What are the best films that take place in one area and you get to know it well ?

What are the best films that take place in one area and you get to know it well ?

think panic room and die hard rather than buried or phone booth

12 angry men



Ex Machina

good one
great film
is this actually any good ?

this, this fits my description perfectly

Phone Game
The Hateful Eight
10 Cloverfield Lane
Hard Candy
The Mist
The Terror Live
Reservoir Dogs

glengarry glen ross

or most adaptations of plays

Free Fire

also I thought Kristen Stewart was a boy the entire time when I first watched Panic Room when it first came out

I just read the description. This looks really good.

It's really good, has a calming yet suspenseful presence to it.

You mean when you first came out

Don't Breathe is a recent one.

Non stop

That kid was Kristen Stewart?

>0 results found

Alfred was good at this stuff.

>Rear Window
>Dial M For Murder

Like CGI, sex changing hormones where better in the 90's


cheers mostly good list

The only real answer.


>that shitty acting

i just read the description. so it's literally a dave rubin talk show?

>written by Cormac Mccarthy
Well holy shit.

Technically speaking Usual Suspects.


It's an all-around disaster of a movie, user, I was kidding.

the star wars prequels
it was all the same green room

lol seeing Tommy Lee try to be philosophical is still one of the greatest aberrations in film today

the raid

Tape(2001) is pretty fucking brilliant.



Can't forget stranger on a train and the lady vanishes for their comfy train settings

*strangers on a train


The raid.

I knew some retard would post this garbage.
Every fucking time.

all film in coffin

I never call people plebs, but it's tempting.

The Invitation

Underrated movie from last year.

fuck that would trigger me so hard.

The room

The shining.

Litereally pure distilled Kino created by the best director of all time