Could this BE any more friends thread?

Could this BE any more friends thread?

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Could you STOP talking like that

you would fuck OFF?

Thats not Friends like at all. Did you ever watch the show?

Oh you're not good at this.

Monica > Rachel > Ross > Phoebe > Joey > Chandler

Reminder that Ross wasnt at fault since they were on a break

That comfy feel when watching back old episodes.

Could this be ANY more of a Friends thread?

>Phoebe not best girl


>It's a joey dies of aids episode.

Big Bang Theory of the 90s.

>it's a Rachel aborts hoolio's unborn child episode.

Could this be any more of a FRIENDS thread?

>its a ross murders his ex wife and lesbian lover episode.

Friends was legit funny and is and will always be classic america tv. Pure 90s kino.

>Yes "Fran" I know what time it is but I'm looking at the WENUS and I'm not happy!

It was normie trash meant to appeal to the lowest common female denominator and relied too much on celeb gossip and fashion trends to survive that long

Could THIS be any more of a friends thread?

>its a Gunther spike's rachels drink episode.

Kill yourselves you fucking subhumans. That entire ranking is awful but Phoebe is monumentally the worst friend.

>the one when monica did ass to mouth

>bla bla bla casual racism
>bla bla bla homophobia
>bla bla bla crude sex joke
>bla bla bla something quirky happens
>bla bla bla girls are so stupid lmao

[dead-sounding canned laughter]

>the one where they kill Mr heckels by stamping on there floor causing him to slip of his ladder and his broom goes into his eye.


>its a chandler dies in nine 11 episode

>did I get you?
Everything went downhill when J-Man and Channy stopped living together.

>the one where you find out that Ross and Monica had been masturbating over a drunken kiss they shared

>the one when j-man and channy double team jancie episode.

The only people i know who liked Friends were either women or flamboyantly gay men

>Friends pilot aired 23 years ago
>Friends ended 13 years ago


yeah i that's why its reruns are still airing at least 4 times a day in major channels all over the world

>wipepo actually like this corny shit

there is still time left to turn it around senpai

exclusively for nostalgiafags and out-of-touch 30 year old women who want to believe they're still 20

Janice was the best grill on the show

yeah i don't know why but it always seems timely even though it lacks the current overwhelming gadget and social media culture, same with seinfield

>the one where Ross loses his temper and twists Marcels head off like a champagne cork

Kys my man


i don't think anyone would be against that

you first, my man

It feels that in some ways culture hasn't advanced since 90's. In all other eras if i had seen fashion from my childhood, i would have been like "lol that's what my daddy used to wear." But when i see Friends fashion it still feels kinda modern. Like that late 90's, early 00's wasn't that long ago.

I personally like the show a lot, it is silly and plots are kinda dumb but this is a very comfy show that you can put on and just relax under the covers.
This show was a lot better than some of the other garbage on tv at the time

What's to like about this? It was just a dumbed down version of Seinfeld

Phoebe was a fucking cunt bitch asshole.
That fucking bitch ruins the show for me. Such a cunt at every episode... it made me completely hate the actress

The characters were likable and funny, their personalities were funny. Seinfeld is the most iconic show of all time but friends had a lot of charm that won you over.

Could this be any more of a friends THREAD?

>it's a j-man and channy rub one out together while they have free porn episode

Interestingly enough, one of the reasons that this lasted 10 seasons was because of all the nipples on the show.
All 3 girls would wear shirts that would show their nips, or not wear a bra,
When they did this the ratings would spike. So the producers kept doing it

>It's a Rachel doesn't wear a bra episode

Fun fact. Jennifer Aniston has a medical condition that has her nipples hard 24/7.

Greek youth have had a steady supply of friends reruns at a rate of 4 episodes a week since i can remember.