The Dark Tower

Recast it so that it's not a complete bastardization of King's work

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Idris Elba as The Gunslinger
Idris Elba as Randal Flagg
Idris Elba as Idris Elba

Let me guess, you mad Roland is black huh? Did you sperg out like you did about Mary Jane?

have you seen the trailer? the blackwashing is the least of this thing's problem. I'd start by letting darabont write and direct this thing and put my trust in his choices for casting and everything else. king fucked up by saying no to darabont and then saying yes to akiva fucking goldsman.

>the sort of person who lobbies for blackwashing in hollywood is the sort of person who spergs out when Scarlett Johansson is cast as the lead in Ghost in the Shell

So that's a yes, sport?

Literally should have been Matthew Mcconaughey as Roland and Terry O'Quinn as the Man in Black


no, connaughy is fine as flagg. hell, I still want him to also play flagg in THE STAND when that gets made finally. he's fucking perfect for that role.

Clancy Brown as Flagg

Who wouldn't be mad? It looks complete garbage

Nothing wrong with the casting, but more realistic approach needs to be applied.

Or Cort, could see him as Cort too.

But the casting is the only thing I like about this shitflick

Idris Elba is a fantastic actor though.



>King initially cited Donald DeFreeze, primary kidnapper of Patty Hearst, as his inspiration for Flagg. Later, he attributed Flagg to an image of a man walking the roads in cowboy boots, denim jeans, and a jacket, a notion which "came out of nowhere" when he was in college. Flagg's character and the nature of his evil have been the subject of considerable critical attention.

So Flagg was supposed to be black? That would probably piss off a bunch of people though.

Harvey Keitel as Roland
Rutger Haur as Flagg
Cillian Murphy as Eddie
Any non-insufferable kid as Jake
Danai Gurira as Detta
Kevin Spacey voicing Blane

>mfw I struggle to think of any non-old actors who aren't just blank slate chads

>Danai Gurira as Detta

That's a good one, I was trying to think of someone who might be able to pull her off and was coming up with nothing.

oh, and mel gibson as cort

You can't forget the face of your father if you've never seen it before

I unironically wouldn't have minded a black flagg. I think there need to be more black villains in films. Not espousing some pol tier sentiment here, I just think if we're going to do the inclusiveness we should also have some more evil black people now and then. It would be interesting to see.

Ealy was pretty sinister in The Following and has the right look. I think it'd be a great idea.

>King saying no to Darabont?
What happened there? I thought the two were tight

Keep Matt as MiB

Viggo as Roland (or Andrew Lincoln if he's not available)

is actually brilliant as Eddie

That chick who plays Missandei in GoT as Susannah

Fuck if I know as Jake

The dude who played Barristan Selmy in GoT as Father Callahan

Idris Elba as Stephen King

Viggo as Roland
Jessie "Bitch" Pinkman as Eddie the Junkie
Zoe Saldana as Odetta
Some unknown as Jake