So are we pretty much in agreement that this is going to be the best film of the year?

So are we pretty much in agreement that this is going to be the best film of the year?

A tale of obsession and repression. No one is seeing this because it's anti-quip but if more films were like this, this generation of "men" wouldn't be so pussified.

Other urls found in this thread:

That spear guy in the back really isn't into the whole threatening thing right now, maybe he's got inner issues.

It's Lost City of Z by the way.

I know this isnt a thread about capeshit,feet, or self loathing but please try anyway.

>he's not overracting so he must be not into it

Holy shit watch more adult films.

Passive-agressive shill is mad.

I'm about to watch this right now walking in to get my ticket. Quite excited.

Shit shill if true.

Also this has already been out for a couple weeks and bombing. Shill would have been here in early March.

i read the book - not sure if i want to take up this movie adaptation

It's worth it. There's so much effort put into the filmmaking itself it's insane.

MOTY so far.

"A man's reach should exceed his grasp" ;_;

It's not the first time I've heard the line used but I loved it anyway.

Looks terrible to me


>*shows gritted teeth*
>*sticks out tongue*
If you want that shit, just stick to capeshit.




Is that Ransone?

>Lost City of Z

So the real story is that some nobody thought there was a temple and couldn't find it, and then disappeared.

Obviously what actually happened can't be made into a movie so it's down the tubes of the Hollywood bullshit factory.

Place your bets:

1) Undiscovered Maya/Incan descendants in an intact temple location.
2) Aliums.
3) Full on "lost world" scenario with ancient species.
4) Time travel horseshit.

If this was historically accurate at all, instead being whitewashed, the honourable natives would be pointing Ray guns at them that they received from their close relationship from the real sun God

Torrent when? Excited to see this

you're such a faggot, you're making me want to avoid this movie

Saw this last week - reminded me of pic related. Both good films, no capeshit here.


Watch "los viajes del viento", magnificent photography and it was filmed in the real Matto Grosso.

I was surprised how close the movie was to the real history. Other than a few extremely insignificant details the movie was almost 100% accurate.

I'm surprised tv isn't talking about this one.

>extremely manly
>redpilled (man explains to his wife that she is physically inferior and can't go on adventures)
>cool as fuck realistic adventure scenes that we haven't seen from Hollywood in decades
>David Lean-esque cinematography
>war scenes
>father/son themes

None of the above. Go watch the movie.

>David Lean-esque cinematography

Maybe it was my theater, but it looked like their was some focusing issues and some of the pans were too fast for the 24fps format.

How is discount Tom Hardy as the lead? He couldn't act for shit in everything else I've seen of him.

Classy as fuck old school Hollywood film with great performances, script, cinematography, and premise is released.

No one pays it any attention.

Fast and the Furious 8 breaks box office records.

Cinema was a mistake.

He's serviceable. He doesn't distract or bring the movie down in any way, but he is clearly the weakest member of the main cast. He's a decent choice just because he has the appopriate amount of manliness.

>James Gray’s unendurable The Lost City of Z tells of a white man’s folly. British military officer Percy Fawcett (Charlie Hunnam), wanting to improve his social status and family name, explored South America in 1925, searching for the fabled lost city of El Dorado in the jungles of Brazil. After several dangerous, unfruitful expeditions, Fawcett was never seen again. His disappearance remains one of the mysteries of Western history, but it also has a genuine connection to classic adventure fiction by H. Rider Haggard and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, whose The Lost World reportedly was based on Fawcett’s field reports from the Amazon.
>But Gray’s odd, uninspiring account of this true-life story is no mystery. Its lack of wonderment — also absent political confession such as Rudyard Kipling’s concept of the white man’s burden — typifies our obtuse contemporary movie culture. This includes reviewers who are so unfamiliar with both world and film history that they praise Gray as a new visionary. This glum adventure movie, tracing the follies of the British Empire, panders to those who readily curse colonialism.
>So what makes that cliché unendurable this time? Any sentient moviegoer this past decade has noticed the steady decline of movie craft into TV triteness and incomprehensible narratives. Gray, like the obsessive Fawcett, attempts to create a genre of inspiration and marvel without a basic understanding of how to achieve either. The gloomy images of Fawcett accepting his mission from the Royal Geographic Society are as un-enthralling as the blurry, shadowy, disorienting jungle scenes. Gray’s poor visualization of wilderness exteriors and unfamiliar, hostile natives, some with unexplained language skills, reflects the same cynicism as the opening scenes of socialite snobs competing in English customs.

>The storytelling in The Lost City of Z is so inept in terms of shot-by-shot craft that it seems unfelt. (Fawcett, on the prow of a boat, never looks toward what we see.) But this is where Gray’s usual flimsy-moody style reveals its cultural and political bias. Gray cannot critique European imperialism — the topic David Lean grappled with in Lawrence of Arabia and that fascinated Werner Herzog in both Aguirre, the Wrath of God and Fitzcarraldo – because hopelessness is part of his own post-imperial moment.
>In telling Fawcett’s story merely as one of individual folly, Gray proves that he, like other contemporary filmmakers, is alienated from history as much as from global politics. (Michael Curtiz’s ghost-ship adventure, The Sea Wolf [1941], managed the neat trick of conflating modern doubt with historical skepticism, but this was before historical revisionism became a thing.) The Lost City of Z reeks of indie-film pomposity through Gray’s poor imitation of past adventure-movie conventions.
>Do this film’s reverential critics have no recall of John Boorman’s breathtaking rain forest in The Emerald Forest or his remarkable race down the rapids in Deliverance? Movies used to offer the thrill of revealing newly seen worlds — even Eli Roth’s modern-day The Green Inferno found vivid political satire in scenes of underdeveloped South America. Gray is twice as “serious” but boring. He doesn’t bring together history and anthropology as did Amma Asante in A United Kingdom, a post-colonial history in which personal and national narratives were contrasted, alongside appreciation of familiar and unfamiliar (European and African) places. Even better, in 2013, Joachim Ronning and Espen Sandberg made a visually splendid dramatization of Thor Heyerdahl’s documentary Kon-Tiki.

>The Lost City of Z harms Gray’s reputation as The-Man-Who-Would-Be-Coppola. While shamelessly imitating Coppola’s Apocalypse Now (which already copied Herzog’s Aguirre), Gray exposes his similar movie-brat narcissism, making an adventure movie intended to nullify other adventure movies. But Coppola’s critique of the Vietnam War in Apocalypse Now paid tribute to drug-generation solipsism; film-geekiness today is compounded by PC-era apathy. Scenes crosscutting Fawcett’s debacle with the activities of his wife (Sienna Miller) on the home front indulge privileged-class miseries. (It might as well be the Hamptons.)
>Unlike Coppola, Gray is a dull megalomaniac. Compare this film with Criterion’s new Blu-ray version of Coppola’s Rumble Fish – full of cinematic showing-off even though its social and filial themes never connect emotionally as they did in Coppola’s companion-piece The Outsiders. Kino’s new Blu-ray release of Leos Carax’s The Lovers on the Bridge, one of the great visionary feats of the late 20th century, contains an extended scene of Bastille Day fireworks on the Seine that is still astonishing (reality enhanced by imagination) in ways Gray cannot approach. As Fawcett’s doomed excursion into the Third World becomes increasingly un-cinematic, it depresses but doesn’t inspire — the ultimate effect of Western guilt. I registered complaint with the quickness of my feet.

It was used in The Prestige by Tesla.

I absolve this nigger of his heritage.

The Bowie

>I registered complaint with the quickness of my feet.

it was ok/10

the wife was changed to be some neo-feminist that modern audiences would approve of and they gave her lines that she would never have said.

the only way i can think of making it better would end up making it an apocalypse now rip off

When I saw the trailer for it I actually joked to a friend that it was Embrace of the Serpent 2

if you write reviews for a job you're bound to make a fedora-tier comment once in a while

Thats how niggers act thou.

le namedropping nigger

>Lawrence of Arabia
>The sea wolf
>The emerald forest
>The Green Inferno
>A United Kingdom
>Kon tiki
>Apocalypse now
>Rumble fish
>The Outsiders
>The lovers on the bridge

Which one of these is the best?
Which one is the most underrated?
Which one is the worse?

Movie was way too dark and crushed impossible to watch. I actually wish I would've seen it at home where I cant control the brightness of my screen.

Where the fuck do I watch this movie

How can a big budget production with a star cast have absolutely no marketing and such a limited release

>shitheads encroaching on my land
>do everything humanly possible to repel them

I'd do the same thing and I'm not even a nigger.

Is this Cannibal Holocaust?

>tfw the projector operator gets shit like that totally wrong

for a reacharound handjob?

"There must be more to life"

No, it's trash. Charlie Hunnam is a trash actor. And everything he touches is trash.

who cares about new movies pretending to be old. just watch old movies

True, i just find it funny how they act and look like cavepaintings.

Entirely agreed.

I watched the movie and couldn't put my finger on it but it felt hollow as hell. None of it made sense to me - there was no great sense of adventure, we never see what Fawcett really sees (great eye from Armond), and the epic scale is bogged down with tight boring shots of his wife and other unnecessary crap.

Gray tried to make an epic without paying the price. Didn't have enough imagination, good enough acting, good enough anything to really get away with it. It wasn't even long enough to be an epic, but with how little there was to enjoy visually and the low stakes/drama it felt short.

4/10 - had potential.

Indians are not niggers

Nope. The whole part where the fight the Germans in the battle of the Somme, from the fortune teller to the actual charge, was idiotic

tree niggers

It's pretty good but not that good

I hate myself for loving feet so I bury myself in batmans.

>James Gray
>Robert Pattinson
>Charlie Hunnam
I can not fucking wait to see this.


>most underrated
Green inferno