Retconned so im the lowest alien in the hive hierarchy

>retconned so im the lowest alien in the hive hierarchy
>wtf i hate james cameron now

If aliens inherit traits of the host, why aren't the american aliens fat and retarded?

>single handedly ruined terminator and alien

wtf is his problem? Why can't he see that those were effective because they focus on a single seemingly unstoppable creature.

lowest in terms of power not inteligence
alien drones are weaker but smarter than alien warriors

>wtf is his problem?
Family movies.

alien drones can eggmorph
alien warriors can't

Huh, just noticed he has 6 digits on each hand

>has never made a good movie
>hating him now

I can't really dislike the guy, his passion for the art is ridiculous and the Behind The Scenes of his projects are so fun to watch. It's a shame he won't hire a screenwriter to help him work out the cliches and clunky dialogue of every single film he has ever directed and penned.

The original costume is a work of art, the transparent dome is pure kino

It's easier for fractions on base 12.

because Jim Cameron doesn't need advice from hentai fapping neckbeards like youself.

This is the same idiot who made that flop The Abyss. What do you expect?

The fact that he made the two highest grossing films in a row kind of makes that null if you're going to use box office as an indicator of quality

>Couldn't beat a children's cartoon or a literal retard in 1994 box office earnings
Let's face it, Cameron is a failure.

Coupled with its large cranial cavity and brain this makes the xeno terrifyingly adept at mental arithmetic. It is a flawless negotiator, pitilessly outmanoeuvring any attempt to press the bonus situation.




>the bonus situation.
One of my fave memes on this board, it never gets overplayed

James, talking about yourself in the third person isn't cool, get the fuck off of Sup Forums and try not to fuck up another movie.

Bonus? Where? What's the situation?

Slightly off topic but is it ever explained in the EU what that bluish light/fog Kane stepped through was? As a kid I thought it triggered the eggs but the comics and other movies disproved that.

it was to make maintain them
remember that the space jockey was a fossil
millions of years old
but this is now non canon cause David is the creator of the aliens now
ridley is such a hack

What? How can David be the creator?

Do we even know yet if David is the actual creator of them? Maybe they were always the planned end result of the black goo. Hell who knows. I'm hyped for Covenant regardless because it looks fun.

e bombs engineers with black goo and turns them into protomorphs

I don't care that Cameron ruined it or that there are too many alien types or that WHATEVER, I just really liked that the original alien was sexual. It made it even more scary, gave it unique imagery, and was just fucking awesome. Why did Cameron have to do away with the pure unadulterated sexuality of the original alien?

Those aren't Engineers. Probably a different tribe or subset of the Engineers.

Jonathan mom says to get off the computer and go to school. You're already late. I know you're in here.

what are the tubes for?

Liquid metal terminator was more horrifying than arnold acting like a violent autist.

oh right
they are warriors engineers and the ones we saw in the prometheus were drone engineers huh?

they must be good at filing taxes

Why do you hate James Cameron?

to eject the gases he produces when he eats non organic matter

>likening subhuman greys with tall masculine master race whites

one thing that bothers me is why did he show the sacrifice at the begining
doesn't that spoil the whole movie?


the reason reason the european aliens didn't suck Parker's dick while praying to Mecca


The Alien in the first one was British, hence the teeth and skin tone

Does anybody think that the creators of mankind plot was written so that they wouldn't have to invent non-humanoid aliens?

No, it's worse because the design was already there in Alien, then they retconned that design to be armor. Ridley just loves his faux-greek philosophy shit

This post pleases me.

Instead of asking what makes a film good, he takes two films generally considered to be good and squishes them together into one sticky mess.

But Terminator 2 is better.

Yes its basically all but confirmed. There is also some alleged script leaks. David finds a way to bomb a proto-engineer planet with the black goo and further experiments on them. It's implied that the girl from prometheus becomes a prime test subject for egg hatching. David creates the aliens

this. they are according to scott. the ones we see in prometheus are the "prime race" while the ones shown in covenent are a sub race

How do you know they aren't?

Does anyone really take a movie other than the first seriously?

>reason reason
You mad porky?

But OG alien's teeth weren't even croooked.