring inside Mt.Doom, they would be bent by its will in the end.
It took fucking God himself to push Gollum off the cliff in the end to stop Saurons Keikaku.

I don't understand this meme

because of mordor flying tax zone

Why do redditors pretend to have read the books on a fucking anonymous site? What do you expect from making a comment like this?

Because the Eagles were being indicted


Fuck off, Boromir.

the ring adapts to the size of the hand that carries it, from sauron to man to hobbit, so why not further

What the fuck does the ring even do? Just control a bunch of other rings 'n' shit? I know it has a large part of Souron's soul, but why would he even put it into a ring instead of keeping it in the first place?
Whatever I enjoyed it.

The weight does not change, it just gets denser.

shrink the ring too? lol

>"Frodo deserved all honour because he spent every drop of his power of will and body, and that was just sufficient to bring him to the destined point, and no further. Few others, possibly no others of his time, would have got so far. The Other Power then took over: the Writer of the Story (by which I do not mean myself), 'that one ever-present Person who is never absent and never named"
It's canon faggot.

>citation needed

Why didn't Elrond attempt to kill Isildur when he refused to destroy the ring?

>The weight does not change, it just gets denser.

Are you fucking retarded?

That would break ancient protocol.


I agree it would be rude, but we are talking about the one ring here. A slight lapse in protocol should be forgiven when the fate of the world is at stake.
Plus, wining about it later made Elrond look like a pussy.

They were best mates, you don't just kill your best mate because he fucked up

So kill him and be brought to trial for violating protocol. It's worth it

>whining about it later made Elrond look like a pussy

>No, lol
>Oh... okay, sorry
>let's Isildur leave
>later says shit like THE STRENGTH OF MEN FAILED
What a crybaby bitch.

no u

Why didn't Grima just push Sauruman off the tower. Stabbing him was pretty redundant

Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would stab a man before throwing him off a tower!

Because that scene was fucking retarded, which is why it was a deleted scene

Why didn't Frodo and Sam just take turns carrying the ring?

>Tom Bombadil

He's a being from outside of Illuvatar's creation who came to Eru for shits and giggles

>Why didb't he guard the entrance to Mount Doom

Hubris, and he did, he had a massive host of orks which the Hobbits had to sneak past

Because they are the servants of Manwe and Manwe gives 0 fucks about middle earth. The only reason they Save the hobbits in the end is because they liked gandalf who was a Maia

Why didn't the fellowship just accept the inevitable entropy of the universe and use the ring to wreak havoc on elfshits before tossing themselves into mount doom head first

Why didn't one of the men fighting the Witch King just sexually identify as a female to get past the "no man can kill me" rule?

Why was there an unguarded easily accessible mountain stairway into Mordor

If the nazgul are such a terrifying enemy, then why did they all run away from aragorn like little faggots at weathertop?

I don't know, it sounds a bit far fetched.

Because thats not how it works, the Witch King was wounded by Merry's blade which he got at the Barrow Downs which was made specifically to slay nazgul, so after merry hit him first Eowyn had the ability to execute him.

Because no one could get past Shelob without a small army/ extreme luck.

It wasn't, the tower Frodo was taken into stood guard of it


Because they needed to sneak into Mordor secretly. The mission was to get as close as possible without being noticed.

Sauron's eye would have been on the lookout for anything coming via the air for leagues and leagues

Plus the Fell Beasts were paroling the skies surrounding Mordor

Also, had there not been the battle of Mordor which was lead by Aragorn, the Eagles would have been utterly destroyed by the archers of Mordor

It would then risk corrupting both of them and then one of them would wind up killing the other and give up on the journey.

Maybe he's wondering why they put the scene in the movie in the first place


Books did it much better, although the movie created a hilarious meme for it's time

Ugh, its not a meme

Probably because Sauron would see them
You know.. with his giant fucking eye.

fapped many times in the 00s to elijah's adidas photoshoot

That's gay. But LotR is literally eye candy for fruits. Liv Tyler is the only hottie and she gets 5 minutes out of 9 hours.

It's in almost every LOTR thread, wat do you mean?

>the only hottie
She was one of the worst parts of the trilogy, desu.

>eye candy for fruits
yeah i'm sure 40+ year old average looking men are very attractive
frodo was the only remotely above average

Fruit pls. Boromir and Aragorn are like Liz Hurley and Famke Janssen. Imagine that whole Fellowship taking turns with you.

How much import tax would frodo have had to pay to take the ring into mordor? Why didn't he have to declare the ring when entering other cities? Were there bureaus of immigration in middle earth?